The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1986, Page Page 16, Image 16
Friday, February 14, 1986 ill himself Page 16 Daily Nebraskan music to make Cupid Ec SONGS from Page 15 3. "Love is All Around, "Ilusker Du. From the famous hardcore punk sit com, "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," Husker Du sings it like they mean it, not a joke syllable in sight. Through feedback and a roar of incoherent chords, Husker Du dares you to laugh. "Ah, Mare . . .," you'll say. "My name is Karen," she'll say. 4. "I Wanna Be Your Dog, "The Stooges. Try this as a Valentine's card idea Not I want to be your Valentine. Not I want to be your blue-eyed monkey toes. Kid stuff. You really want to be her dog, his dog. Admit it. Ruff, ruff. 5. "ThcGift, "Velvet Underground. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE AlSlH EPIC A PflB L A N C A ALE "c,n ENS I M E T E 1 1 llJust r a tes Jriu P 1 1 " m aJs m a P.R..2..L tTrTT B E A R Ni RAN T W A L R U ST S . -LfL-LL pJoJl a r i fsrfsjo R T 1 eTs A N S A T eTJSJ I E S T A aTc d c "1m o n s e n t om Ha T LA ST ! " A R I r dT T R A C T I ons R JLi.M.f.s LL. "1. LLSL s e p 1 1 lTeLJ ss1tLjse1ns CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. MX225 Boom Box Exciting new portable AMFM radio and cassette tape stereo system. 2-way speakers. 467-5555 443 N. 48th (Just North of Target) m m ,' r.Qathas HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER A little more expensive... but worth it WW WW $3399 fmJ , l Jiijii 'll' T'"'--" vir s.J J Godfather's Pizza proudly presents WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW W WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW w 1 TO 3 TOPPINGS - TAX INCMTTlEn w"w Ol r5w5' 4 OR MORE TOPPINGS- $12 Reserve Yours Now! 'WWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWWWWWWWwtM..... WW zzzzzzzznzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WWWWWWVWWWWWVWWWVWWWVWWWWWWWWWWWVWW mmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzlztllZZZZrll wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww NORTH 48TH a VINE 4S8 8264 DOWNTOWN 12TH & "Q" 474-6000 For Halloween and Valentine's Day. When the Thunderbird is walking around upstairs with two peg legs, this will come in handy. Hometown boy meets hometown girl, intense high school romance develops, girl goes off to college, they write letters every day for awhile, she stops writing, she's found someone else, he mails himself to her, she plunges sharp objects into the box to get it open, blood, carnage and ick . . . Buck up, Cupid, this isn't the Age of Aquarius anymore. 6. "I Got You, " Split Enz. Paranoid love anthem of the- punknew-wave era. These New Zea landers hit Cupid's arrow right on the fletching. You want her, you got her, you're scared of her, you do things to subvert your own happiness. Neil Finn's thud thud guitar winds up the tension into a maelstrom of melody. 7. "Message of Love, "The Pre tenders. James Honeyman Scott pulls this love song through one of the most inventive riffs this side of "Summer time Blues." Scott and Chrissie Hynde rampage through a modern reworking of the wedding vows. 8. "Fever, "The Cramps. Sultry love-trash from the band from hell. With a guitar line that encourages a great rubbing of parts, "Fever" may not be music for "pure" romance. Maybe you're in love with an alien and $2 00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial, ads. All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). Protect yourself and loved ones Pocket size emei gency alarm light Pull activator pin. lasting scream demands attention Call for help Stay safe Only S5 95 plus S1 00 postage and handling Send to World Imports, Dept D W . P 0 Box 6714. Lincoln. NE 68506 TWIN BED Frame, headboard, mattress Excellent condition S50. Call 435-7752 "PEAVEY MONTH" ALL PEAVEY ACCESSORIES 13 0FFIM DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE 1208 "0 " Street Paying too muchfor (A) Typist(s)720pg xSI 50 equals S30 x 10 papers equals S300 1 Smilh Corona Electric Typewriter equals S200 Excellent condition. 