The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1985, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    Monday, November 18, 1985
Daily Nebraskan
Page 9
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By Jeff Apci
Staff Reporter
"It reslly Hcn't hit r.a yet th:.t this is ir.y
zisizzt coaca cistus tiscner ana
Nebraska as
26 senior plcyers code their Hnsl Mcraorld Sta
dium appearances Saturday in Nebraska's 66-6
victory over Kaisss, 1
Fischer, a fomer Nebraska hiLTjack, joined
the 26 seniors ty ar.nour.dr.s that his 324th
career game would be his last at Memorial
With his rctirerc Fischer ends a reaching
career which lasted 25 years under three Corn-
:-.SiadiiiKi," Fischer sdJ z?xt i
I'm just hsppy for tts kids"
Offensive guard Dri&a Dlankcnship said
Nebraska's linemen knew &t the bcrlirdrg cf the
season that Fischer
W3 P
'1 to retire.
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Most cf the tea:?, wasn't aware Jl just
before the gar.e that I'ctracka's censive line
ar.d kickers' ccach was retirir j ElarJkenship
"We wanted to r,s cut ar.d have a pod game
for him" Elanksrjship ill "It neans a let to me S
that I am out v.;th cnj. . , he s a hell cf a
i;:;;;:::Tom :'.Rathaar;deaiorlfiilll
announcement that Flschcrwas retiring eaae as
a shock.
"I was completely surprised wfesn I heard that I
he was gsing to retire," said. "It laesri
a lot for the line, so everjbody, including the
seniors, just wanted to go out with a win."
It4 record cf 71 7 yord3 set by fallback Dick Davis
""y r:;';rr.ic;r,ee today was a good way to
leave," KrJthan said, "It Is kind cf sad because
it is a h;d; cf ci experience playing in front cf
Q-rt::lick Travis Turner, a senior Ircm
SccttsliuTI said cvenor.e who spends their
In Ih c:"it Turner said, he paid for his foct-
Sall csresrySli e uf!ei$$to
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guys who stick around," he said. "There is more
ens I have ever seen. For me, it wasn't toujn
playing here, but I guess it just depends cn what
type a person you are and where you're coming
Mike Knox, senior linebacker, said ending his
five-year career at Memorial Stadium Saturday
meant something special,
"I definitely had a good time here, there isn't a
time when I regret doing it Knox said. "Some
times you have the ups and downs, but the good
parts always outweigh the bad."
Charlie McBride, theHuskers' defensive coor
dinator, said that all 26 seniors deserved special
A personal victory is wen, McBride said, when
an athlete completes his football career at
"It reslly adds to their attitude when an ath
lete completes his football career here," McBride
said, "We talked about being able to play a lot of
kids today, particularly the seniors it just
happened early."
Clockwise from bp: Kensss
University's Arnold Fieids
c.zte stopped by Dennis Wet
kins, 27, end Crizn Washing
ton, 5, ct ths Husker's three
yzrd Isna. Excited tens chesr
for the Huskers. Danny
flsensn charges fordyhr.vk
qusrtcrbsck f.ka ficrceth.
f.'cCathorn CIsyton tdss to
recover a funr&id in hz first
'as by David Creamer and Andrea Hoy