The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1985, Page Page 6, Image 6

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RADioieniE? rjoi amm? mi
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Ralph Aueller Planetarium - UNL - Morrill Hall
Friday and Saturday nights. 8:15. 9:30. 105 ! ! !
soundtrack music by: DEEP PURPLE. TRIUMPH.
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4 Daily Nebraskan
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By Jody Beem
Staff Reporter
NU Foundation Chairman D.B. Varner
says he is optimistic that UNL will raise
enough money to match a national
challenge grant for the Lied Center for
the Performing Arts.
"We're going to give it an all-out try,
he said.
UNL needs to raise $250,000 by Aug.
15, 1986 and another $500,000 by 1988
to receive the entire grant from the
National Endowment for the Perform
ing Arts.
No fund-raising projects will be used
to make money for the grant, Vamer
said. Instead, NU Foundation commit
tees throughout the state will De ask
Parents invited to UNL
From Staff Reports
The UNL Student Alumni Associa
tion has set aside Oct. 1 1, 12 and 13 for
Parents Weekend '85, said Sandy Heng,
parents weekend chairwoman.
Parents Weekend was designed for
parents to get acquainted with their
childrens' college surroundings.
Friday's activities include an oppor
tunity for parents to attend classes
with their children, a media presenta
tion in the Nebraska Union and a
"Husker Hoe Down" in the evening,
Heng said.
Parents will meet faculty members
Saturday and learn more about their
children's majors in an academic open
house. They also will go to workshops
on college life, eat lunch in the resi
dence halls, tour the campuses, meet
UNL Chancellor Martin Massengale at
the Wick Alumni Center and have a
barbecue on the plaza.
Parents can do whatever they want
on Sunday, Heng said. Church services
Police Report
The following incidents were reported
to UNL police between 12:12 a.m. and
10:49 p.m. Wednesday.
12:12 a. in. Pizzas reported stolen
from a delivery vehicle at 425 Univer
sity Terrace.
12:59 a.m. Disturbance reported
at Mabel Hall.
8:40 a.m. Belated report of a
Stooges Presents
Every Friday is Ladies Night
10 Draws 25 Mixed Drinks J1.50 Pitchers
From 7-9 p.m.
Before the Game: All you can eat Lunch
Buffet for J2.99
After the Camp; "Get Rowdy" with the
Sweet Potato Band
Evening: 7-10 p.m. Beat the Clock Drink Specials
9-1 a.m. Live Music by "High Heel & the Sneekers
WeRock Lincoln 9th &V rf
September 27, 1985
ing for personal contributions. A local
and national gift committee also was
formed to collect money.
"Our committees' main concern for
this year is to raise the money to match
our grant," he said.
If UNL doesn't collect the entire
$750,000 needed to match the chal
lenge grant within three years, the
endowment will scale down the grant
proportionately to meet the universi
ty's available funds.
The money raised by the grant will
go into a fund to help pay the operating
expenses of the center, Varner said.
The NU Foundation hopes to raise $5
million for a permanent endowment to
UNL, he said.
are available on campus in the morn
ing. Heng said parents could see more
of Lincoln on Sunday.
Although this is the first Parents
Weekend at UNL, most Big Eight uni
versities have had them before, she
said. When SAA began planning the
weekend last fall, it asked for feedback
from other universities. From that in
formation, SAA members put together
a date base. Then they surveyed par
ents to find out what they wanted the
weekend to include, she said.
SAA members also contacted Mas
sengale and the Lincoln Chamber of
Commerce, Heng said. Six Lincoln hot
els offered special rates for partici
pants. After the planning, SAA sent about
8,000 invitations to parents of fresh
men and sophomores. However, all par
ents of UNL students are welcome,
Heng said. Parents who weren't con
tacted should call SAA at the Wick
Alumni Center at 472-2841. Reserva
tions and a $10 registration fee are due
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wallet stolen from Abel Hall.
. 3:33 p.m. Wallet reported stolen
from a car at 19th and V streets.
4:11 p.m. Wallet reported stolen
from the Schulte Fieldhouse.
9:52 p.m. Fire reported in the
Harper trash room. Arson is suspected.
10:49 p.m. Person reported
trespassing at Pound Hall.