a Pi Page 10 '5.77 -"'ft? A, i i We Don't Limit I FAMILY HAIR CENTER THE CUT YOU KEEP LTD 2441 N. 48th 464-8228 EAST 301 S. 70th 433-2964 EG 3QC 3Bf "QE ' to L! HIE IP K lI: ViSV-i. vi; -i 17''' V Cards VMugs- 1 V Heart Boxed Candies V Music Boxes V Jewelry V Stuffed Animals Bllilf . r Free X ; sGift Wrap KENWOOD COJSTIC SANYO MGT COBRA SENTREK CQ P o P t j tufa fa. J? PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION SALES AND SERVICE Z CO O MAJESTIC s p MEB 1010 10 BAND 60 WATT EQUALIZER jQSHb mm i ftifcWi zi ILU ;0 4e . WCR11C0 AMFM CASSETTE 19 MAJESTIC L MCR 84-100 AMFM DIGITAL CASSETTE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LP & Cassette lf2 217 No. 11th I Downtown 477-6061 DOC 3ao . AmtA 1 ri 1 V ,. 1' Your Style - t T, " V f ? 1500 N. 48th LINCOLN, NE. 68507 402 464 8804 HASTINGS GRAND ISLAND back-lit controls 60 Watts of power "fader control power LED read out REG. $99.95 Only $59.55 2 Year Warranty tone control locking fast forward auto stop "distancelocal switch AMFM switch Installed! Only $69.95 1 Year Warranty digitat read out clock 'loudness control stereornono switch distancelocal switch REG. $175.00 installed! Now Only $124.S3 2 Year Warranty 464-8804 f ' A " ' 1 V ::.,:: ' A ',',V::':' Daily Nebraskan Whitney Houston and Billy Ocean on top of Billboard's singles list a 11 itiu:i.... Dill Ann f i m By The Associated Press The following are Billboard's hot record hits as they appear in this week's issue of Billboard magazine. Copyright 1986, Billboard Publica tions, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Hot Singles 1. "How Will I Know" Whitney Houston (Arista) 2. "When the Going Gets Tough" Billy Ocean (Jive) 3. "Burning Heart" Survivor (Scotti Bros) 4. "Kyrie" Mr. Mister (RCA) 5. "That's What Friends Are For" Dionne & Friends (Arista) Gold (More than 1 million singles sold.) 6. "I'm Your Man" Wham! (Columbia) 7. "Living In America" James Brown (Scotti Bros.) 8. "The Sweetest Taboo" Sade (Por trait) 9. "Sara" Starship (Grunt) Top LPs 1. "Promise" Sade (Portrait) 2. "The Broadway Album" Barbra Streisand (Columbia) Platinum (More than 1 million units sold.) 3. "Welcome to the Real World" Mr. Mister (RCA) Platinum 4. "Heart" Heart (Capitol) - Platinum Tape excludes avant garde music REBARBER from Page 9 Rebarber's more avant garde compo sitions were not included on this tape for the sake of "coherency," he said. "I listened to avant garde music a lot at Oberlin College when I was an undergraduate," he said. "In Lincoln, though, I don't find myself doing it much. It's not pleasing to the ear when you're not immersed in it." Rebarber's major attraction to solo synthesizer works in that he can con trol all aspects of the product. "It's getting so much easier for peo ple to make music by themselves," Rebarber said. "Synthesizer prices are plummeting and the instruments are getting better and better." In the record stores, Rebarber's tape is sold as New Age Music. "I don't mind the tape being mar keted as New Age music," he said. bcibJi Li d G'Jsal Fl3li3? Your college science credits can give you a head start in your training to become a Medical Laboratory Technician at Southeast Lincoln Campu s Earn an Associated of Applied Science Degree in two years of less Transfer Credits Accepted Excellent job opportunities & free job placement assistance For further Information about a rewarding carter ss a Medical Laboratory Technician, contact: Admissions Office ESSO "0" St. Lincoln, HE 6SS20 (402) 471-3333 i i i ML 5. "Whitney Houston" Whitney Houston (Arista) Platinum 6. "Scarecrow" John Cougar Mel lencamp (Riva) Platinum 7. "Brothers in Arms" Dire Straits (Warner Bros.) Platinum 