The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1985, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    ! Wednesday, October 9, 1985
Daily Nebraskan
Page 9
healthy is in!
October 14-17
If you're involved in the physical fitness boom, you know that fitness is in!
Total wellness is much more than just a well-tuned body. It comes with the awareness that every aspect of your life contributes to your overall
health. Your attitude toward yourself and others, the way you arrange your priorities, your way of dealing with stress, and your view of your
role in society are all elements of wellness.
Join in the fourth year of Wellness Week! There are plenty of presentations to attend and activities to participate in! Do something good to
yourself! '
Monday, October 14
11:00 am University Health Center
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Attend the official dedication of the new University 1 iedlth Center
at 15 & U Street.
12:00-1:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Let's Take the "Strain" Out of Stress
Management: Getting More Zest With Less
Effort Stress, strain, aches and pains no more!!! New ways of
coping when all else fails. Making all of life's problems flow a little
easier. Dr. Wesley Sitne Brown Bag Lunch
2:30-3:30 pm
Nebraska Union
The Spiritual Dimension of Wellness AH individuals
have a spiritual dimension which strives for a philosophical base pro
viding meaning, purpose and motivation of life. Explore ten reasons
for seeking healthy spirituality. Dr. Garland Bare
3:30-4:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Priorities and Planning: Time Management As a
Life Skill This session will help students and others plan and
prioritize their time more effectively. Additional time management
strategies for coping with life changes will be offered Kathy Shellogg
6:30-7:15 pm
Nebraska Union Ballroom
Mocktail Party PANHELLENIC invites you to join them at a
Mocktail party preceding Dr. Kilbourne's presentation. Come and en
joy the refreshments and the friends!.'
Nebraska Union
Hn It Sober HI" Under the Influence Sigma
Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, Delta Gamma Sorority and The Lincoln
Council on Alcoholism & Drugs present Dr. Jean Kilbourne. na
tionally known media analyst, lecturer and co-creator of "Killing
Us Softly" in a discussion on alcohol in advertising Dr. Jean
Wednesday, October 16
12:00-1:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Journey to Wholeness Values clarification can help us get
"unstuck" by assisting us in finding out what we want most in our
lives and how to obtain it Discuss ways to work on your life and
realue your own abundance. Ruth Thone Brown Bay Lunch
2:30-3:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Nutrition Facts & Fables Health foods, vitamins, and trace
minerals are they the answer to "longer life?" Are there dangers in
health fads? What is "good nutrition?" What are "health foods?"
Dr. Bruce Buehler
Nebraska Union
Tuesday, October 15
University Health Center
University Health Center Open House &
Health Screenings Use the northeast entrance to experi
ence a variety of health screenings in the beautiful new University
Health Center. Tours will be available throughout the day. The
following screenings and assessments win oe avauaoie.
Diet Checks
Blood Pressure
Hearing Tests
Physical Fitness
Oral Cancer
Dental Exam (with 4
bite wing X-rays J4.0U)
Stat 26HDL
Vital Capacity
Alrnhnl Tolerance
Health Education InformationHealth Hazard Appraisal
Physicians tvaluation
Eat a breakfast consisting of milk, toast, jelly, a glass of juice, and
a bowl of cereal with sugar. For lunch, eat a hamburger, a piece
of pie, and a glass of milk or regular pop. Take the test not less
than one hour, or more than two hours, after eating.
Minimal charge and a preferred 12-14 hour fasting for this test.
12:00-1:00 pm
Military & Naval Set 2nd floor
Fun and Fitness A Healthier You!!! Join us for 60
minutes of warming-up. a variety of "active" exercises, a cool-down
and some relaxation. Take an active part in adding exercise to your
list of "positive lifestyle choices." Vicki Highstreet
Alcohol: A Major Lifestyle Issue Most of us are faced
with choices about drinking. We may choose to drink in moderation,
to excess or not at all. Have you ever really thought about alcohol
and some of the possible consequences and benefits of drinking? This
presentation will give you an opportunity to think about your drinking
and how alcohol fits into your life. Becky Beardsley
3:30-5:00 pm ; Coliseum 28
Seminar with Dr. Michael Pollock Discussion wiii be
directed toward the exercise science faculty and graduate students.
All interested persons are welcome to attend.
6:00 pm Nebraska Union Crib
Trivia Bowl Championships Come see the Second Annual
Wellness Week Trivia Bowl. The Championship round will be in the
Nebraska Union Crib. Cheer your favorite team on to victory or enter
your own team. Team sign-up and preliminary rounds will be held
the week of October 7th. For more information, call the CAP office,
7:30-9:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Exercise Prescription for Better Health A discussion
will include the benefits of exercise along with an update of the
latest findings for prescribing exercise to healthy adults. Dr.
Michael Pollock
Thursday, October 17
12:00-1:00 pm
Nebraska Union
Wellness Now How To Save Your Life To
day!!! A multi-media presentation on a medically approved
method of safeguarding your health in less than five minutes a
day Senator Shirley Marsh Brown Dag Lunch
2:30-3:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Assertiveness Equalizing Power in Relation
ships An outline of the importance of equalizing power in personal
relationships, at work, and in the classroom. Practical but fun format.
Specific techniques for improving communication and increasing self
confidence. Materials provided. Sue Schlichtemeier
3:304:30 pm
Nebraska Union
Sex Roles and Friendship: Building Relationships
in a Changing Society Creating lasting friendships is an im
portant part of personal growth, but customs and opportunities change
as our roles in society change. Come and discuss how these changes
influence our choices in building lasting relationships. Dr. Daniel
Bernstein and Dr. Julie Homey
October 14-17
nformation on all programs and
V V 7 a IfS h f activities will be available at the m
V W "" V f Wellness Information Booth in the 1
s f?v f fl? "" f 1 Nebraska Union, (AH programs are free f