Page 14 TT5T L rf If o o Daily Ncbraskan u.g.'s BBOflwran i Ml artin Luther Kin Wednesday, January 15, 1986 g fiSsn So WEDNESDAY NITES 8-1 mim mmm prices in too ii "Legacy of a Dream," a film depict- in the civil rights movement and traces in observance of King's birthday, which ing Martin Luther King's central role in King's development from Baptist is today. the civil rights struggle, will be screened preacher to winner of the Nobel Peace Thursday at noon at the State Museum Prize, of History, 15th and P Streets. Historic footage shows key campaigns "Legacy of a Dream" is being shown The free screening is part of the State Museum of History's Brown Bag Lunch series. 1000 Film lampoons corporate world 1 l v-yvi Jurii Sbcppcird Missed 's If you waul 10 be fit, look great and have fun gelling in dupe Juin ajaoovisc class wxlay. No other dance cxeR'be pn)grani is like llic original Jazztm'bc. Vtfc have expertly trained instructors and a constant supply of new, imaginative routines. No contracts to sign pay monthly or per class Join anytime Combines the best of aerobics plus a well mnnilrd workout Affordable prices one of the finest fitness values available OPEN HOUSE JAN. 16 EAGLE LODGE 210NO14TH FREE DEMO CLASSES AT 4:00 AND 5:15 FOR MORE INFO CALL 423-9682 HEAD from Page 1 1 Everything about large corporations is satirized. Paper work, yuppies, nep otism, political manipulation, labor exploitation and sexual harrassment all parade by at a frantic pace like a National Lampoon retelling of Marx's "Das Kapital" for baby boomers. Reinhold plays a congressman's son who, in exchange for his father's sup port in the moving of a factory from the United States to Latin America, is given a job in Albert's corporation. The company makes everything from new super-weapons to laxatives. Reinhold CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2.75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2.00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $.75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day belore publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. VISA MASTERCARD MOVING FURNITURE Chest, dresser, bed, color TV, desk, sofa, end and coffee tables, love seat, recliner, overstuffed chair, much more. Call 466-6252. 2 sofas, good condition. Call 423-9109. is a daydreaming, unstressed under achiever confronted by the avaricious, blood-sucking world of high finance. "Head Office" is not full of comedi ans people who could carry off even lame material. Like the actors in "Air plane," they are given a strong script that lets them play everything straight and still keep the laughs coming. The script is well-planned and never resorts to the cheap laugh as filler. The direc tion and editing is paced as frantically as the lifestyle it is attempting to parody. It would be easy to have turned this film into a preachy tract on the inhu- ATTENTION STUDENTS! Like new, used vacuums at student prices, starting at $10.' Mr. Sweeper Store 2633 N. 48th Mademoiselle membership. Cheap. 489-7560. Intro to Modern Languages textbook. 421-2021, ask for John. Apple He wdrive, 128k, internal modem, software. $10(51 00 o.b.o. 467-2864 after 5:00. Ask for Tony. . Sewing and alterations. Experienced and fast. 464-2358. Moving. Mahogany extension dining table. 4 chairs: high chair; double bed; pot plants, toys; kitchen items; adult and toddler clothing including winter coats. Phone 464-2358. CRUISESHIPS HIRING! $16-$30.000 Carribean, Hawaii. World!! Call for Guide, cassette, newsservice! (916) 9444 X UNEBRASKACRUISE. GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U Repair). Also delin quent tax property. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. GH-9636 for information. 0 REC ROOM BILLIARD LEAGUES AND CLASSES Sign up before January 24 for billiard leagues and classes, to be held in the Nebraska Union Rec Room (Southwest corner, lower level, City Campus). All leagues will be handicapped. Classes and leagues meet once a week for 8-10 weeks beginning January 24th. Monday- All University Singles League. 7 games to be played weekly. Tuesday All University Doubles League. 7 games, per team on a weekly basis Wednesday - Big Red Doubles League. 7 games, per team on a weekly basis Thursday Rec Room Billiard Classes. Instructed by Jim White, with video tapes and instruction book and all necessary table time. Friday- International Student Singles League. 