8. "Knee Deep In the Hoopla" Star ship (Grunt) Platinum 9. "Miami Vice" Soundtrack" (MCA) Platinum Country Singles 1 . "Makin" Up For Lost Time" Crys tal Gayle & Gary Morris (Warner Bros.) 2. "There's No Stopping Your Heart" Marie Osmond (Capitol) 3. "Come On In" Oak Ridge Boys (MCA) 4. "You Can Dream of Me" Steve Wariner(MCA) 5. "The One I Loved Back Then" George Jones (Epic) 6. "Think About Love" Dolly Parton (RCA) 7. "It's Just a Matter of Time" Glen Campbell (Atlantic-America) 8. "I Could Get Used to You" Exile (Epic) 9. "I Love You By Heart" Sylvia & Michael Johnson (RCA) Adult Comtemporary Singles 1. "How Will I Know" Whitney Houston (Arista) 2. "When the Going Gets Tough" "That gives the music an easy category and makes it available for airplay that is geared that way." Although the tape has not sold terri ble well so far, Rebarber blames that, at least partially, on the fact that he is not used to selling himself. One of Rebarber's compositions is the theme song for a weeknight mid night radio show in Madison, Wis. He said his plans include composing pieces for film soundtracks and dance performances. Rebarber said personal performances of his work are not likely. "One performer on stage is a very sterile, dull performance," he said. "I would rather use my music as accompaniment for other things, com mercials, perhaps," Rebarber said. "I want the music to be accompaniment but at the same time essential to the piece it accompanies." Rebarber is optimistic about what it's like to create alternative music in the conventional environs of Lincoln. Furniture cheap! Moving must sell. Come see and make an offer! 489-2922. Compact refrigerator--$50; 10-speed bike-Negotiable. Call Steve or leave message, 475-7198. Earn extra income using this office typewriter. Self correcting $550 or best offer. 435-6086 or 472-1173. Show her your love with a diamond ring for Valentine's Day Inexpensive. 475-2172 evenings. Women's K2skis with poles. Nordica boots size7. S275. 435-6750. Bianchi 23" Touring Bike, excellent condition, extras $250. 470-2248 after 5 00 p.m. Gold couch, $25. Double bed, spring mattress and frame. 423-6179. 64K color computer. DSDD disc, drive, controller and accessories. $300. Call 464-4697 after 5:00. "PEAVEY MONTH" ALL PEAVEY BASS AMPS 25 OFF!!! DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE 1208 "0" Street Moving must sell: Queen and Super Single waterbed, $250 & $65: new couch $200: 26" color T V. $85: recliner, $35; 4-dr. chest. $25: drafting desk & chair, $30: large bean baa chair, $30; wicker trunk. All very good condition. 435-6352. mm dip ctiir 75 Pinto, runs, $200 or best offer. 489-2922. After 3:30 p m. 1980 Firebird, V 6, auto. AC. AM-FM Stereo cassette. 467-4515. 423-3132. 421-2416. 1973 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon. $500. 423 7353 anytime. 77 Datsun 810, good condition, many features. . .477 6259. $1850.00 72 Ford pickup. Excellent condition. Three-speed. $800. Mike 435-71 14. '66 Volkswagon van. 466-4033. 74 Cadillac El Dorado, excellent. 71 Mark III Lincoln. 488-0960. offer 43551" ',h Topper' rebui,t enfline' S'065' 1973 VW Super Beetle. Good condition, good tires, perfect school car. $690 or best offer. 435-8001). East Campus 3-bedroom apartment. $425. 