The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1985, Page Page 10, Image 10
Wednesday, October 23, 1985 Page 10 Daily Nebraskan Earn FAST CASH in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. Become a plasma donor at: LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 O SI. 474-2339 "WORKIMO FOR AND WITH VOU" New donors and those who haven t been in tor mon than 2 months, bring in this ad for an extra $5 on your first donation. Wanted' Full-time seasonal help starting before Thanksgiving and through New Year's. Call Mark Ed wards 45-2087 or 435-4383, leave message. For Sale Boie 601 speakers, excellent condition. $500 or best otter. Call HAYWARO PLACt 9th & Charleston A unique renovation of one of Lincoln's oldest land marks. 1-2-3 Bedrooms: close to UNL ft downtown; modem appliances: laundry facilities; off-street parking. Now leasing for November occupancy. Call Mega Corp, 475-8407. 2212 "R" 2-bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances, washerdryer hookups. ReMax Management 44-6823 or 489-0579 Ask for Judy East Campus, furnished one bedroom, laundry facilities, off-street parking Mega Corp. 45-8407. Must sell - Emerson VMS VCR 9C0, S200. 488-1089 eves. For Sale: One female season ticket $40. 477-9837. Vhirlpool O UqUz IKed carpet, excellent lor dorm rooms, 466-0228 after 600. For Sale Olin 930 skis, Salomon 747 bindings, new, still in boxes, call 476 3657. s G Spas vV -- vcs Stress X iS" r - College courses for career success. SIGN UP FOR SPRING ARMY ROTC NOW: MS 111. THE ROLE OF THE MILITARY IN SOCIETY MS 112. MILITARY LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT MS 222. LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT .77 - - XT 11 -si ARMY RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS If you're still eating the same old fast-food burger... 7TT Yl&TM fX tt yts? M M M I f I M ft r Cut tie coupon below from Hum's Kebab at 14th & Q and discover the tastiest sandwich import to hit Lincoln in years! Tantalizing, lightly seasoned beef, garnished with lettuce, special sauce, pickles, tomatoes, and sour cream, cradled within hot fresh pita bread or on a hoagie bun. It's served fast.iut enjoy it slow, in our friendly, relaxing atmosphere. 141 Q, $2.09 0 ft (eiittiVft) ifiiCci'tiU Coupon fYPFN Stm.-Thun. LJ Hie most exiting fewhours you'll spend all week. Run. Climb. Rappel. Navigate. Lead. And develop the confidence and skills you won't get from a textbook. Enroll in Army ROTC as one of vour electives. Get the facts today. BK ALL YOU CAN BE. CONTACT : Military Science Dept, Room 110, Military & Naval Science Building, University of NE, 471-5562 nn u o V WIS P Lincoln Pita Kebab Sandtzich Q 3ij n Li D e n iivy ;.'r..CBKPWT (J A, uier gooa only Oct 25-26, 1985 good at Wh 8c Q iocatiofl only 10:30 ajn. to l.-OO j.m. Save 30 on Mademoiselle Private Club membership. $500. 3 12 years lett on contract, then only $1 per year. Alter 6.00 call Joyce, 423 6845. GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Also delin quent tax properly. Call 805-687 6000 Ext. GH-9636 lor information. GOVERNMENT JOBS: $16 040 - $9,230yr Now hiring. Call 805-68(--6000 Ext R 9636 tor current federal list. Jansport 0-2 backpack, excellent condition - $80. Gravity boots - $25 40-2582. 1 pair of infinity speakei s. Optonica cassette deck, and Optomca receiver Call 45-6888 NEED MONEY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? This guide to Christmas jobs is the answer "How to Make Extra Cash for Christmas" tells how to create 0bs for yourself with shopping centers or how to start your own part-time, money-making holiday business Fresh, clever ideas!! You dun t need money or experience. Refund if not pleased. Send $8 to Pedigo Publishing 6951 Warner, Suite 435-N, Huntington Beach, Ca 92647. 1976 Camaro Rally Sport, red black, 350. automatic, AMFM 8-track, good tires, 79,000 miles. 489-3920 after 5.00. 76 Regal, V-8, 4-door, very good condition, you offer. 423-6120, 1977 VW Rabbit - looks great - runs greaL $1,700. 782 6983. 1933 Monte Carlo. 6 cylinder. 2 door, with extras 35.000 miles. Burgundy and gray. $7,000. 223-3637 after 7,00. 1981 Datsun GX-310. Good condition. 477-6705. Charter Buses, Vans. Mini-buses, School buses. GOOD LIFE COACHES 423-2500 COMPUTER RENTALS Low prices. Free delivery Mike s Supply 476-1630 ACE RENT-TO-OVVN Rent Air Conditioners! Rent furniture. VCRs. TVs. and appliances, 3 rooms, living room, bedroom and dinette Starts at $69 95 monthly. Rent color TVs, video recorders, stereos, microwaves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, freezers, ranges. CALL ACE TV 474-3444 2429 0 Street 4 m This is fun that con bo hobit forming. v-N. For $20, you can take a Discovery FliSht and fly a Cessna for the first time You wont be oblisated or pressured to continue your flisht trainins. But then, you won't have to be. When you take a Discovery Flisht, the sheer thrill of ftyins will brins you back for more Sure, youll be saying things like, 'This will save time in my business travel." But you'll be thtetk Ing, "This is fun!" And you'll be right either way " you look at it. So come on out and discover flying with us. We just thought you should be ad vised. Once you try it, you'll more than like it -SUBURBAN AIR Crete Municipal Airport Crete, NE 68333 (402) 826-5156 RAINTREE APARTMENTS Now renting, redecorated 1 and 2 bedrooms. Call 474-4781. or Austin RealtyERA 489-9361 FOR RENT Clean 3-bedroom, fireplace AC, 5 blocks from UNL. $425mo. Nov. 1st, 423-1535. Room for rent, close to campus. Call evenings, 477-7828. 