The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1986, Page Page 20, Image 20
1 i Friday, February 14, 1986 Page 20 Daily Nebraskan 9 9 9 9 LS. Do you realize it's been 1.213 days since our first date' Hope you have a Happy Valentine s Day BF M,irk M Will yuu be my Vdienlme9 Doug. Happy Valentine's Day" Wishful Thinkinq .., u ,iri,r. , Jamieoxofelcl P S Remember, NEVER say never, fo;ever or always B' Happy Valentine s Day Sweetheart"' ' Love Always. Kiren You've got a great smile! Thanks for sharing it with me1 Happy Valentine's Day Love, 5 G. 9 3 9 9 Defhese past 7 months have been totally gnarley" Get psyched lor a righteous time tomte v ' Luv, David P S Nice blue Hawaiian shorts" Oh Yea' Happy Valen tine's Day1 Mary M (Atiell: Have a Happy Valentine s day in Nebraska To the sweet guy Irom Finland, (RSl, Hev ROUO Have a area! Valentine s Dav Thanks tnr always being so sweet Good luck in 1 emus' The Calilornia Girl (L R ) Terri. I love you Rambonehead Julie (USD) 9 z o a. O U I I DESPBMEELY SDBIOIJG Quiet, romantic restaurant seeks young couples in love for very special (yet very affordable) Valentine's Day dining. Respond via phone soon: 474-7474. Ask for The Renaissance. For State of the Art U.V.A.Tanning Tom Happy Valentine's Day' Will you be my Valentine'"' Love always. Tootie 9 EUROPEAN T A N S PA DON'T SETTLE FOR 2nd BEST SUITE 216 2nd Level Golds Galieria 474-5355 COUPON I COSTELLO & ASSOCIATES RESUME WRITING SERVICE CLIP THIS COUPON AND SAVE $$$ OFFER EXPIRES MAR 15, 1986 I 5640 SOUTH ST. .COUPON. I I I I o c o z 483-7611 I I Xll TH COMfOfCT&Of without thc Kl.ATlVS. mm 0t r WHY - X W 1 t- i f k. - - - 1 M'HP fitf i .eve. cover R Youc a. wj&lsh y 322 SOUTH 9W STREET, LINCOLN, NE 68508-476-8551 GQio is as e 2 With a iuc S0K doth 3 Polish Wax Sealer Wax Vacuums Rust Inhibitor Under Carriage Wash u mom CQf VCtsh. 33rd and Pioneers Blvd. Hours: 8-8 Mon.-Fri.. 489-6170 8- 6 Sat. 9- 5 Sun. STUDENT SPECIAL n o Car Wash with coupon T7 31 "3 H3 0 P Buggy Bath Car Wash 33rd and Pioneers Blvd. 489-6170 Hours: 8-8 Mon.-Fri. 8- 6 Sat. 9- 5 Sun. We're Worth The Drive! 9 Kathy K, Will you be Lovm' Spoonfuls forever' Why? Because "YOU'RE THE BEST'" Love. Dan 9 Swizzlclips Happy birthday filled with lots of love and ?? 9 Everyone in California wants to know why CRAIG A. isn't in EL LAY for Valentine s Day7 BE MINE - Ann Honeypie 9 Bob, with the green shoelaces (SAE), HEY BIG-DADDY. Happy Valentine's Day from all the Rodgers of the world! Love, De' Coolest 9 9 Happy Valentine's Day, Alpha Phis! Your Lincoln Alums 9 9 Dana, Happy Valentine's Day and 3-year Anniversary, Love, Jeff To til Party Women at UNL, Happy Valentine's Day from The House of Harve, 747 Newhampshire, 435-3330. Vinnie, Pat. Dan, Bob S Harve 9 Dalene, What would vou like most for Valentine's Day? A dozen roses or a dozen marbles' Let me know! Love, Paul 9 Bob. You're a real sweetheart!!! Rick 9 Carol Ann. I love you I love you. I love you. I love you. Mike Joel & Lisa, Chocolate hearts will freeze at room temperature! Joan Deanne Luawn, I hope you know what you're losing. Do good. Happy Valentine s Day. Love, John Mark Cuddle-bug, Don't worry, I'll be okay. But you are Exceptional! Happy Valentine's Day! I love you! Tiger 9 Sweets, The time we have spent together has been the best of my life. I love you dearly! Will you be mine this Valentine's Day?! Love. Bob DiDi. Hey sweetie, the last 15 months and 13days have been truly wonderful. Get EXCITED for many, many more . . . I LOVE YOU HONEY. Brian P.S. Tell Ebuzz I Love Her too!!! 9 Silly Kim: Hey Gorgeous! You can be my Valentine anytime! Love, Scnnookums Tyler's Mom: Babysitting wouldn't kill me but, As the saying goes: A picnic in the park is worth a Porsche in the driveway I will always love you. Mr. Jeff's bud 9 Perky: Here's to six months of: Bucking Broncos, Movie land, Green Olive Pizza, Diet Miller and Brass Monkeys. Who's Jim to say?, and Closet Babysitters Thanks for all the memories. Happy Valentine's Day!! Love. Budda 9 Donna, You're the apple of my eye and I look forward to each time I see you. James 9 Dan, I love you MORE! Happy Valentine's Day! love. Grumpy Mike (Sun behind the trees) I don't know how I would make it without you. I know I'm falling in love. Miss you!! Love, Holly 9 John, Happy Valentine's Day!!! Love you. Mighty Moe 9 Dolly Loogenstine (Town Club), Happy Valentine s Day Happy Anniversary Congratulations on your scholarship. Get excited for formal! Gotta love ya always. Hermie Mark- l