jiii jim. jiuw .jiiu-j-wmm.ijuih nvv an mmnaaM&mMiuMmMmrrmmmmmmemaiMtmieim - - - -- - - - -. - . . - i ir(i)EiMnr9s 'Wobegon' is woe so good By Michael Schlemper Staff Reporter In "Lake Wobegon Days," Garrison Keillor writes about the people of the mythical town of Lake Wobegon, Minn. They're people we all know wai tresses, high school teachers, kids, parents and bachelor farmers who Book Review go to places we all go Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility Church, the Chatterbox Cafe, Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery and the Sidetrack Tap. These people face the problems we all face being the last one picked for the baseball team, growing up without air conditioning because it builds charac ter and getting lost in a blizzard while going after cigarettes. Keillor is a gifted storyteller, a natu ral gossip who tells us everything, often relying on wonderful footnotes. Some of them meander along, attempting to explain some vague point, then strike out in other directions, flowing off the page until the footnote is longer than the original story and far away from the point to be clarified. But it is entertaining. He treats Lake Wobegon with thoughtfulness and humor, though not always with respect. Reading him makes me feel closer to the folks back home. Sometimes, when Keillor removes himself from the story as storyteller and starts writing straight fiction, we Movie books top list "Out of Africa" and "The Color Purple," most probably because of the success of the films based on those books, still dominate the top two positions at the Nebraska Book store and the University Bookstore. Other bestsellers for last week from the two bookstores are as" follows: Nebraska Bookstore 1. "Out of Africa & Shadows on the Grass," by Isak Dinesen (Vintage, $4.95) 2. "The Color Purple," by Alice Walker (Pocket, $3.95) 3. "World Almanac& Book of Facts, 1986," (Newspaper Enterprise Association, Inc., $5.95) 4. "Talisman," by Stephen King & Peter Straub (Berkley, $4.95) 5. "Breaking with Moscow," by Arkady N. Shevchenko (Ballantine, $4.95) 6. "The Road Less Travelled," by M. Scott; Peck (Simon & Schuster, $9.95) 7. "Third Garfield Treasury," by Jim Davis (Ballantine, $8.95) 8. "Comet," by Carl Sagan (Random House, $27.50) 9. "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman," by Richard P. Feynman (Bantam," $4.50) 10. "Old Farmers Almanac, 1986," by Robert B. Thomas (Yankee, $1.95) University Bookstore 1. "The Color Purple" Alice Walker (Pocket, $3.95) 2. "Out of Africa" Isak Dinesen (Vin tage, $4.95) 3. "Neil's Book of the Dead" Nigel Planer (Harmony Books, $7.95) 4. "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" Douglas Adams (Pocket, $3.95) 5. "Late Night with David Letterman: The Book" Merill Markoe, ed. (Villard, $8.95) 6. "Mexico Set" Len Deighton (Ballan tine, $4.50) 7. "Lake Wobegon" Garrison Keillor (Viking, $17.95) 8. "Valley of the Far Side" Gary Larson (Andrews, McNeel and Parker, $5.95) 9. "World Almanac & Book of Facts 1986" (Ballantine, $5.95) 10. "The Road Less Travelled" M. Scott Peck (Simon & Schuster, $9.95) TONIGHT It's "Wild& Crazy" Again WET 'T' SHIRT CONTEST! C4e t 1 , , fiV: ?ij.,. I Drink Specials 25c Draws 50c Mixed Drinks $1.50 Pitchers 7-10 PM TOOGES 9th & "p" st- lose the authority of his voice and perspective. He does this throughout a chapter entitled "New Albion," a bor ing history of the founding of Lake Wobegon. He probably intended it to give the book credibility, but it's so full of bears, small colleges and eccentric old men that it ends up sounding like John Irving at his worst. Mechanics get in Keillor's way at times, too. Shifts in tense and person interrupt his natural flow and could throw the reader off course. Because of this (and the hard-cover price of $ 1 7.95) I advice you to wait until "Lake Wobegon Days" comes out in paperback. The stories are timeless. They'll keep that long. Review copy courtesy of Uni versity Bookstore. SOUP SPECIAL CauliflowerCheese 1 Bowl 71 wpurchase of sandwich Good Thursday Only HEW LOCATION 13th & "Q" Gunny's Mall Open 10 AM (o 3 AM 7 dayi a vwnk Kevin IPA-REKDE Personal Hair Design With Counsel Appointments to Suit Your Schedule Across from P.O. Pears 331 inaOTEH i in Patrice Calendar of Events TUES: WED: THURS: FRI: FAC-U-There for live music at 5 and 8:30 SAT: Joyce and John at 8:30 935 "O" St. Fun, Fun, Fun ! ! ! Live country music with the Half-Hitch Band Sweet Potato Band honoring - - Boone, Custer, Butler, Johnson and Dodge County WE'LL TEACH YOU THE ROPES. We teach with no strings attached. We don't give grades so you can't fail at ComputerLand. We're Lincoln's first authorized IBM dealer, and the world's largest computer retailer, we know the ropes. If you've just purchased a computer, or you're thinking about buying one, we can help. We've helped more people buy more kinds of computers than any other store in the world. Call for class information today. We have a variety of computer classes. Programming. Accounting. Word Processing. Whatever you want to do on a computer, we can probably show you how to do it Because we offer training classes for many applications at convenient times. Vi Hi jS 5:5 l WW Wit 0 F" 1 III (Hf We can help many other ways, too. ComputerLand is more than a computer store. We're an information center, a service center, a place to get help with computers. Every month we test, new hardware and screen more than one hundred software programs. Just so we can stay informed. So we can'offer you the best selection on the market. That's why ComputerLand has helped more kinds of people buy more kinds of computers than any other store in the world. We can help you, too. At your Computerland store, today. Over 900 stores worldwide 48th & Vine 467-5277 n The one thingLJto know about computers. Thursday, January 23, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 9