Friday, November 8, 1985
Page 2
Daily Nebraskan
Ry The Associated Press
Mfpws Ofesft
Caller threatens to murder
6 U.S. hostages in Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon An anonymous
caller said Islamic Jihad extremists
planned to kill their half-dozen Ameri
can hostages Thursday, and a second
caller claimed they were dead. But no
bodies were found in the designated
The captives were to be "executed"
by firing squad because indirect nego
tiations with the United States had
reached "a dead end," the first man
said in a call to a Western news agency.
In Washington, however, a White
House official said "contacts" in the
Lebanon hostage case had not broken
down. And President Reagan said of
the death threat, "Evidently there is no
substantiation of that at all."
Since the calls could not be authen
ticated, it was impossible to determine
whether they were a macabre hoax or
simply part of a war of nerves being
waged by the shadowy Shiite Moslem
faction to pressure Washington into
making a deal.
Six Americans are missing in
Lebanon. Islamic Jihad claimed Oct. 4
it killed one of them, diplomat William
Buckley, 57. But no body has turned up.
Islamic Jihad, or Islamic Holy War,
believed made up of fundamentalist
followers of Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini, had said it would release
the Americans when Kuwait frees 17
Shiite comrades serving prison terms
for the bombings of the U.S. and French
embassies in Kuwait in December 1983.
A representative oi the news agency,
which declined to be identified, said
the first call came Thursday morning
House considers 5 cut
WASHINGTON House Democratic
leaders, raising the ante in the Capitol
Hill budget game, said Thursday they
would propose about a 5 percent cut in
domestic and military spending as an
amendment to a stopgap money bill
Congress must pass next week.
The move is aimed at backing up the
House position on a sweeping balanced
budget plan that the House and Senate
have been kicking back and forth. That
budget plan is attached to another
measure needed next week to increase
the government's line of credit.
Treasury Department officials have
said the government will be in default
Nov. 1 5 without the increase in borrow
ing authority. Meanwhile, a stopgap
money bill now in place to keep money
flowing to most of the government
expires Nov. 14. In addition, several
other stopgap laws that temporarily
extended several taxes including
the federal tax on cigarettes expire
Nov. 14.
Those deadlines, combined with pol
itical warfare over the budget issue, are
setting up a legislative train wreck for
next week.
"I think next Wednesday's going to
be one of the most chaotic days in the
history of Congress," said Rep. David
Obey (D-Wis.).
Democratic leaders said their prop
osal for an across-the-board cut would
correspond to the House-passed balanced
budget plan that calls for a fiscal 1986
deficit of $161 billion.
While the actual cuts would be in
effect only for the length of the stopgap
bill, it would be a way for the Demo
crats to meet Republican charges they
are not serious about such an ambi
tious deficit target.
from a man who, speaking in classical
Arabic, declared the American hos
tages would be shot by firing squad.
"We wish to tell America that the
sad end of the American hostages will
not be the last. We shall shake the
earth at America's feet and the feet of
its agents," said the caller.
He promised to call again to say
where the bodies had been dumped.
That call was never made. But another
man, speaking colloquial Lebanese
Arabic, called. He said that "all the
bodies of the Americans, including
Buckley's," had been dumped in the
basement of the derelict, shell-pocked
Coca-Cola factory in the Kola district of
South Beirut.
Policemen, reporters and Moslem
militiamen found nothing.
Sailor given subpoena
NEW ORLEANS A lawyer for the
Senate Agriculture Committee arrived
here Thursday carrying a subpoena for
a ship-jumping Soviet sailor in a last
minute bid to make certain the seaman
wants to return to the Soviet Union.
The subpoena, written in English,
Russian and Ukrainian, was to be taken
to the ship, docked at a grain elevator
at Reserve, Louisiana, 30 miles upriver
from New Orleans.
A copy of the subpoena was to be
given to Customs officials to prevent
them from giving the ship clearance to
leave U.S. waters until Ukranian sea
man Miroslav Medvid answers the
summons, said committee spokesman
Ron Phillips.
Reagan administration officials said
in Washington that Medvid had made
his intentions to return to the Soviet
Union emphatically clear and "the case
is closed."
I Brief
Rulo murder labeled 'brutal'
FALLS CITY Two former residents of a survivalist farm near Rulo
have told authorities that they whipped a man whose body was later found
on the farnt; Richardson County Attorney Doug Mens said Thursday.
Merz revealed the information during a district court session in which
James Haverkaaip and John David Andreas each pleaded guilty to charges
cf carrying a concealed weapon, second-degree assault and possession of
stolen property, The court had previously entered pleas of innocent on
behalf of both men, but the pleas were changed as part of an agreement
with prosecutors.
Before liavcrkamp and Andreas entered their pleas, Merz told Judge
Robert Finn that the defendants admitted to whipping Thimm 15 times
each at the farm on April 29. Merz said the men claimed the whippings
were ordered by Michael Ryan, the reputed leader of the group that lived
on the farm. ...
In a news conference after the court session, Andreas attorney said his
client and Havcrkamp witnessed "certain events which led to the deaths"
of Thimm and Stice. Asked if the treatment cf thetwo victims at the farm
could be described as "brutal" or "bizarre " attorney Steven Erott of Falls
City said, "I would use both those words."
Surrogate gives birth to girl
MALDSN, Mrs. - A keslfcy baby :rt was born Ttoiry to a woman
who hid rrsi to have a child for her sterile &L:ter by impregnating
herself with her brother-in-law's sperm.
Krisisn Jennifer was born at 3:35 a.m. at M&ld&n Hospital, into the
waitir.3 arms of her mother-to-be, Carole Jalbert,
Jaibert, who was present throughout the labor cf hzt sister, Sherry
Kin& exclaimed, "Oh, my baby! My batyl" when the 7-pound, fi'kmnce
baby was bom, the statement said.
"To this day, I feel like an aunt I was just babysitting" said King, the
surrogate mother. She added that the delivery "hurt, but it was worth it."
Lincoln pilot injured in crash
LINCOLN A Lincoln dentist was injured Thursday when the single
engine plane be was piloting crashed while he was apparently performing
an aerial stunt for & television cameraman, a KMTV editor said. Dr.
Charles Carothera was taken to Lincoln General Hospital after rescue
workers pried htn out of the wreckage with jaws cf life equipment. A
hospital spokemnaut said she didn't know Carothers' condition or what
irguries he scored.
The pters crashed about 5 p.m. at a private airstrip just east of Lincoln,
said Richard fctackey of the Lancaster County Sheriffs Office,
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