t (Thursday, October 31. 1985 Daiy Nebraskan jMelodrama this weekend; proceeds sto help the Shrine Burn Center A charity benefit sponsored by Aca Via fraternity in cooperation with the ! Lincoln Shrine Temple and Alpha Oml Uron Pi sorority will aide the Shrine Burn Center in Galveston, Texas. The twelfth annual Acacia Melo ' drama, titled "The Adventures of Stud- I Icy Dewleft, will be staged this Thurs- liiv at 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday ;lt 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. at the Shrine Activities Building, 1717 Yolande Ave. The theme underlying the performan ,.nu U fun and entertainlni? for pvp. ( ' - r - ryone, melodrama director Paul Nance said. The entertainment pokes fun at campus life and the "classic melo drama," Nance said. The material is original and was written by members of Acacia. The plot of the melodrama is a take off on the legendary Dudley Doo- right of the Canadian mounties. Audience participation is encour aged, Nance said. Popcorn can be pur chased and is often thrown at the actors and actresses on stage, he said. Heckling also is encouraged. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can be purchased from the Shriners. Proceeds from these sales go to Shriners. Preparations began the third week of school with auditions and commit tee work. Committees are responsible for set, make-up, props, publicity and costumes, Nance said. The 46 cast members have spent one to four hours a week practicing and several hours this week putting on the finishing touches. Although the production has been much work, the idea is simply to help the Shrine Burns Center while having a great time, Nance said. The goal is to raise $2,500. Tickets are $3.50 and can by pur chased in the Union, at the door of the Acacia and Alpha Omicron Pi houses. 120 N. 14th St. 474-6158 1 V f!& j r v :4 rax m I Wnv,i v. t I - - I " 2-FERS 2 COOKIES From 8 pm to 10 pm COUPON NOT REQUIRED (Limit 1 pet personvisit.) r V ' r J o w BUD LIGHT 12 pack $4.89 case ...$9.59 warm cans only caseCOLD... $10.99 IT Dan DulaneyDaily Nebraskan Studley Dewleft (Lance Klngery) gazes at Natalie Nesbeth (Kristin Lovercheck) as Doug MacKenzie (Ron Jelinek) and General Nesbeth (Jim Ballard) stand by in this year's Acacia Alpha Omicron Pi Melodrama. Purple Haze 'Horses' on list of scariest ITS A FARE SCARY from Page TO 8. "Atrocity Exhibition" by Joy Division. Did you ever wonder why no one ever asked the surviving members of Joy Division (now New Order) why lead singer Ian Curtis hung himself? Well, with this song actually on vinyl and publicly available, there was no need. Ian Curtis' droning voice works as a beckoning finger into a room where someone or a lot of someones are being vivisected. Sort of a punk version of "Portrait of the Artist as A Young Man." 9. "Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath" by Black Sabbath. Played backward, forward, with earphones, in a vacuum, near a Geiger counter or in a Methodist church, this song is surely possessed. It's one of the very few justifications for the Heavy MetalGoat God connection. 10. "Put a Spell on You" by Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Hawkins used to be carried on stage in a coffin. To him, rock 'n' roll was a supernatural rite that involved sexual impatience, hypnotic rhythms, some howling at the moon and an incantation to make blood boil. Forget the Credence Clearwater Re vival version, this is the real thing. 11. "Anything" by the Cramps. The Cramps are the standard by which all other horror rock groups must be judged. They writhe around in a minor key world of garage psycho-billy. They have fun in the company of zombies, teen-age werewolves, vampires, sadists, murderous ghouls and people who live under rocks in swamps. I guess it's their idea of a party. I guess it's mine, too. 12. "Horses" by Patti Smith. I don't think Cannibal and the Headhun ters meant for "Land of 1,000 Dances" to be treated this way. Patti is punk's reigning matriarch and while Lenny Kaye on guitar does the excruciating work of a dental drill, Patti tells the story of a teen-age date that culminates in a heroin overdose and a gruesome death. Every once in awhile the band revs into "Land of 1,000 Dances." 13. "Birdies" by Pere Ubu. Lead mutant David Thomas gets up in the morning, puts his socks on and goes somewhere. Not scary in itself but Dave Thomas is on helium, ether, benzedrine, mescaline and some drug I'm sure is only sold in Haiti. 14. 'Purple Haze" by the Fibon nacis. Yep, it is Hendrix's song. Yes, the original was pretty menacing, but I'm afraid the Fibonnacis have done it definitively. Charles Manson opens the songs, talking about changes in rock 'n' roll, beating his palm on the table, saying "Wow, man, wow!" 15. "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham. I heard this song once, I repeat, once in 1984 and it; would not ieave my mind. Suddenly I would be whistling or singing it for no reason. This is musical mind control, Soma for the zombies. Anybody who threatens to "jitterbug into your brain" is a threat, a menace and should be avoided at all costs. ; H in . f- LOTiiMto A TMnMMM A 4- UNIVERSITY THEATRE Ibsen's Powerful Theatre Classic! Ghosts November 7 thru 9 and November 1 1 thru 16 Studio Theatre at 8:00 p.m. Tickets . y,-M-ThF:S StuJ.:nt3 Sr, Citizens 4.00 450 : All Other ' ; - I 5.00 50 L-r i iTr"m-""'"-") ,''':'''i"fi' rrniTini rint.itin hi V rur- C p-v offi-oP--. :nn:TFicorf Te-r--'it: , i r ' r?ncito5f.r;;.;-F iMtvafsity of NabttskA-Lit'cuvi NOW AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD r ' , II" I " I ' . .I.,,,!. iimr ' Iffl iMarf . lPmUfT(D)B3 QUALITY From Great Audio For The Home, Car or Office ALSO: Brand New SHERWOOD C.D.'s . . . . To Tlie Best T.V;'s Anywhere! ALL ON SALE NOW AT THE LOWEST PPJCES EVER! 1844 "N" St. 475-3543 FOR THE FINEST IN ENTERTAINMENTELECTJRONJCS Michael Hedges Mike Marshall and Darol Anger Liz Story Joslyn Art Museum - Friday Nov. 1 8:00 p.m. Witherspoon Concert Hall Tickets: U.N.O. Students $7.00 $8.00 General Public $9.0 0$1 0.00 ALL SEATS RESERVED Available: Brandies, Homers, U.N.O., Milo Bail Student Center, U.N.L. Student Union. For Further Information - 554-2623. University of Nebraska at Omaha SPO Concert Productions Presents An Everting Wfth Windham H5M '4 I I- ? :; r .: iH - ,,J '. Pago 11 I