476-9590 14 x 60 Mobile home; wood stove, new carpet: appli ances, dog run; storage shed S8 500 obo 475-3162 EXTRA ROOMMATES Female student or professional to share house near Antelope Park One small pet okay Call 435-2184 after 6 p.m. Roommate wanted to share house near Holmes lake S125 plus utilities Call 489-3557. Room and board provided for woman to live in with invalid woman and family Two openinqs. Non-smokinq 476-8973. 11th & 0 Street. S150 per month. Utilities paid Grad student preferred. 477-6004. WW WW WW WW W W WW WW WW WW WW W W WW WW w W WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW stilts . AKT-PHZZAb' SURPRISE YOUR VALENTINE WITH A 12" HEART-SHAPED PIZZA $10 ORIGINAL STYLE ONLY NO COUPONS ACCEPTED WW WW WW W WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW Not Available for Delivery SOUTH 48TH &HWY2 483-4129 he's one of those love 'em and go flittin' across the universe types. The romance is short, but while it lasts, you've got to admit that once you've had suction cups you'll never go back. 9. "You Say You Don 't LrveMe, " The Buzzcocks. Back to back with Split Enz's "I Got You," you might be able to convince your lover that you're not from Venus. It sounds like a love song, has a melody, a title with the word "love" in it and no one is skinning cats with the E string of a guitar in the middle of it. You'll know better though. Buzzcock Pete Shelley rants up a storm of ultra modern romantic realism. 10. "This is Not a Love Song, " Public Image, Ltd. . It's not. Really. 11. "Never Say Never, " Romeo Void. Not for the weak of heart. The con tention here is that falling in love is about as much fun as peeling your tongue off a cold metal railing when it's 10 below outside. Sleeping together is easier, faster and more satisfying, but you feel alien in the morning. Ah, the dilemma. You're saying, "That's not love, that's sex." 12. "Love Her All the Time, " by Sonic Youth. By this time, the Thunderbird should have cut the thick strip of sinew and nerve that connects the part of you that knows what it's doing to the part of you 1980 Firebird. V-6. auto. AC. 467-4515. 423-3132. 421-2416 AM-FM Stereo cassette 1973 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon $500 423 7353 anytime. hv t T-top. 5-speed. 5 0. Beautituf. Mr Roberts. 475-8900 Ex 13JUays; 483-1560 mtes. 67 BMW. just restored. Metallic silver - navy interior -stereo 477-4996 1980 Renault LeCar: 4-speed: sunroof; air; AMFM steteo: S1.500 488-4516 2212 -fl" 2-bedroom apartment hookups; large storage space; adults; no pets; S350 plus electricity. 488-3145 or 466-8938 RENT BREAK 1 mile North of City Campus 2-bedroom as low asS231. Middle income HUD program Couples or single parent families. Yearly income less than $18,550 and at least S600 per month. 475-6144. 2-bedroom in 4-plex North of East Campus. $325 plus utilities. No pets. 464-2547. Near new, 2-bedroom near campus. $350 plus deposit. 474-1064. 421-3989. 1404 N 24th Small 4-bedroom near UNL and bus. S375month. 423-1535. New duplex. 2-bedroom plus utility room in quiet, older neighborhood Lots of storage, very nice 2232 Orchard. $355. Days - 435-f685 or evenings - 489-0920. East Campus 3-bedroom apartment. $425. 423-8408 or 483-6340. Duplex - 934 S 29th 3-bedroom. low utilities, near bus $335. 