The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1985, Page Page 12, Image 12
Page 12 Daily Nebraskan Chart: You make Potato Heads, Bobs, and Mburgers worth going to, Well.. .almost! Thanks (or being such a good friend. L. Jeft, Andy. Steve, Scott, Dave, Chris, Marshall (FH): As Lion Hunt draws near, we get out our gear. The safari awaits, and tun is our latel! Jamee, Linda, Loree. Judy, Dawne, Suzanne, Shell (ADPi) Uninvited of 18 (8.0. and Madonna): Sticks and stones From Uranus with love, Socially scarred for life Scott. Rick, Jim. Garry. Craig, Joe (Acacia): Grab your hat, grab your gun. we're gonna have a whole lot of fun. Get excited, THE HUNT is on. LION HUNT '85 IS HERE Kimberly, Sue, Lori, Andrea, Molly, Diane (ADPi) John: A friend is one with whom you dare to be yourself. Thank you for being my friend. Judy Gymmes: We appreciate all that you do for us: The hayrack ride; carnations: the pizza party: and everything else. We think you re fantastic. Women's Gymnastics Team: Renee, Jodie, Janet, Racine. Mary, Jeanine, Chrystal and Cathy Vicki M (AZO): Hey Roomie, Happy Birthday! It's celebration time1 Karen Pam: Have a fun birthday retreat. Tonight will be very inspirational, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Love, your bestest roomies, S4M Kathryn (KAP): Watched you MADONNA-out at the Lady Would like to see more! RSVP Handsome stranger PARKER WORD PROCESSINGTYPING BETTY PARKER 483 70b? Wild 'n Crazy Women: Kyle & Glen (AGS): HI Meet us at Partners. ( Holidav Inn. 5020 Cornhusker). happv rirtwiav TnunRnnwni tonight at 8 30, for a night ol dancing you will not forget!! Two Classy Guys j Typed on computer with best letter-quality prim ions prootiead. Minor corrections and editing by uality printer All exper- Love, The Lii Sis's Juls P.: Happy Birthday to a very special friend nanus n fenced teacher with MA in English Free storaqe your manuscript on disk tor quick easy revisions Reasonable rates' Kinky Cashier's Friend: I II take virginity over a KD any day! Love ya. T BP. Pete: What comes around, goes around! Here's your papers!! Anita Kevin (AGS): Good luck in K C. We Love Ya! Your Sis's, Kay. Renee & Stacie TYPEWRITER? , RENTAIS-SALES-SIRVICE BLOOMS 323 N. 13th 474-4136 SINGLE & PREGNANT? Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential inlorma tioncall Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Kathy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Friends of Sandoz, Able, and Kappa Sigma: A chipped ankle has never been more fun!! Thanks for everything; you guys are the greatest!!! Love lots, Jen (Hoppy) Tom & Matt; Thanks lor the use of your computer. Sorry we kept you Your fellow dormy rjekrita: Should we remain friends, or turn into lovers, I'll always be there tor you. Love. Juli TYPING $1 25page Including proofreading, p.m. 7 days a week. 466-8651, 8 a.m -8 Friday, November 8, 1985 Theta Chi Pledges. Thank you so much for the study break, the TCBY, and the roses'! You guys are great'! Sorry more of us couldn t be then , Thanks, AXiD Pledges OU ATeam Good luck at Tri-Delt Dig em Love, your coaches, Robyn 6 Tern Here's to Kappa Sig A team- Joe "Soiker" W . Kodv "Flounder M . Pal "Mouth" 0 , Mike "Jolly Volley Man" 0., Mike "Score King