The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1986, Page Page 15, Image 15
Monday, January 13, 1986 Daily Nebraskan Page 15 2212 "R" 2 bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances, herdryer hookups. sne ' ' ReMax Management 474-6823 or 489-0579 Ask for Judy ?W0N 46th 2-bedroom; washerdryer hookups; large storage space; adults, no pets; $350 plus electricity. 488 or 466-8938. 5 HAYWARO PLACE 4 nniaue renovation ot one ot Lincoln's oldest landmaiks. i ? 4 3 bedrooms; close to UNL and downtown; modern i'nn'iiances laundry facilities: oil-street parking. Now leasing "r DM. occupancy. Call Mega Corp. 475-6407. WHY RENT? BUY 1 bedroom, 112-story between campuses, as low as 1700 down and approximately $300month including tax and insurance. By owner, 475-4831 evenings. t bedroom b..sement apartment. Furnished or unfur nished. Washing, 2 bus routes, $250, utilities paid. 475- 0709 ' 535 N. 23 i-bedroom from S240 plus $200 deposit. 421-3989 or 474-1064 84TH & "O" Very large 2-r58droom from $385 plus deposit. 421-3989, 488-1723, 488-8478 FRESHMAN EARN EXTRA DOLLARS Part-time selling to bookstore & local retail. Call David Winter 1-800-421-5600, noon-5 p.m. in PROGRAMMER INTERN Metromail Corporation, an industry leader in the direct marketing industry, is seeking a computer science major who will be graduating on or belore August 1986, to work as a Programmer Intern, 15-20 hours per week until gra duation. The possibility exists tor full-time employment alter graduation. Hours are flexible and can be arranged around class schedule. This position will involve basic applications, projects, and coding programs. In-house training will be provided. Preference will be given to scSecnuS0.0 Dave "fB'e'ed classes in COBOL and ASSEMBLER Knowledge of JCL is desirable but not required. Qualified students may apply by contacting' Experiential Education in UNL 102 Teachers College Lincoln, NE 68588-0495 472-1452 H.ELP, !flArNJID: Two nours Per day (flexible hours; prefer 3 30-5:50 p.m ) on weekdays. Mon.-Fri.. East Lin coln, on bus route. Dishes, pots, pans and related tasks; laundry and occasional ironing; and occasional liqht cooking $45week. Call 472-2018 before Thursday. 116 86, 5 p.m. and leave message. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S25 a week or $100 a month. First donation $10. second donation in same calendar week (Mon. - Sat.) $15 New donors bring this ad in for a S2 bonus for first donation. UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 "0" St., LINCOLN 475-8645 Effective until further notice. SPRING BREAK! Promote our Spring Break trips to South Padre Island. Mustang Island. Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Walton, vail, and Steamboat Springs. Earn unlimited commissions and FREE trips! Call Sun chase Tours TODAY for more information toll free 1-800-321-5911!!! CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Narrated 5 Sheepfolds 10 Squint 14 Leon's love 15 City near Kobe 16 Longfellow's bell town 17 Gnomish, in a way 18 Oscar winner: 1958 19 Havoc 20 Battologizes 22 Dorm topic 24 Beyond 25 Frat topic 23 Cudgels 29 British orderly 33 Azimuth 34 Strikebreaker 38 Cinched 37 Snail's motto 41 Bristles 42 Parrot 43 Diminutive suffix 44 Imply 43 Gone, at Logan 49 Tommy of the theater 50 Deliver a haymaker 51 Gust 54 Game fish 58 Be bested 59'... face the world with": Browning 61 Gallimaufry 62 Actuaries' concerns 63 Silk voile 64 Rod's partner 65 Siliques 68 Anthony and Clarissa 67 Nixed item DOWN 1 Actor Jacques 2 Skip 3 Like an eremite 4 Decay in a forest 5 Italian noblewoman 6 Wicker 7 Hebrew letters 8 Duke Ellington's monogram 9 Huarache 10 Fa la, e.g. 11 Case for trivia 12 Banshee's bailiwick 13 "Lair" of two 40 Ciceronian Baers collection 21 Harrlman 45" for nickname tennis?" 23 Let 47 Kennel adjunct 25 Butler in 1939 43 Hereditary 23 Chaliapin and SO Squelched Moscona 51 Tab 27 "Over the 52 Trademark Rainbow" 53 Canceled, as a composer stamp 28 Apollo 15 54 Tenor Maison astronaut 55 Dairyman's 29 Scenic anathema peninsula 58 Vienna, to a 39 Devout Viennese 31 St.