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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1985)
Thursday, November 14, 1985 Daily Nebraskan Page 15 Jlassihed 47 in tc EZ3 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! CALL 472-2588 to 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included 12 no minimum charge per day on Individual student and student organization ads. j 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All narsonal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. un RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree ot charge. Ap mday before publication (Monday through Friday) The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads Irom businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. VISA MASTERCARD 66 Fender Telecaster with Twin Reverb amp. $550. 488 8442 alter 6 00 p.m. MUST SELL! 1981 CXSOO with Windjammer, AMFM cassette player. CaH"477-4783. Hitachi CD player, 2 months old. $275. Technics Digital Tape Deck S 125 Realistic 200 Watt Receiver $200. Marty ill 1637 1 Northwest Orient round trip airline ticket in Continen tal u S Best otler. 421-3759. One female ticket to Kansas game. Call 489-7554 after 5.30. Trek 560 Excellent condition. Many extras. 472-9796. FOR SALE 1 female. 1 male ticket to NEKansas game. Call 435 4487. keep trying One male ticket. 476-1536. Stereo for sale, listed as follows: 2 Realistic speakers, 70 watts: Kenwood stereo, integrated amplifier model KA-3500; Technics cassette player model number M240X; Audio Control Equalizer: Realistic Reel-to-reel (20 free tapes), Model number 14-700; and Realistic AMFM Tuner. First $400 takes whole system. Call 476-3400. Leave message. The books you've always meant to read. Bluestem Books, 712 "0 St., Tues-Sat 11-6 GEOLOGY BOOKS Text books, SEPM publications, more. 488-7273 eve nings. '76 VW Rabbit, excellent condition, great winter car, $1750. 466-0608. Charter Buses, Vans, Mini-buses, School buses. GOOD LIFE COACHES 423-2500 2212 "R" 2-bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances, washerdryer hookups. ReMax Management 474-6823 or 489-0579 Ask tor Judy HAYWARO PLACE 9th & Charleston A unique renovation of one ot Lincoln's oldest land marks. 1, 2. & 3 bedrooms; close to UNL and downtown; modern applinces; laundry facilities; off-street parking. Now leasing lor Dec. occupancy. Call Mega Corp. 475 8407. 4 bedroom house. Close to campus. $420month plus utilities Call John 475-9091. Single and double rooms available in the residence nails Call 472-3561 for further details " Large 3-bedroom duplex, off-street parking, close to Lincoln School of Commerce. No children, no pets. $385 plus deposit. 466-1825. nLbdroom duJ?lex ,or ren'. roomy, $280 plus utilities. 1200 S 16th St. Call 423-2277 or 423-5859. Clean 2-bedroom, furnished, heat paid, AC, modern appliances, shower, available Dec. 1, $260. 474-0166. Quiet and private 2-bedroom townhouse, study, washer ana dryer sublet for spring semester, South side close to campus $210 plus utilities. 423-8858. '-bedroom- parking; laundry: no pets. $260 plus, close to campus. 539 N. 24ih St. 477-8340 American Hoort checked, h Association Duplex 4110 N 2 bedroom; carpeted; appliances; garaqe 12 utilities paid $350 plus deposit. References. 468-4855. 2530 N 46th. 2-bedroom; washer dryer hookups; large stor age space; adults, no pets, $350 plus electricity. 468- 3145 or 406 8938. L AG STUDENT Part-time opportunity to work with Ag supplier and manufacturer during the winter months and part-time ?1A,'.ui,;llal?