K Mike "Buzy" B , Adam "Killer" S., Scott "Dinker" 0. Who needs practice? Not us! Yes, you're still in the tourney on Sunday' Love, you invisible yet supportive Trl Delt Coaches, Lisa "Volley" & Chris "Bally" Lambda Chi Soccer Team Congratulations on taking ALL UNIVERSITY CHAMP IONSHIPS!! We are all proud of you. The Men of Lambda Chi ADPi's and Dates The safari awaits! Where will Alphie the lion be found? up so late (early)!! Beward of squirting eggrolls!! P S. Sorry Robert heila & Vicki Barb (Smith 8): Here's your personal! Have a great day! PERSHING RIFLES NHQ STAFF: (Craig, Rick, Joe, Keith, Emma, Lois, Judy, Bill): Get psyched for convention!! -from the ranks of retirement, MG Whalen Tim: Yo muffinhead. . .the candlelight & wine was nice. Next time, I'll make omelettes. Jodi PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is hand. 483-2609. confidential helping Lambda Chi's, Your Roomie Jon(Nikki): Nothing' P S But brush your teeth first, Knsti Brian (Sigma Chi) Thanks lor helping us out We really appreciated it The Birthday Girls Dear Donald: I saw this good-looking boy loitering at V I He looked very intense so I thought I'd ask him for a Marlboro light; but as I got closer. I noticed his lobotomy scar and discovered he was REALLY old 22 High forehead! L CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Actress Stevens 7 Crude 13 Dagger 15 Transportation system 16 Likeness 17 Ballroom dance 18 Faint 19 Voiced sounds 21 Genetic component 22 Personality aspects 24 Brief 25 Taboos 26 Closes 28 Visit 29 Chocolate tree 30 Rugby plays 32 Takes 40 winks 34 Mother of Apollo 38 Josip Broz 37 Take away 40 Cities in Mexico and Spain 43 Urticaria 44 Bounder 46 Omits 48 Latin poet 49 Twisted 51 Above 52 Halfway 53 Sound of a dying engine 55 Freeway: Abbr. 56 Type of barometer 58 Abu Dhabi is one 60 Authentic 61 Turned 62 Depside and nitrite 63 Table linen DOWN 1 Black suit 2 "West Side Story" song 3 Charm, in Chelsea 4 West role 5 Country bordering the Mekong 6 Dialect 7 Adventure tale 8 Dicer's "snake eyes" 9 Horace's" Poetica" 10 Hectic routine 11 Certain pigments 12 Border city 14 Units of force 15 Agree 20 Rider on Phobos 23 Stiff 25 Instrument played by Bob Burns 27 Cryptesthetic persons 29 Sheep shelters 31 As written: Mus. dir. 33 Saf flower by product 35 Block 37 Clergymen 38 Obvious 39 Tight 41 Fertilizer 42 Shoplifter's nemesis 43 Vassal's pledge of allegiance 45 Holdback 47 Rapid 49 Aerial maneuvers 50 Incubus, e.g. 53 Evening in Evian 54 Santa , city in Brazil 57 Bitter herb 59 Hit 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 a 9 1 10 11 12 13 iTj jiT" 7a I 17 7a 75" I 20 7T 22 H " 24 " " Is" """" 26 " 27 " 28 """ 29 """" 1 30 31 " 32 33 """" LJL - XJ L 34 35 39 37138" 39 40" 1TT42" 43 44 " ' 45 46 " 47 48" """ " I i49" SQ "57" ' J J 52 53 54 55 56 " 57 " 1S8 " "" 59" """" "" L 1 u 62 03 "A tions for Uis position of Account lllll flllfifpilll fiJiP t3:CDp,m. it tAt ATTENTION BE SURE TO WISH LISA M. (DN ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE), A FANTASTIC BIRTHDA Yllll HAVE A SUPER DAY. FOR ALL VOUR TYPING NEEDS Term papers; Resumes: Reports; Theses, etc. "MY OFFICE" 304 S. 13th 474-6345 Across from the Cornhusker Hotel AVAILABLE FOR TYPING Reports; term papers; etc. Gall, 45-5064. Available anytime. Professional typing, $1.00 per page Including proof reading. Near Fast Camnu:. 