7 games to be played weekly. 6:30-8:30 p.m. 8:30-10:30 p.m. 6:30-8:30 p.m. 8:30-10:30 p.m. 6:30-8:30 p.m. 8:30-10:30 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 6:00-8:00 p.m. 8:30-10:30 p.m. 6:30-8:30 p.m. 8:30-10:30 p.m. Sign up sheet and specific league information available at the Nebraska Union Rec. Room, City Campus. (Telephone-472-2458) o 0 o O urn tow 1 r NEBRASKA Balfour House 1428 "CT Street "For all your iniation gifts and paddle supplies". oirunnntmiKcimm o &itm&rtm !n coin extern" o (imrufm uaiiUinrr manity and conformism inherent in corporate America or to have made INC into a sort of "Animal House" extolling the virtues of free enterprise and the mind-boggling power of the six-digit number. Instead, what we get is an even-handed microcosm that never bothers to sum things up for us. We're all adults, and if we watch the news we know what's going on behind the Dow Jones. "Head Office" just careens on as unaffected as real life. Its good sense, subtlety and modesty are a treat, Rick Moranis or no Rick Moranis. G.PA. 3.0 GOVERNMENT JOBS: $16,040-$59,230yr, Now hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9636 lor current federal list. Good Deals: 1. Hewlett-Packard 11-C programmable calculator. Still in factory packing with warranty - $65. 2. Raleigh 10-speea racing bike - light weight frame, suntour gears, new bearings and cables. $125 or best offer. 1976 White Datsun. Well kept up. Good school car. Ask for Karen, 489-6306. 1972 Plymouth. $300 or best offer. 488-0136. 1967 Olds 455 cu. in. Hovercraft. Endless fun. $200 or best offer. Details 474-4308. 1979 Honda Civic, 4-speed, Steel Belted All Season Radials. New paint 488-3906. )' ami 2212 "R" 2-bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances, washerdryer hookups. ReMax Management 474-6823 or 4894)579 Ask for Judy 2530 N. 46th. 2-bedroom; washerdryer hookups; large storage space; adults; no pets; $350 plus electricity. 488 3145 or 466-8938. HAYWARD PLACE A unique renovation of one of Lincoln's oldest landmarks. 1. 2. & 3 bedrooms; close to UNL and downtown; modern appliances, laundry facilities; off-street parking. Now leasing for Dec. occupancy. Call Mega Corp. 475-8407. 1-bedroom basement apartment. Furnished or unfur nished. Washing, 2 bus routes, $250, utilities paid. 4754)709. 535 N. 23 1-bedroom from $240 plus $200 deposit. 421-3989 or 474-1064 84th & "O" Very large 2-bedroom from $385 plus deposit. 421-3989. 488-1723, 4884478 Efficiency apartments, 255 N. 25th. Close to campus. Ranging from $160-170. Heat paid. Contact manager between 2 & 4 p.m., Monday-Friday, all day weekends. 476-2091. HUSKER HALL 705 N. 23 Co-ed, for students only. $205mo. Air, heat, electric and water paid. Phone and cable hook-up available, parking, open year-round. Walking distance to both campuses. University approved student housing. Call 474-9772 (9773). 1501 N. 13th Near UNL, 3-bedroom, fireplace, $395 per month. 423-1535. Small cottage style 4-room house. South Lincoln on bus route. $200 rent & deposit & utilities. References. 466-8104. 1444 Peach Street. New 2-bedroom in 4-plex. All appliances, off-street parking. $340. 483-1065. HAYWARD PLACE 9th & Charleston Excellent university location. One and 2-Udroom apart ments. Dishwasher, microwaves and laundry facilities. Contact: Mega Corporation 4754407 Room & board, non-smoker, on bus route. $150. 464-5623. Duplex for rent, 4 blocks to City Campus. Nice, clean, 2-bedroom, utilities paid. $325, 475-6669. 6-bedroom house. Walking distance to UNL. 1 12 utilities paid. Available Feb. 1. 466-9212. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $25 a week or $100 a month. First donation $10, second donation in same calendar week (Mon. - Sat.) $15. New donors bring this ad in for a $2 bonus for first donation. UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 "O" St., LINCOLN 475-8345 Effective until further notice. HEALTH CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Be a part of the latest health care technology. Join the nuclear medicine team. Applications now being accepted for 2 year training as a nuclear medicine technologist. Call 1-559-7224 or write Maria NageL Nuclear-Medicine UNMC. 42nd & Dewey, Omaha. NE 68105.