The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1985, Page Page 13, Image 13

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    Vednesday, October 9, 1985
Daily Nebraskan
Art league sponsors shows,
plans lectures for students
By Kris Leach
Staff Reporter
UNL students don't have to be art
majors to display their artwork in
Richards Hall 205 at the University
Student Art League Gallery.
"The idea behind providing this
space," Mark Gregory, art league
member, said "is to allow students
to become familiar with showing
their work."
The only guidelines are that the
work be submitted four or five days
before the Monday the show begins.
Students can submit a maximum of
two pieces, but more than two pie
ces will be accepted for a series. All
work should be ready to hang and
display. All selections are chosen by
the art league.
If students' work is selected, they
are asked to volunteer an hour dur
ing the week to act as a host for the
gallery, Gregory said.
The gallery is open free to the
public Monday through Friday dur
ing the day.
The next show will be Oct. 14 to'
the end of the month. Students can
bring their work to Richards Hall
205 Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. and
Friday from noon to 1:30 p.m.
All pieces must remain in the
gallery until the end of each show. If
people want to buy any of the pie
ces, they must contact the artist
individually and work out the details,
Gregory said.
Another upcoming art league event
is a series of art lectures. The first
will be by Professor David F. Routon
on Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. in Woods Art
Building 9.
A special trip to Kansas City is
planned to view the Jennifer Bart
lett collection at the Nelson-Atkins
museum. The trip costs $9 and
admission to the museum is free.
Students can sign up in Woods Art
Building at the art department oflce.
Space is limited.
Other lectures and topics will be
announced as they are confirmed,
Gregory said.
, -) X
Paul VonderiageDaily Nebraskan
"3 in 1 ," a plaster sculpture by Rob Benton, is displayed in the
Student Art League Gallery. - -
Buy a New Glass for $3.50 Each Wednesday
You Keep the Glass And We'll Refill it
Page 13
New band finds success
CRUZAOOS from Page 12
There are several pop classics here.
"Cryin Eyes" and "Seven Summers"
open side two and are just hook on top
of hook, exotic Latino percussion
punctuating everything while Hufste
ter and Larriva weave in and out of each
others' guitar tapestry. A few lesser
songs lie between these two and the
final cut, "Just Like Roses." But that
song is such a jewel (check out that
last guitar solo) that you instantly
forget any weaknesses that came before.
This album all fits together perfectly
and although nothing really rocks out
the way The Plugz's earlier work did,
there is solidness throughout and
urgency in track after track.
The Cruzados are Important, and
without a doubt this is the most con
sistently listcnable and enjoyable album
I've heard in the last couple of years.
Valens would have been proud; all this
without selling out to anyone.
G.P.A. 4.0.
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Presentations asks:
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When You Can Use A Mug.
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Free letter etching on each glass.
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