7 days a week. 464 2435. We really "dig" you!! Go Your Coaches, ! thelli, Sandy, Becky & Jenny Sensational Awesome Maaveious Incredible Excellent Sigma Alpha Mu Go tor it? Your Delta Dig 'em coaches are behind you! Tara & Amy KDAgMen Barn Party '85!!! DUS COM 120 You write, we type. Don't get caught by your deadline. COMPUTER TYPE 1630 Que St. 476-TYPE NEED MONEY FOR TUITION? WE WILL PAY YOU UP TO $1500! Harris Laboratories needs volunteers to help evalu ate pharmaceuticals. If you're a healthy male at least 19 years of age and want to earn up to $1500 tor a few weekends, and yet study at the same time, give us a call. Call Monday through Friday, 8-4 p.m. at 474-0627. SELECTIVE SINGLES Lincoln's hottest, new alternative to singles bars. Special student discounts. For free brochure, write Box 83071, Lincoln, 86501. L. D.'s TYPING SERVICE Term papers; manuscripts; resumes are my specialty!! 423-7166 TYPING ONE PAGE REPORTDISSERTATION - FASTACCURATE $1 25PAGE -477-4679 i:i Am looking for ride to OUNE game. Will help share gas. Call collect 1-558-1738. llfllt WORD PROCESSINGTYPING SERVICE $1page, term paper, thesis, resume. 1141 N. (464-1516) 45th. LOST: Black, lined, leather gloves. CBA, 9:30, 11-7-85. Call 488-1163. FOUND: Keys at Cather Pound football field (17th & Vine) November 3. approximately 1:30 p.m 472-2588. WORDS, ETC All your typing and copy needs! Papers Resumes Forms Letters 1321 "P" St. 476-2039 V-F, 8-5:30 Sat.. 9-12.00 ATO's. Let's show 'em what you've got in your 501 '$ and on the court. Good luck at Tri Delta Dig Em. Love your coaches Alpha Delts and Dates, Beware1! The mighty Alphie is loose and awaiting your arrival tomorrow. Prepare for a treacherous journey to the jungle!! Tarzans Jane KD Dates, Put on your boots and hat for a rampin good time at the barn party. Love, your KD cowgirls ADPi LION HUNT Something to ROAR about!! Dearly Beloved, we will be gathered together tonight to ... PARTY Alpha Xi Delia-Pi Kappa Phi 2nd Annual Wedding Party UNL Students Sigma Chi 100th Anniversary. Free food and beer, 3:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m., Friday, November 8th. . . . coming soon to a volleyball court near you! KD Pranksters. You are the only sorority girls who risked life and hair to paint the K state Beta rock. Congrats on getting a piece of the rock!! Phi Psi, Practice was great??? See ya on the courts! Your coaches, Missy & Kara P S. Good luck at Dig 'em Kappa Sig (B) Get psyched for a big win on Sunday! You're the greatest! , Your Tri-Oelt coaches Debi & Cindy BLCOM COUNTY by Derlie Breathed WUROPIHION PLB($ei I'M COmWRIHG A ume cosMenc m- CRY... PO YOU WINK ft FANNY-LIFT? WNO ft N05 JO0. WWPPYA THINK ? wen. Let Me JUST 5(Y THIS I FIRSTLY, T'$ WHAT 15 MONO WITH MY FANNY T 3 IMPKKfcWE ENTRANCE-. JUST IMHO ARE HCU ANYWAY r VKMT TMe ACNMCE 1 mwcaoo AND M&Gr flkRTYi& AMD 17. V. L ML jZ Tf$Uo It ALL 4)J9 PITNT 5AY GOOPT3YC-! Vou have heaM about ttcm. Vou're seen tfiem m the street Bq. mcK. cmw. Rated No. 11 r r ttHiiitj DO -BIZ COOKES MOMMA i r 1 1 " 1 Oil 5i II o l "I at iiiiii Mining I 3 Z lo 1 la 1 ! w I s m h IT D I Is