-Pver '"e summer. Send brief resume to: MANAGER, P.O.Box 6664, Lincoln, NE, 68516. BOSTON 2-career family looking for live-in to care for 8-year-old and 3-year-old and manage house. Near colleges. Own ?PJ Ji'Vf, salarv Musl dnve Relerences required. Call 617-237-0611, write: Barbara Hamelburg, 118 Hundreds Rd .Wellcsley, MA 02181. Part-time driveway sales person. Neat appearance personable, non-smoker prelerred. Approximately 20 hours per week. Must be available after 5 00 p m on weekdays, and all day on weekends. Apply in person, 3305 O St. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $20 week or $100 a month. (Bring this ad for a $5 bonus on 1st donation.) UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 "Q" St., Lincoln 475-8S45 Now hiring - Cooks & Drivers all hours. Wages, commission plus tips. Apply in person after 2:00 p.m., any day at Paul Revere s Pizza. 17th & "Q" next to U-Stop. AMIGO'S NOW HIRING It you are an aggressive, customer-oriented person, apply NOW at Amigo's for an excellent part-time job opportunity. Apply in person at Amigo's, 14th & "Q", Monday through Saturday, 8-5 p.m. Internal Data Processing (IDP) Clerk. Hours: Monday through Friday, 4 p.m. - done. Every Saturday, 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Minimum - $4.12 per hour. 10-key calculator experience helpful. Contact Michelle, 467-1188, 2nd floor. Gateway Bank & Trust. 61st & "0" St. Equal Opportunity Employer Full-time position with local tour company. Work expe rience desired 475-3956. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The NEBRASKA LAWYERS TRUST ACCOUNT FOUNDA TION seeks committed individual with effective commun ication skills, facility with numbers and bookkeeping, organizational and motivational skills. Some instate travel. Applicant must be college graduate and an inde pendent worker. Salary DOE. Position located in Lincoln. Send resume to: N0LTAF, The Law Building, Suite 300, 500 S. 18th St., Omaha, NE 68102. Deadline for applica tions: 5 p.m., Wed., Nov. 20. Inquiries call (402) 341-0197. CHILD CAREBOSTON AREA. We have many families looking for loving child care workers. One year commit ment, excellent salary, benefits, round-trip transporta tion. Allene Fisch, Childcare Placement Service. 149 Buckminster Rd., Brookline, MA 02146. 617-566-6294. CUSTOM DfSKSe LRY OUAUTTBUMCHDS- Wedding Ring Specialist Newest Styles Large In-Stock Selection (X NO GIMMICKS ,X Lowest Possible Prices Immediate Delivery V 474-6044 3111 "0" St Holidav Classic bv Charles Dickens DECEMBER 5, 6, 7 and 10 thru 14 and 17 thru 21 at 8:00 P.M. 0wt UCt, I . IUI I IGai II ly lllifunuu Howell Theatre Box Office: 1st Floor Temple Bldg. 12th & R Streets PHONE: 472-2073 , Hours: Noon to 5 PM, Mon-Friand 5 to 8 PM, performance nights " Ticket Prices: Mon-Thur Fri-Sat StudentsSrCits General Admis. Child-12 & under $4.00 $4.50t $5.00 $5.50 $3.00 3 general admission tickets for Kansas game. 475-2982. Five male-five female tickets to Kansas nam Tall 474-3015. Keep trying. Need 2 male, 1 female tickets lor Kansas. Call 467-2085. Need 2 general admission tickets to Kansas game. 472-8277. Eldon. WINTER BREAK skiing at Steamboat Springs and Vail from $75, or sunning at South Padre Island and Daytona Beach from $99M Hurry, call Sunchase Tours for more information, toll-free 1-800-321-5911 or contact a Sun chase representative TODAY!! When your winter break counts. . .count on Sunchase! Party room tor holidays. Reserve your party date now. Large nail with bar and dance floor. 