423-840" or 483-6340. Friday, February 7, 1986 Bill Ocean (Jive) 3. "The Sweetest Taboo" Sade (Por trait) 4. "Sara" Starship (Grunt) 5. "Somewhere" Barbra Stresiand (Columbia) 6. "Life in a Northern Town" The Dream Academy (Warner Bros.) 7. "My Hometown" Bruce Spring steen (Columbia) 8. "That's What Friends Are For" Dionne & Friends (Arista) 9. "Go Home" Stevie Wonder (Tamla) Black singles 1. "Do Me Baby" Melisa Morgan (Capitol) 2. "Let Me Be The One" Five Star (RCA) 3. "The Sweetest Taboo" Sade (Por trait) 4. "Guilty" Yarbrough & Peoples (Total Experience) 5. "That's What Friends Are For" Dionne & Friends (Arista) 6. "When the Going Gets Tough," Billy Ocean (Jive) 7. "Secret Lovers" Atlantic Starr (A&M) 8. "How Will I Know" Whitney Houston (Arista) 9. "He'll Never Love You" Freddie Jackson (Capitol) 10. "Your Smile" Rene & Angela (Mercury) "In Los Angeles and New York there are lots of opportunities, but you have to hustle and be a salesman to get to them," he said. Rebarber's composing is not prolific. He said it takes him two or three years to finish a tape, and he records about 20 minutes of music a year. When composing, Rebarber works like a rock band, putting the basic idea on tape, then doodling with things that compliment the basic structure. Because he is a math professor, Rebarber said, he is afraid people will think his music is "mathematical," or heavily structural. "The avant garde is mostly inter ested in structure," he said. "I'm much more interested in texture, mood and melody." "I want my music to startle and lull at the same time," Rebarber con cluded." New Age music doesn't require people to be conscious. I hope mine does. 2212 "R" 2-bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances, washerdryer hookups. ReMax Management 474-6823 or 489-0579 Ask for Judy 2530 N 46th. 2-bedroom; washerdryer hookups; large storage space; adults; no pets; $350 plus electricity. 488 3145 or 466-8938. RENT BREAK 1 mile North of City Campus 2-bedroom as low asS231 Middle income HUD program. Couples or single parent families. Yearly income less than $18,550 and at least S600 per month. 475-6144. 2- bedroom in 4-plex North of East Campus. $325 plus utilities No pets. 464-2547. 3- bedroom; kitchen; dining room; natural woodwork; garage; appliances. 518 S. 26. $425 plus lease. 464-7254 or 476-7606. Near new, 2-bedroom near campus. $350 plus deposit. 474-1064, 421-3989. 1404 N. 24th Small 4-bedroom near UNL and bus. $375month. 423-1535. New duplex. 2-bedroom plus utility room in quiet, older neighborhood. Lots of storage, very nice 2232 Orchard. $355. Days 435-7685 or evenings - 489-0920. Newer 2-bedroom duplex apartment. 3512 St. Paul. CA; carpet & drapes; dishwasher; disposal; all appli ances; utility room; garage: privacy fence: yard; patio; near park; bike path; East Campus; & on bus route. Available March 1 . $360 per month plus deposit. 464-0084. 4 blocks to City Campus. Older but clean and reasonable 4-bedroom. 131 N. 18th, $285. 475-6669. House For Sale 3-plus bedrooms; East Campus area: large kitchen and dining; first floor family room; 1 & 34 baths; skylight; exceptional home. Renee Johnson, 474-7909. Hub Hall Real Estate, 483-2551. Large, nice, 3-bedroom, 15th & Garfield. $375. 475-6669. Close to downtown & UNL. Very nice, clean 2-bedroom apt. in complex. Fireplace, pool, appliances, laundry, CA, parking, new carpet, great management. Available March 1. 2 month lease or more, $335 plus utilities. 435 6352. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES The YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION CAMP KITAKI. located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Boy's coun selors; girl's counselors; life guards; waterfront director; wrangler: ass't wrangler, crafts director; maintenance person; head cook; ass't cook; and nurse. Must be available May 28-August 10. Call or write camo office. 1039 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, (402) 475-S622. . .or contact Job Office. Ad. Bldg. 113 for informational interviews on Feb. 12 on campus.