The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
Monday, November 4, 1985 17 r unci ury Daily Nebraskan I Pagan By Tom Mockler Staff Reporter A year ago she left the Go Gos to pursue a solo career. Apparently, she , . . i j , , U1 uaving Dennaa Carlisle The record shows I took the sing all of her songs. Indeed, the band's blows and did things my way. format did seem rather rigid with jane Wiedlin is a true romantic. Weidlin playing rhythm guitar and writing at least half the songs on the last album and Carlisle doing nothing but singing them. Record Review But the Go Gos never seemed to be completely in charge of their destiny. After suddenly becoming the hottest pop act of 1982 with "Our Lips Are Sealed," they slowly sank in popularity, partially because of a prolonged ab sence brought about by medical prob lems. Earlier this year, the remaining GcTGos split. When I was in Los Angeles this summer I heard a live recording on KROQ-FM of various songs played at a pro-peace rally. It was a small-time, almost underground event, featuring Wiedlin alone with only her acoustic guitar accompanying her singing. She did a rendition of Bunny Wailer's "Cease Fire" and her "Goodbye Cruel World." What struck me when I played back the tape I had made was that she came ! !' f V ! Wiedlin across very much as the Joan Baez of the 1980s. Such a comparison is even scarier when you open her solo album "Jane Wiedlin." When you pull out the record, a card pops out, one half addressed to Ronald Reagan and the other to Mik hail Gorbachev, asking them to stop all nuclear weapons testing as a first step toward a more productive Geneva summit. Along the dotted line there is a little picture of scissors and a note saying "Jane Wiedlin requests that you send these postcards if you care about nuclear arms." This is not to say Wiedlin's music is thoroughly political. Far from it. But the gem on the album, a full version of "Goodbye Cruel World" is very much so. Far beyond any vague social com mentary Bruce Springsteen might make make, it is a full-blown '60s-spirited idealistic anthem. "No more people split by their colorNo nations hating each otherNo women trapped by their sexNo experiments that end in death. " The truly remarkable thing about this song is that it is not only listenable but it is practically danceable. Given the growing trend toward making social consciousness fun, Jane Wiedlin takes politics it one step further: She makes it cute. This doesn't bother me. I'm waiting for the psychedelic dance-mix version. If it gets airplay, I say all the more power to the people. The rest of the album is not quite as grand. It is a mixture of synth-pop, rock, pure pop and a dash of folk. While none of it is offensive, much of it is rather unremarkable musically. A lot of it is pure fluff. But can't the same charge be leveled at the Thompson Twins? The interesting element is its pure infectiousness. Perhaps this is due in part to the lyrical depth, which is not really apparent until after sev eral listenings. At times it would seem Wiedlin has almost too much to say about love and life. This may detract from pop appeal in the short run, but it increases its durability. The album's opener, "Blue Kiss," is a bouncy, light tune that takes advan tage of Wiedlin's rather high voice. Her voice actually is a double-edged sword it can be either very enticing or somewhat irritating, in a Cindi Lauper sort of way. "Modern Romance" vaguely reminds me of the Motels' "Only the Lonely" in '.& adult-crossover appeal, floating laz i " on the FM airwaves, complete with s solo. "I Will Wait For You" has the cute effervescent flavor of A-Ha's "Take On Me." As a matter of fact, most of side two is aimed straight at the FM band. The closest thing to "rocking out" on this album is probably "Where We Can Go," which features X's Billy Zoom on guitar. But if you're looking for music with an edge you won't find it on this album. Even more than the Go Gos as a whole, Wiedlin's sensibility is pure pop. But then again, she had a hand in nearly all of their hits. Now that she has been unleashed on the world, there is no telling what may happen. A"OT TO PSSYIS PUZZLE Ml ACHE I' BIW AflE LEG 1stere1sk e a sl a u. r. T A R Tifl R E A R w I N ID 0 W ba gas1s e HIe1lJl bJaJl lo jHZo raWZJ J5.Z E 'T D wTTeIM E E R E I I N E Fl A 1 F ANj, S PENT "aThTs fjM A N ETA T E R S AMUE IDAS TTOC" aTnIa alee! iE r lje! (noose N E S SLj A S E S j jS p E e R tea 47225 0 (J 00 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2.00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree ol charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads Irom businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. Kenmore ZigZag machine in wood cabinet. Some attachments. Nearly new. Call 483-4079. $225. Men's Nordica Ski Boots. Size 9. Excellent condition. $50 or best offer. Call 472-8837, keep trying. GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1. (U repair). Also, delin quent tax property. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. GH-9636 for information. GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,040 - $59.230yr. Now hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9636 for current federal list. Excellent income for part-time home assembly work. For info call 312-741-8400 Ext. 1367. VISA MASTERCARD itJ lt L Charter Buses, Vans, Mini-buses, School buses. GOOD LIFE COACHES 423-2500 Adult airline ticket, Omaha to Anchorage. Alaska for Nov. 5, $275 0B0. 464-4442. 2212 "R" ui i 7' h.. o' c.i,i rnmi.. 2-bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances timVMnJ "y 9' Sp6C P washerdryer hookups. $100 00. Call 476-6104. ReMax Management 474-6823 or 489-0579 Matching love seat and chair. 466-0228 after 6:00. Ask ,or Judy 4640 MEREDITH 2-bedroom--$340 plus $200 deposit. Available immed iately. 421-3989, 488-1723, or 488-4589. NEAR CAMPUS. NEAR NEW 1 and 2-bedrooms available. 1-bedroom-$265 plus $200 deposit. 2-bedroom--$365 plus $200 deposit. 421 3989, 474-1064. 3 bedroom, near UNL at 1501 N. 13th $375. 423-1535. 3 bedroom, 1117 N. 30th, stove, refrigerator, close to campus. 3 or 4 students. $350. Call 483-5573. 1826 "A" Street, 2-bedroom, newer unit, dishwasher, disposal, laundry, central air. carpeted. No pets, children or waterbeds, $300. $200 security deposit. 423-1838 after 5.00. HAYWARD PLACE 9th & Charleston A unique renovation of one of Lincoln's oldest land marks. 1. 2, & 3 bedrooms: close to UNL and downtown; modern appliances: laundry facilities: off-street parking. Now leasing for Dec. occupancy. Call Mega Corp. 475 8407. East Campus; furnished; one-bedroom; laundry facil ities; off-street parking. Mega Corp. 475-8407. YMCA lookinq for enthusiastic, energetic volunteer youth basketball coaches. If interested, call Youth Sports, 45-9622. SitterHousehelper. UNL Spring semester. $3 35hour. M-F. 11:30-4:30 p.m. No smoking, no T V. 488-0262, 472-1815. Ali'YoU'CaivEat Luncheon Buffet $299 MonJTues. Only 4 entrees salad bar homemade soups 1228 "F'' 476-1020 nmmmmmmmmmf no imw n PITCHERS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT PEAKS COUI1CT Apartment-size house for rent. 466-8104. tiy KOf ear , 322 8. Silt St., lincotn, I Jebraaka 4766551 OH yeP COIN f -to A Mcoae-UA-. .. A KOKl .MCtofciE.MOCMe UOOWE.HCOKIE LA f i - -,r i UM .. Ml .EVERY WDWCAY .. AD TWO TCOS FOR. at po. iars . , CM .YEAH AND EVEW TUeSDrW ... A -k4- BOffeeR vurTH GOOD. REAU &COP ...WHArt A HOOIE IA? UAhdAIIAM FOR I "LETS PARTY NAKEPy J) MfiEUlPEP ' J I ,1 COUNTY. toy Ecrlic Brest hed UP YOUR 3W Mmres OF 5P50PL BLOOM COUfffY M HOUR OR TWO mmnuru-mn... cm.uer'soer PH)rStCAL, FLABBY COMICS RBMRS ...ifwemrsma'T AVAILABLE, ALMOST ANYTHING HSFTY WILL 5UFFIC6 OH, YOU ARB NOT SFRI0US. At we me me, work off THAT FOST-AeROBIC TENSION WITH A JAUNTY, BRISK WALK SPCKTUP.' A '1 Anp men RemRP yourself with A COCMMBSR SALAP ANP AVOCAPO YOGURT- YOU PtmH IT, MR. H6MHY omeooboo" :.HeAvr bRCAiif BLOOM COUNTY jy DegSi Dircathgd NO Mm KINKY SECRETARIES no me taw stock- MOKBRS .' WS MY HAS B&NPROMOmp.' Mil rersaials p PE5K hiA fWoeYkmFwsmir! ONWRP ANP (JPtfflRP TOAume SCRIMS JOURNALISM Li I ooocwess knows, m MAP JUST ABOUT CHOIOH OF TWS6 ooofy, wnnr, im- MIPfU-CiASS URBAN TYFES NEW r&NPT n n i- nnnnrnnn a tatifi imn u.u. s uuuuiuuu h im r CROSSWORD PUZZLE lEdlted by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS IStun S Home made of adobe? 10 Not fully open 14 Signatures, a la Harpo 15 Croce's Brown 16 She gets what she wants 17 Addled 18 Put on cloud nine 19 Foulards 20 ir 22 fries 24 Corrodes 25 Football div. 28 Italian seafood dish 28 With 38 Down, description of the solutions to the starred clues 33 Sac 34 Final stanza 38 Flout 37 Jar 30 Civetlike animal 41 Snarl 42 Some horses 44 Fragrant oil 43 Mad. or Lex., e.g. 47 43 Caught 51 Hodges and Bias 52 Roe 53 Lacedaemon 0 Hawkeye's home eiN.Z. native 63 Places 64 Pack 65 "Smiles," for one 63 Kind of jacket 67CandD 68 Stair part 60 Impudence DOWN 1 Takeout place 2 Impulse conductor 3 Joie devivre 4 Respect 5 6 Lugosi and Bart6k 7 Buccal 8 The i's have it 9 Looker 19 11 Fuse 12 Guinness 13 Madcap 21 Yawn 23 "Confound it!" 25 Settled 23 Big spender 27 Distort 28 Dwight's rival 29 Card game 39 Kind of code 31 Vacation 32 Flubbed 35 Dresses a calf 38 See 29 Across 40 43 Stew 45 Shankar specialty 48 Elusive allure: Var. 50 Basketry fibers 52 Frightening 53 Indisposed 54 Aperture 55 Out 56 Gats 57 Tiny Greek letter? 58 Sgts. or cpls. 59 We cotton to these devices 62 Baba 14 20 1 27 33 37 42 47 26 24 21 33 S3 60 64 67 S4 55 51 34 19 18 43 39 33 4d .81 ,25 29 22 10 111 12 13 23 39 40 (49 62 54 32 4S 41 69 30 131 44 32 57 68 o8