2327 "D" 3-bedroom, new carpet, appliances furnished, no pets, $350 plus deposit Available November 1. After 5:30. 464 0865. BRECKENRIDGE C0ND0 Sleeps 8. $80 per night. Fireplace, kitchen. Wayne or Karen, 783-225? (local) ROOM FOR RENT! Responsible female student wanted for family setting 476-0729. Crowded dorms? Expensive apartments? Try HUSKER HALL. University approved, student run. Oouble rooms at$205montn. Call Ruth at 474 9773 tor more info. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $25 wk or $100 a month. 1st donation $10, 2nd donation in same calendar week (M-Sat) $15. New donors bring this ad in for a $2 bonus on 1st donation. UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebr. 475-S345 Effective until further notice. Referees needed for YMCA girlsboys basketball league. Games are played on Saturdays beginning No vember through March. Anyone interested, contact YMCA Youth Sports Office, 1039 V" St. or call 475-9622. LUCKY LADY IS NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. MUST BE 21, SHARP, AND HAVE AN OUTGOING PERSONALITY APPLY IN PERSON ANY DAY 12-S. 1033 "O" STREET, GOLD'S GALLERIA. LOWER LEVEL. Earn $1,000 to $1,500 a month working just 6-8 hours a week. Call for appointment, 488-9155. Sears needs permanent part-time help approaching customers in our store to open credit accounts. Hours are flexlWe. Apply Personnel Ottice. Sears Gateway, Monday 10-2. Wednesday & Thursday 12-4 FREE info on How to Start Your Own Profitable Business Key Publishing Co., 3010 Wilshire Blvd. 222. Los Angeles. CA 90010. . 2 Travel Field Opportunity. Gain valuable marketing experience while earning money Campus representative needed immediately for spring break trip to Florida. Call Brad Nelson at 1-800-282-6221. Farm North of Lincoln needs part-time help during harvest. Call toll free, 789-7895. Part-time harvest help. 470-3161. MAKE $500 UP PART TIME Sales, part or full time balance of this semester. Advertising Sales experience helpful. Call ASUN. 472 2581 or evenings - Jim 4S7-5939. When work conflict ... . . . UNL independent study can help. Examine course syllabi in room 269, Nebraska Center for Con tinuing Education, 33rd and Holdrege. Take the shuttle bus from city campus. Call 472-1926 UNL is a non-iiscriminatorv institution NEED CASH? Dirt Cheap buys used records S tapes, JACK'S RECORDS We now rent records!! Two male, two female tickets to CO NU game. Prefer ably together" Call 477-7620. 5 G. A. tickets to NE-Colorado game Oct 26. Will take 2 & 3. Call 488-1387. ask for Denny, 4 G A tickets for Nov 9 Iowa State Game. Together or 2 and 2 472 032. Wanted: 2 G A tickets to the C0-NE game Contact Marilyn 472-8614. Need 1 female ticket to C0-NU game Call 466 0806. Needed 2 G.A , 4 male, and 4 female Colorado tickets. 477-4631. 2 general admission tickets for Nebraska-Colorado game. 475-2982. Attention: Phi U Members Meeting -6:15 PM, Thursday. Oct 24 Rome Ec. Bldg. Rm. 31 ALL-UNIVERSITY HOMECOMING COMMITTEE Important Meeting: City Union, 5:00 p.m.. Execs 4:30 p.m. we're glad that you're planning to attend!!! MOVIES "Places in the Heart" and "Mr. Mom" Friday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m. WORSHIP Wednesday Vespers 9 p.m. Sundays 10 and 11:15 Lutheran Center (LCA-ALC-AELC) 535 N. 16th UNL TIMING TEAM Meeting today at 4:30 in Union. Bring dues and shirt money. Three days 'til the party!! Peer Counseling Training for UNL Gay Lesbian Student Association. City Union 7 p.m. (472-5644). TODAY AND ONLY TODAY Homecoming Royalty Elections and Homecoming Talent Show. Don't miss out on this NU tradition. Mountain of pumpkins for sale at Alpha Tau Omega fraternity priced from 50c to S2 50. Sizes range from 4, pounds to 30 pounds. Get your Halloween Jack Otantern today. Call 474-9731. YOUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting 7.30 p.m., Thursday, October 24 City Union - Speaker: David Landis k C0RNHUSKER MARKETING CLUB Meeting TONIGHT at NE Union - room will be posted. Guest speaker is Millie Katz on internships. Everyone is welcome!! Refreshments provided. AMS Tonight, Wed. Oct. 21 City Union Be sure to attend! CELEBRATE A NU TRADITION UNL HOMECOMING WEEK, going on now!!!! and classe for information. Campus f t ii ,u"' L""" Li f ' K L. ' 11 ' ' t If -...-irr.T iJ Wijwi ftf.-Sat 10:30 to 3:00 ajn. y qpen game days at 10 jn. V