m so lucky to ha ve you as mine. I love you more every day!! Renee Deb & Beth (Abe! 13) For all you do, this one's for you. You are two terrific campers! Kirk 9 9 Dear Bebers. xxxx!!!!""OOOOiggledoops 9 9 Wendy T. Wanna Cookie? Tomorrow Nite! Mark 9 Lesley, (AXO), Happy Valentine's Day! 45, Spike Rod May, You cutie! How could I let you down! Barb: Be Mine!!! P.S. Happy Valentine's Day Rn Jacquie S., Nancy L.. Clarice S., Happy Valentine's Day to three terrific friends! r. . Lois P.S. Ron too! Abnormal There's so much more that I can be if my Valentine could only see. Biding my time impatiently, Don't let the bun yu uuwii on me. Pizza & Donuts 9 Jane, Roses are red, Violets are blue, My Little Jame I Love You! Happy Valentine's Day!! Love, Chris 9 MikeH.. Happy Valentine's Day! Cyndi H. 9 You'd better be reading these, Mom Happy V.D. from your "Ad 'orable son who "Ad"mires your wierdness. Sam (Tree) I'm getting good grades but I miss studying with you. K. 9 Michelle. fcJn'Jmi 'k you ant me' a" ou have ,0 dt ' 'et me know and I II be yours. Matthew Jannikins, When you coming home? Tommy P.W. (Paulewski), Thanks for all the fine times we've shared (whether it was fine dining dancing, movies, oarties, joy rides laughing or apple butter.) HAVE A VERYTINE VALENTINE'S L Lski Ponpie. Happpy Valentine's Day The last 8 have been great. Hope we have many more K Pepe Tony P - Last Valentine's Day was MUCH better' I Love You' MO V Pam, I can't wait until you are down here permanently' Love You! Lane 9 Dawn Hat Jenifer tonight' Happy Valentine's Day! Are you bringing Cris and I Love You. Dave Laurie (AOTT). Happy Valentine's Day. The last week has been great. Did you like your mail? Grant 2 Copy desk chief: How about a day in the slot' Don't forget to sharpen your red pencil! xox, Copy desk chief Vslcric Happy Valentine's Day baby! You're my dream come true. I love you sweetheart Tom 9 Cute Buns, Happy Valentine's Day to the world's greatest hugger' I love you!! n... . Bat)y Cheeks P.S. Let s get married! BBB I still care for you now as much as ever before. I've never cared for anyone more. You have the most beautiful eyes and I always want to be in them. Happy Valentine's Day! PPP P.S. If you don't feel the same, will you be my valentine at least for tonight. 9 To my Big Brother Jeff and my Big Sister Jody Thank you for making me a part of your families Happy Valentine's Day! Love. Kim 9 Carcel Cebo: Alegre dia Valentines. No soyacupado este finde semana. ?You? Mi 9 To the attractive red head in my 8 00 Tues.Thurs English class. Happy Valentine's Day" Hope it's great! I would like to get together soon. RSVP in class. Mad about a red-head, (Jamie) Fancy Face. To the best Id' sis a guy could ask for. Happy Valentine's Day Your Big Brother, Deron Love. Quiver-man Bon: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYtll Remember: food runs, chats, riding in Fred, shopping, boys, and bears. Let's do some soon! Cin 9 Pi Kaoos. Hey! How's it goin ? We got the Pi Kapp Bluuuuues. Pull out and have a happy V.D. We re at a loss. Kathy, Kim. Laura, Kathy Karie, Be my Valentine All my Love and Kisses. John Shari, You little beach bunny you! Let's make this a special Valentine's day cuz your special. Monte 9 Gary. Thanks for being an understanding and sensitive friend. Living next door to the end of the Cosmos as we know it, can t be easy. Happy Valentine's Day. Charles Thank you for the fudge and your presence in my life. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day. 9 Michiela. Sorry I've been neglectful lately. I love you very much. Will you marry me? Happy Valentine's Day. Your Meat Puppet 9 D.L. (Sandoz 6) Thought you'd never get a personal right? Happy Valentine's Day Love, K G. Dear Pattv: Happy VD to the woman I sleep with!! LJH 9 Deb (Pi. B. Phi) Have a Happy Valentine's Day! guess who d.u. 9 L.N. (D.G.) Hope you have a happy V.D. and Birthday! You mean a lot to me! Your "Friend" 9 Jeff P. (SAE). You're a great brother. I'm proud of you! Happy Valentine's Day! Deb 9 M. Tobias. Happy Valentine's day from a girl who'd like to get to know you better! 9 To the Men of Kappa Sigma, Happy Valentine's Day!! Luv, Michele, Stephanie, Stacey. and Jean 9 Susan (A-Phi). Happy Birthday, and Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Jeff Carev. You are the most wonderful husband in the world! Thank you for 9 terrific months of marriage and happiness. Here's to the next 75 years! I love you SO much! Yours forever, Gail (Maynard) t