The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1985, Page Page 12, Image 12
Monday, October 21, 1935 Pago 12 Daily Nebraskan Jim H. (Thtte Chi), Out 12: 1 tovi green couches!! Your III is Christy. Mel m by lh RX7 that I thought was youn or look tot tha dude, short & cuta. In the bio and gray suit. Waal you at lunch Mist CPNH. Look for information In today'l announcements!! TwoFen Kevin: HAPPY 30th" RONNIE and BQNZO are waiting at Bitburg for a BREW alter woik Li-Fu & Your Wackie Comrades Sheri Meet me at Laser Rock in the Planetarium in the dark. Dorko Dear Curly. HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY! San & Den (Larry ft Mo) The Daily Nebraskan Ad Staff is wonderful!!! 8.A.N. (Tri-Delt), HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY! Love. Head of cone Dave E. (Theta Chi), Clue 1: 1 have brown hair, blue eyes. Your Lil sis Frances: HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!! ; : Kristi. Is that right? Love. Jon B O & Madonna want to know: How many days until Kitten's 2nd date? To one of the pink ladies, Biff S Buff are doin' it in Omaha. Is that the place for you next time? 8.0. & Madonna strike again TYPING BY LAYNE FAST, EXPERT SERVICE 75C STANDARD PAGE 435-6946 BUS COM 120 You write, we type Don't get caught by your deadline. COMPUTER TYPE 1630 QUE ST. 476-TYPE COMPUTER SERVICES Word Processing, Info. Management, Spread Sheets,' Accounting and Consulting. Students and Businesses welcome. ICS. 606 "P" St., Ste M Call 4-13u0. ALTERATIONS ETC. Altering ft Tailoring 611N.2lh644 2'J!4 SINGLE ft PREGNANT? Adoption is a caring alternative I-or conWantial informa tion call Nubian a Children's Home 48) 769. FHLE PREGNANCY TESTING TYPING $1 25page including proofreading. 4C6 6SS1, 8 am.-fl p.m. 7 days a week, Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT Is I confidential helping hand. 483-2W9. WORD PROCESSING Term Papers. Theses. Dissertations and Resumes Suite 33, Gold's Galleria 476-WORD RESUME WRITING SERVICE by Word Graphic Student Group-Discounts Suite 33, Gold's Galleria 476-WORD YOU WRITE, I TYPE Typing for all your needs. Word processing available. Contact Bernice Westerholt, 474-2126. Typing, 75c per page, proofreading included. Choice of 4 colors. 7 days a week. 464-2435 Experienced secretary will do reasonably priced, fast, accurate typing and proofing of term papers. 477-3650 evenings. TYPING ONE PAGE REPORTDISSERTATION FASTACCURATE S1.25PAGE 477-4679 AVIS Professional Typing & Word Processing "The Personal Touch" Term Papers, Resumes & Miscellaneous Typing 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Near Main UNL Campus, 1201 Elba Ave., Lincoln . 475-AVIS TYPEWRITERS RENTALS-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 NEED MONEY FOR TUITION? WE WILL PAY YOU UP TO $1500! Harris Laboratories needs volunteers to help evalu ate pharmaceuticals. If you're a healthy male at least 19 years of age and want to earn up to $1500 for a few weekends, and yet study at the same time, give us a call. Call Monday through Friday.8-4p.rn. at 474-0627. Iuiij- J" - . in - , tIIi (till' t-j.,r . r- r nutmij1n.rWlm,gwrrrBT . FOUND: Turntable, remote key for answering machine. nEMLEfF'Q DELIVERS an orthodontic retainer, an