-Cyr-l' 57 "Star Wars" 32 Fortification hero 35 Shipper's need 60 nod 38 Carte carrier (show 39 Longest drowsiness) human bone 1 2 13 14 l 5 14 17 Id IS j 10 111 112 113 u 73 "75 - 77 7i TT 20 21 22 23 24 25"-""""" 21 27l28"" gf " " " " " 30"3P32" 33" ' 34 38" IT" ""- - 37 38j39 " " "" 0 41 42 3 44" " - 4j- - " "" 4g" 4"fT4aT ,"" 4T"""" """"" 5TT5253 54 efd" 82 j3 4 " 95 j j6fl $7.00HR. PART-TIME WORK, FLEXIBLE HOURS, GOOD PAY, & SUMMER WORK AVAILABLE. SEE MISS THOMPSON AT 2:00 P.M., 4:00 P.M. OR 5:30 P.M., MON., TUES., OR WED., AT 3939 N. 4Eth, OFFICE 100 UPSTAIRS. Fmir miirtcirlft hatketball tickets for 115S6 ISU Farmbovs: Be at tne oance on i nursoay at tne tasi union, u ! game. Will pay SSticket. Call 423-6798. Verandas! WORDS ETC. Full Resume & Cover Letter Service Career Placement Forms 1321 "P" St. 476-2039 Professional Resumes. Quality PapersEnvelopes, Multiple Letters, Applications. Student for part-time custodial work, evenings 6:30-10.30 p.m. Apply room 220 Nebraska Union. THE VERANDAS This Thursday 9-12 p.m. East Campus Union Admission: $2 See va, Hot Ones The Medical Field Needs You!!! Get paid for your valuable contribution-become a plasma donor at: LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 "O" Street 474-2335 "Working for and with you." Student needed for light household duties and cooking in exchange for room and board. Call 488-4275. Good SUMMER JOBS near Estes Park. Colorado, as a camp counselor, cook, nurse, typist, photographer, barn wrangler, trans driver, or assistant unit director. Appli cants must be at least 19 Interviews on campus February 14. CHELEY COLORADO CAMPS. Dept. C, Box 6525, Denver, Colorado 80206. 303-377-3616. INTRAMURAL OFFICIALS Mandatory meetings: Basketball 11386 - 6:30 p m .Coliseum. Rm. 12 and 11486. 6:30 p.m., Coliseum, Rm. 12. Volleyball 11686. 630 p.m.. Coliseum, Rm. 12. COIN COLLECTORS Lincoln Coin Club meets January 9 and the second Thursday monthly at NETV Bldg, 1800 N 33rd. 7:30 p.m. Programs, auctions, exhibits. EFFECTIVE ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal $2 oft eyebrows Call for appointment - 489-7020 The Any Time Lunch Place. Stop In And Try Our SOUPS, CHILI, PIES, SANDWICHES, HOT DOGS PLUS OTHERS. 1414 "0"St. Mon.-Fri., 9-5 Sat. 9-4 HEALTH CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Be a part of the latest health care technology. Join the nuclear medicine team. Applications now being accepted for 2-year training as a nuclear medicine technologist. Call 1-559-7224 or write Maria Nagel. Nuclear Medicine. UNMC, 42nd & Dewey. Omaha. NE 68105. WANTED: Judy. Used desk with chair, cheap. Days 472-3587 Peppermint Lounge a new twist on fun in Lincoln. A30 5 Well Mixed Drink Pitchers $6 Call Drink Pitchers Along with reg. special : Buy One Pitcher of Beer Get One for 1 cent from 4:30-6:30 and 10-12. Entrance: Alley Between P & Q Sts. 1228 "P" 476-1020 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL WELCOME BACK STUDENTS The Holidays take a lot out of a student. But The Cookie Company has cookies that put a lot into a student. r ri 138 N. 12th 475-0625 expires 1-31-8S 50 cent size only, one coupon per customer please 7 tesme umf We're looking for part time WATS r.lAnilETIIJG OUTCOUIID is an affiliate of American Ex press. We represent major U.S. companies like American Leisuxo Industries. Amoco Oil. Sports Illustretod for the pur pose of selling their products & services over the phone. Because of our continued growth & committment to our clients we need telemarketing sales representatives for PilBT TIEZ3 EVEHKG & IQUX1S Monday thru Thursday evenings 5:30 pm-9:30 pm Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm Sunday 12 noon to 5pm After Training We have a guaranteed hourly wage plus incentive & commis sions. We offer flexible hours & self determined schedules. WIS RmLIE PJO CEJD GttUUUS. If you enjoy working in a high spirited, team oriented environment Dcflvjccn Ocsm-Spna TssLdLay ttxru Fsriclsy EXHRESS iln Jlfliliolo of ilisiQiiccai ESxpio. WATS MARKETING Outbound v 1033 0,01. CialjjS i the -'I . ;j