475-433. FRANCHISE CLUB Meeting Thursday, November 14, 6:00, CBA Lounge. Speaker: Chuck Chouinard CEO Leisure System. "Oppor tunities in Franchising." Sigma Delta Chi presents another BROWN BAG LUNCH: Noon to I p.m., Thursday, Nov. 14, Avery 108, with WALL STREET JOURNAL'S Chicago Office Managing Editor, Richard Martin and Deputy News Editor, Carolyn Phillips. Everyone welcome. "jAr "ir CPN BARN DANCE SATURDAY NITE 8:30-12:30 BATTLE OF THE BANDS See the Verandas, Splash, Cockey Monroe, and E. S. Pop battle for $1,000 first prize. $2.00 tickets available at door, Mon., Nov. 18 at Centennial Room. CELEBRATE American Enterprise Day, Friday, November 15. Sponsored by Phi Beta Lambda Attention Future Business Leaders of America: Phi Beta Lambda meeting Nov. 14, 5:00 pm in the Union. New members welcome. What would a day in your life be like without American free enterprise? Celebrate American Enterprise Day Fri day, Nov. 15! Sponsored by FBLA-PBL. Epsilon Pi Chap ter, Phi Beta Lambda. THE D.J. Professional sound system for great parties at great prices. Call Ken: 435-3221. The Publications Board will meet at 3:30 p.m., Friday, Nebraska Union, to discuss Daily Nebraska policies. oooooooooo DIRECT FROM CHICAGO MAGIC SLIM AND THE TEARDROPS 8 0 0 0 Tues. - Sat. Nov. 12-16th 9:00-1:00 Q Don't Miss Chicago's A A Finest Blues Band i X THE ZOO BAR V V 136 No. 14th Street Q OOOOOOOOOO Trr TA XT lyiimn i rmmn Air MlHfllUfiJiifHl A j UNIVERSITY T H t A T Rt jM COLT '45 Thursday night, 8 toll, 70t! BRASS RAIL NOW IS THE TIME to make your winter break plans!! STEAMBOAT & UPC offer you more for less 7 days deluxe lodging 4 or 5 day left ticket Parties with refreshments and entertainment all included in our package price $259 Sign up today. Room 200, NE Union, 472-2454 THEOLOGY FOR LUNCH "A Christian Economic Ethic" The Rec. Victor Schoonover, Co-Director Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries, Omaha Thursday Nov. 14 12 Noon -1:00 PM Nebraska Union Room posted ALL FACULTY, STAFF 4 STUDENTS WELCOME tut cyuliei Dancercise S Unssln's fines! ocrobis ehnss studio" 2555 Csmhtnker 120 N. 474 f YCSlMV tioum Why work at the Daily Nebraskan? "I made friends, influenced people and promoted school spirit." Chris Welsch The Daily Nebraskan is following News editor Campus editor Wire editor Layout editor Editorial page editor Sports editor Entertainment editor Art director Assistant art director Applications are available at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union. Applications must be returned by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15. AH applicants must be UNL students. Room 34 Nebraska Union UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by ail federal regulations pertaining to the same. No previous experience necessary. Share a skill or hobby; meet new people of all ages; learn new skills: try out a kind of work before selecting a career; make a contribution to use. Become a Campus Girl Scout. Any student, male or female, can become a Campus Girl Scout. Help share the opportunities in Girl Scouting. For more information, about Campus Girl Scouts, contact the Homestead Girl Scout Council, 476-7539. k k NEW TALENT Walpurgisnacht needs variety, enthusiasm and crea tivity for the biggest festival of the year. So get your act together and pick up an application in the Union CAP Office, Rm. 200. Deadline, Nov 20. 5:00. Auditions will be Nov. 21. 7:00. GHOSTBUSTERS Video will be shown at University Lutheran Chapel, 1510 "Q" St., at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15th. Eve ryone's invited. It's free. ttidio lb. 475-5950 2-FERS 2 COOKIES From 8 pm to 10 pm COUPON NOT REQUIRED (Limit 1 per personvisit.) 14th St. - 6158 "When something happens, you're the first kid on the block to know about it." Ad Hudler accepting applications for the spring positions: Photography chief Assistant photography chief Supplements editor Depth supplements editor Night news editor Assistant night news editors Editorial columnists Senior reporters Ya t :''-0j QJj Unkentty of NetmtsaJneoIri