423-1535. 2530 N. 46th. 2 bedroom, washerdryer hookups, large storage space, adults, no pets. $350 plus electricity. 488 3145 or 466-8938 1345 "H" 1-bedrobm efficiency, laundry facilities, heating in cluded. Deposit. S175mo. 435-1015. OUTDOOR TRIP PROGRAM STAFF Position open in mid-March for 2 UNL students (pre ferably freshman-sophomores) to work in Campus Rec reation outdoor trip program and equipment rental area. Applicants must be able to work through the-summer'and next two .years, possess outdoor recreation skills, and leadership ability Send letter of application and resume to Jean Vrbka. Graduate Assistant. Office of Campus Recreation. 1740 Vine St. by Feb. 21, 1986. The Medical Field Needs You!!! Get paid for your valuable contribution-become a plasma donor at LINCOLN PLASMA "Working for and with you." OVERSEAS JOBS; Summer, yr -round. Europe. S Amer ica. Australia. Asia. All fields. $900-2000 mo. Sightseeing Free info. Write IJC. P.O. Box 52-NE-1 Corona Del Mar C?i 92625. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES The YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION CAMP KITAKI, located on the Platte River, is seeking appli cants for the following positions: Boy's Counselors, Girl's Counselors, Lifeguards, Waterfront Director, Wrangler, Ass't Wrangler, Crafts Instructor. Mainte nance Person, Head Cook, Ass't Cook and Nurse. Must be available May 28-August 10. Call or write CamOflice 1039 P Street Lincoln. NE 63508. (402) ami '-M ' l r . .. , 'i4l f W - J? 111 that doesn't. In response to the dis connection, the operator, sounding a little bleary, says, "I'm sorry, you call cannot be completed as dialed. Please hang up and dial again." You hang up, but who can dial again? PLASMA DONORS Ear n up to S25 a week or $100 a month. First donation S10. second donation in same calendar week (Mon - Sat.) $15 New donors bring this ad in for a S2 bonus for first donation UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 "O" ST., LINCOLN 475-8645 Effective until further notice Hashers needed for sorority house. Pleasant sur roundings Meal tickets for weekends and finals week. Call 472-9861. ask tor Lucy SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Colorado Mountain Resort Employer is seeking male and female appli cants for: Retail Sales. Food Service and other retail oriented jobs. Openings from May thru September. Located in Estes Park, Colorado. For further informa tion write: National Park Village North co Mark Schifferns 740 Osford Lane Fort Collins, CO 80525 Need 1 roommate to share two-bedroom apt 5 blocks from City Campus with clean, mature, and considerate male. No obligation or deposit Call 435-7074 after 6:00. Female roommate to share 1 bedroom apt. 12th & F. $95 plus 12 utilities. 435-6769. Ask for Cindy Keep trying. Roommate to share large 2-bedroom apt. in Willow haven complex. 435-8420. Female roommate to share large 4-bedroom house. 26th & Sumner, S118mo. plus 14 utilities. 435-4921, 8 a.m.-midnight. Looking for female roommate. 2-bedroom home $185month. Utilities paid. 464-8665. Friendly, energetic person needed as lunchtime server. Close to campus. Apply in person Monday through Friday. 9a m. -3p m. Merril Lunch 201 N 8th Suite 109 21, available, and you can day out all night.. Valentine s weekend special Budget Rent-A-Car. 467-2391 "KARATE KID" Will be shown at University Lutheran Chapel. 