automatic counter Identify at Uil"VU WCa.icrtJ NL poC 0epar,mm,, better, 200 and 4 00 p.m. on Call before 11 a m., Monday-Friday to order lunch iueSday and Thursday. Ask for Sam or Rich, delivered to you. Four order minimum. Call lor menu WAKE UP (and have a good time doing it) Start your day with a fresh cup of Nebraska Sunrise Blend. coffee with that "something special" taste. Sold exclusively at The Coffee Trader. Atrium Sky walk level 1200 "N" St, 477-2015. mailer DRAKE'S SALAD BAR RESTAURANT 47S-40S7 Open Weekdays 8:30 a m.-t 00 p.m., Sat. 11-3 J BLOBM CGUT4TY Greek Freaks: Get "psyched" lor "Non-Greek Week." Hater of Greek Personals fcy BcarSsfi Breathed Ltsm.wpwrr. IfWTMKYW , VCRiOFTeti, ttsmj, WSJ CD to-tl ANP mm mce mm tMSLY, .ANt? " iHmsttr STUCK WR mseimo me moo umt." c? J) 0m ' --' S mm TO STICK 1NCP FORfiKHPWS- FAVOR COUP muse your ROQH t COVLPf fiWSK-OK coNtmme WR TV3 ?" fo-tf ma. A uimON THistsmmmieTOft M' 'SMITH'S TfflVT- Fmm 5PcmaiAR0P 'cemniTY 1 ejtr?mrmir. 6 11 OH WERE GOlN T TO A. tAOOe-L-A . A UOOME . MCCfciE , HOCWET , hookie, hookie: la j- 4 V A U...HI(EVER.y MOtJCAY MOOHEAP TECR .. AMT TWO TfcCOS " FOR. A. BUCK. AT PO. FE.ARS. A OH YEA.H AMD EVERy TUeSCAy is BOR!SRMTtv!ESS A -kB- BOffeER WITH PRie-, ALL THE TRMMIMS just -?i.V3 ce a L GOOD. REAL, GOOD ...WHAT A HOOKIELA? ( MAWAMAM FOR A VLET. PAPTV NAtgpy J) CELEBRATE A PJU TRADITION MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 Supercuts Haircuts proceeds going to the NU Foundation, City Union Main Lounge, 1 1 :00-1 :00 pm TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Supercuts Haircuts City Union Main Lounge, 1 1 GO-1:00 pm f.!!chd shn Concert East Union Terraces, 5:00 pm, sponsored by UPC Kaleidoscope Muf-E&stk Feed Fest Culture Center, 5.00-8:00 pm, sponsored by UPC Tri-Culture WEDNESDAY, October 23 TaJsntStsow featuring Michael John as Master of Ceremonies, Centennial Room City Union, 7:30-10:00 pm, sponsored by UPC Walpurgisnacht and Main Events Royalty Dectfons all day, both Unions THURSDAY, OCTOSEH 24 Ta!cnt ccntsstxs perform . downtown 12.00-1:30 pm Dance featuring The Finnsters, Great Plains Room, East Campus Union, 9:00-12:00 pm, sponsored by UPC Dances and Comstock FRIDAY, October 25 Downtown FesivSies 12:00-1:30 pm Parade Downtown and City Campus, 6:30 pm SSieSdon Art Gallery Tosir 7:30-9:00 pm Theatre Arts and Dance "A Stone's Throw" Studio Theatre, 8:00 pm Heraeccmisajg Dance featuring The Front. City Union 9:00-12:00 pm, sponsored by UPC Concerts and Coffeehouses SATUItBAY, CCTOnm 26 . NdirasSja's Lsrsst M-Ckis Party metered lot by Selleck, 8:30-1 2:30 pm "On The Flaza" metered lot by Selleck, 10.00-12.00 pm Featuring: Tri Delta Washboard Band UNL Men's Glee University Chorale Scarlet and Cream Singers Pep Raily metered lot by Selleck, 12:00-12:30 pm Gec'ejy Dept. Open House Geology Dept Morrill Hall I2on:eccn:lb3 Game Nebraska vs Colorado, Crowning of Royalty at HaSftime, Memorial Stadium, 2:30 pm A&ssnl Etcccpwsn Hilton Hotel after the game, sponsored by the Student Alumni Association racjLlre Arts arsd Dante, "A Stone's Throw" Studio Theatre, 8:00 pm sror.'Eonio DY UNL TilE CHANCELLOR'S THE GREEK SHOP HIE UNL ALU.V.NI THE UNIVLITY Fr.OCW.l OFFICE BALFOUR HOUSE ASSOCIATION COUNCIL