The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1985, Page Page 5, Image 5
Thursday, November 14, 1985 Soviet rights abuses WILL from Page 4 Larry Speakes, reflecting an inanity loose in the administration, says Rea gan's first job is to convince the Soviets that "We don't plan to run over them." Oh? Does Soviet aggression flow from insecurity, which U.S. policy has caused and now must assuage? Add to that loopy idea the State Department idea that "frictionless" is a synonym for "good" in the phrase "good U.S.-Soviet relations." Then add Reagan's craving for a "fresh start" in relations. Stir well and you will get a communique designed to blur edges, bleach colors and put both sides on the same moral footing. This is a recipe for diplomatic junk food, for mental cholesterol that clogs intellectual arteries with absurd pro positions, jointly affirmed, such as this: Both sides equally value adherence to agreements. That is rubbish, and if Reagan returns to Washington having endorsed rub bish, he will have negated his recent U.N. speech, in which he denounced "numerous" Soviet violations of "all" agreements of the 1970s. He also will have repealed his five-year record of objections to Soviet violations of arms agreements and the Helsinki Accords concerning human rights. Speaking of arms agreements, how would a joint communique deal with Soviet violations of the pact forbidding use of the sort of chemical weapons the Soviets are using in Afghanistan the sort the Soviets' Vietnamese allies are using in Indochina? The Soviet prefer ence is for Goebbels-like denials. They constantly call for a "comprehensive ban" on the kind of crimes they com mit. The State Department wants to be agreeable ("frictionless") and adores agreements, so it probably is lobbying for a communique language that treats both sides as equally committed to banning such weapons. Speaking of human rights, the Soviets may soon perfume the Geneva atmos phere by settling trivial number of human-rights cases. So imagine a joint communique pledging both sides, as moral equals, to work to resolve human-rights problems without "inter fering" in the "internal affairs" of one another. That would mean the Helsinki Accords on human rights do not apply to the internal affairs of any country. They protect human rights in . . Antarctica? Finally, a "fresh start" requires toss ing some murders down the memory hole. A pledge of mutual efforts for improved air safety would obliquely communicate the lie that the massacre of Korean Airlines Flight 007 was the result of a procedural flaw, not Soviet brutality. Another pledge for "both sides" to adhere to clear rules in Ger many would intimate that the murder of U.S. Army Maj. Nicholson, who slowly bled to death, was the result of another Daily Nebraskan misunderstanding. Were Reagan to leave Geneva en veloped in a cloud of such verbiage, he would demoralize those who for 20 years have taken his quite different words seriously. And he would be dis dained by those who would have suc cessfully manipulated him. Joint communiques generate myths of moral equivalence. In Geneva, Reag anism requires reticence. 1985, Washington Post Writers Group Will Is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and a contributing editor for Newsweek magazine Page 5 Come Hear UNL Professors Dr. David Forsythe and Dr. Ezekial Bahar Discuss Palestine, Zionism &The PLO 8:00 P.M. Thursday, Nebraska Union Sponsored by Hillel, UNL Jewish Student Organization :if D M snn si s& ins wm n is pincninq n rr SM(B iffiffiQKS o YfOM' ctofce fop crfy $1.9 Good daily 4 p. m. - 8 p.m. and noon - 8 p.m. Sunday. I vrfftte - . ' ...... -:.. ; Vi M M i. BT Nil:'? l3k Runza, sBS and a medium drink Hamburger, french fries, and a medium drink T "f'Je ' ' f.'.3j rousn uog, french fries, and a medium drink r) Jr n MEXICAN RESTAURANTE "Nightly Fiestas 99 MONDAY Monday Nite Football Wide screen T.V. and special drink prices. TI IFSDAY Margaritaville Nite 12 price margaritas all day long. WEDNESDAY Senoritaville Nite Special drink prices all day long for ladies. THURSDAY STUDENT NITE 75 drafts and $3 pitchers. Also 12 price on Nachos 201 North 66th St. Phone: 464-8281 JLooZz md SeolFoiaEf Best AJMidsitae2 Looses I7ffm Fcim taeS torn Qezitsx SOFT LENSES Ultra-Thin to Assure Maximum Comfort and Vision Plus Toric Lenses to Correct. Astigmatism EXTENDED WEAR Lenses You Wear While Sleeping OXYGEN PERMEABLE Lenses For People Who Can't Wear Regular Contact Lenses SEMI-SOFT New Ultra-Thin Hard Lenses tor "Sensitive Eyes" BIFOCAL CONTACT LENSES 60 DAY TRIAL FREE CONSULTATION APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE FOR VISUAL EXAMINATIONS FINANCING AVAILABLE Where the health ol your eyes comes first." 433-4000 4S3-5757 6909 East "O" ST. VV, . .--