1510 Q Friday. February 14th. at 7:30 p.m. All are invited. EXCEL EXCEL Party meeting Sunday at 6 p.m.. City Union. All 76 candidates and supporters please attend COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Meeting Wednesday night. City Union., 7:00 p.m. Break for the beach with Sunchase Tours!! Mustang Island (Padre North). Fort Lauderdale and Daytona Beach Call 476-1973 and ask for Chuck. P.S. They're going fast!!!! Business Week is Here! Creating Success For You! Take part in the upcoming events' Sun. Feb. 16: Freshman Leadership Seminar, Nebraska Union. 2:00-5 00 p m M,?n .Flb IL7. B;ySfeek K,ckott ,or CBA organizations Chesterfield s. 7:30 p m Lu1f f e Ficu,,y Reception, Rm. 237, CBA. W(Ulb J! C?mJ?an Boo,ns- Nebr. Union. 8:30 r . cL30;,430 P "1 ReP"on Wick Alumni Center, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. B-Week speaker. Dr. Drea Zigarni, co-author "Leadership & the One Minute Manager. Nebr. Union. 7:00 - 9.00 pm 12 30 ie30?30OmPany B,hS' Un'0n' 83" Fri. Feb. 21 B-Week Bash! McGuffey's. 3:30 p m. Tom LauderDaily Nebraskan Sonic Youth comes on: feedback, slow, ploding breakdown, lots of min utes of sounds that you wish only dogs were capable of hearing. It isn't Miller Time. Happy Valentine's Day. Are you a criminal justice major'' Represent your college as an ASUN senator. Applications in Room 1 15. Nebraska Union. Deadline Tuesday. February 18. 1986 Pre-Physical Therapy Club meeting at Valentino's downtown. Sunday. Feb 16th at 6 30 p m. WORSHIP AT CORNERSTONE (UMHE) 10 00 - Genesis Study 10:30 -Fellowship Hour 11:00 - Worship Service Special Music with John Walker 640 N 16th Those interested inthe Jim Wand self-hypnosis packets from his seminar on 12986 may get tnem at the CAP Office East Campus Union. Cost: 80C including tax. UN L LEADERSHIP I COMMENTS "I was thinking I wouldn't gain much at I am i senior, but I did! I am impressed." MUSIC TO SWEAT BY! Rockin' Billy & The Red Hots. Feb. 14 4 15 at Chesterfield's. UN L LEADERSHIP II "ETHICS IN LEADERSHIP" at East Campus Union on Sunday. February 23rd from 12:30 - 7.30 (includes dinner) Register at CAP Offices. City & East Unions. $3 registration fee prior to Noon. Friday. February 21 $5 registration at the door. ANNUAL SALE OF ROMANCE BOOKS All books on sale table 20C each. PAGE.0NE-A PAPER BACK BOOK EXCHANGE in Gunny's Mall at 13th & Q. Greek Men give your brothers the best for that special pinning. Cigars from His Royal Highness. East Park Plaza. 467-4819. Treat yourself - or someone you love - to a UNL BIOLOGY SWEATSHIRT! 4 colors. 2 designs available. Only $12 00! Get yours at the NE Union booth; Life Science Resource Room: or from your favorite TRI BETA member. IMPACT CANDIDATE PLATFORM ANNOUNCEMENT 2:30 Friday. NE. Union Main Lounge Business Week is Coming!! Creating Success for You! SPRING BREAK DAYTONA BEACH $235 You might find a cheaper trip, but why risk your Spring Break cash on a cheap imitation. Go to Room 200 of the U nion or call 472-2454 for more information. UPC SPECIAL EVENTS CAMP COUNSELORS - MF - Outstanding Slim and Trim-Down Camps: Tennis; dance: slimnastics; WSI: athletics; nutritiondietetics. 20 plus. Separate girls' and boys' camps. 7 weeks. CAMP CAMEL0T on COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Massachusetts. Pennsylvania. No. Caro lina; California. Contact: Michele Friedman, Director, 947 Hewlett Dr.. No. Woodmere. N.Y. 11581, 800-421-4321. Flowers and candy on sale Feb. 14, 1985 in the Student Union from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sponsored by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. LOOKING FOR UNIQUE VALENTINES' DAY GIFT? Presentations. 2nd floor of the Centrium, next to M S P Skywalk. has them! Bring in this ad for 15 off all seasonal Valentine's items. Expires 2-14-86. Looking for some Valentine's Fun? Come to "Cupid's Folly" Dance. Nebraska East Union. 8-12 p.m.. Friday. Feb. 14.