The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
September 27, 1935 i-hedroom apartment, unfurnished, heat paid, $175 plus deposit, m-m. ACE RENT-TO-OWM Rent Air Conditioners' Bni furniture. VCRs. TVs, and appliances 3rooms. living rnom bedroom and dinette Starts at $69 monthly pint color TVs. video recorders, stereos, microwaves jfriaerators. washers, dryers. Ireezers, ranges. CALL ACE TV 474-3444 2429 0 Street 1 room private entrance, kitchen and laundry facilities. 5125 Prefer quiet non-smoking female. Call evenings 477-8514. 3-vear old duplex, (arc rooms. 2-bedroom plus utility room Close to campus. SJS5 plus utilities. 2212 Orchard. 423-5366. 2212 HK' 2 bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances, washerdryer hookups. w BeMan Management 474-6323 or 460579 Ask tor Judy Wit ,VMiHil? PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S25 wk or $100 a month 1st donation $10. 2nd donation m same calendar week (M-Sat) $15. New donors bring this ad in tor a $2 bonus on 1st donation. urfivtnsiTY PLASMA CENTER 1442 "0" Strest Lincoln, Uzbr. 475-ES45. Effective until further notice. Earn $1 ,040 or more plus bonus's per year by donating plasma. LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 "0" St 474-2335 WORKING FOR ft WITH YOU Bring this ad for an extra $5 on your first donation. Snack bar girl, hours flexible. Tom at Starlight. 475-1323. Now hiring part-time cocktail waiterwaitress'. Flexible hours. Good starting pay plus tips. Apply daily. 815 0" St. Part-time waitress needed for mornings or evenings. $3 35 plus tips. Hiring immediately. 464-8703. PART-TIMEGOOD PAY J4M Favors is now searching for ambitious students to become on-campus representatives tor our company We sell the glassware, sportswear, plastic, and novelty items thai fraternities, sororities and dorms purchase to commemoraie their parties (better known as oartv favors), inese items are very mucn m uemdiw, diu uui quality and prices cannot be beat. The right person (s) will acquire valuable sales experience and excellent oav. Applicants must have private phone ar.d irans- Bonation. and be willing to invest one to two hours daily, lost of this time is spent on phone correspondence. Our representatives generally earn from $400 to $750 per month. For more information and application, contact Mike at 1913) 841-4349 between 10 00 - 5:30 M-F. or write J&U Favors at 2201 C W. 25th, Lawrence. Ks. 66046. Drivers with reliable car, must have insurance, good driving record, and be 19 years of age. Contact Kay. Manhatten Deli 475-3929. Wanted: Weekend cook for sorority. Call 476-1338. Gentleman. 31. seeking a nursing attendant part-time, mornings and evenings. Experience preferred. Salary S3 50 hourly Race no barrier. 421-1882. Part-time help day and evening at the Dairy Queen immediately until mid-November. Apply in person to Peggy Graham at D O.. 27th & Holdrege. Part-time afternoons and evenings. Apply in person at Mike s 'O " Street Drive-In. , Sears needs perm, part-time att. help in Automotive. Must be able to work 12-5 M-F. Automotive Diagnosis helpful. Apply at Personnel Office Sears Gateway Mon. Tues..Thur. IfrSp.m. Evening dining room staff needed for fine dining club. Apply in person betw 2-5 p m.. 11th floor. Stuart Bldg. HELP FOR ALL. ALL FOR HELP The event is coming to Lincoln. We need qualified students, sales support, to go into the corporate and Business community lo solicit corporate support for event Call 473-7939 to set up an interview. Job would be part-time, work your own hours, and on a commission basis Good pay Part-time secretarial assistant. Type 50 wpm, filing, and mail Word processing helpful. Must have own car. non-smoker NATIONAL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION P.O.Box 81410 NEED CASH? Dirt Cheap buys used records and tapes. ,maLltootbaM ,icke,s P,u 1 0 'or U.e Sept. 28 Oregon tame Phone 472-8614. Marilyn. iie,.e(1r3,F?!!?ral Emission tickets to the New Mexico jame Call 476-6919. w?h?dr 4.AJicke,s ,or Ne Mexico preferably together Call 43S-2695 after 500 p.m. Mil'V mal8 and kma" tickets for New W'ico Oct 5 Craig 489-2739. uiS.kr0,H4; 0f 2 ?irs. 0ene,al admission tickets to '3on Call Lynn 472-8763; keep trying. UunJh GA ,icke,J together-any home game. ll 472 8423. ask for Bob. keer, (trying. JSHi SK'ERS. '"'erested in qualifying and volunteer sK!,""hnNTATI0NAL SKI PATHOL at local TrailrkJge 2K kLlcalLTom deShazo 291-2314 (Bellevue). or write "Heen Or ., Bellevue. Ne. 63005. ,, nr WANTED & it y..r?n!!ma,e. non-smoker, 2-bdrm duplex near t .$l93mn rail 1K7.J7 l.ii vbk ivi-rrviui iiiiui maiiu". Arla'tiw Room"iate for 2-bedroom house in Air Park s,5 Per month. Female preferred. Ca" vwrn har hou" n"f aW 140 00mo, r :ii it will wjjh mu CORRECTION sJm&ViuL'' Elec,ron' Sellathon ad of sept. Z5-Z6. The Maxell 90 minute hi bias audio cassette KnVJiS! 11 88 IS m0(,e, uo XL 290 apStog. ! custSmeri may havJ caus" 0ur VORLD RADIO i .... . . PHI KAPM PSI ehKkbookr mM"n9 y n'ghl at 9 00 FlMM b,in hJt'ilH-.f!!' ooo-to' The night has come at 5M '! 90,nr!? "" a 0135,1 "n' drink your bee too fast, or you II end up on your aslt With anticipation. Your Tri Deft Brides to-be! iJ l" chP,af ships which pay tuition, fees, money for books, and up to $1000 per year are available Students, age 17-22. CPA abo"e 23 can ami v at NO BftVc0aM 47?.52OOm ,1 S "WSS NOWAYflt KATASTROPHE 5 Ski Jacksonhole with the UNI Ski Club. 5 days $289 Come to meeting Tuesday, October 1, to get all the information in the Union. E-CLUB 85 ITS COMING NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Oon't miss the INTRAMURAL RODEO Oct 13at1 p.m. For more information and entries call Camous Rec or Janet at 472-8787. ATTN: TEACHERS COLLEGE Juniors and Seniors with 3.5 GPA or better who haven't received Pi Lambda Theta's newsletter please call Doro thy Jo Stevens by Oct. 1. 472-2019. THE FINNSTERS UPC Dances & Cornstock Committee meeting. Sunday Sept. 29. 8:00 p.m. UPC office 3rd floor, East Union. Are you interested in: AFFORDABLE EDUCATION? FINANCIAL AID? NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE? - If so, come to a meeting of the UNL Chapter of the Nebraska State Student Association. TUESDAY, OCT. 1 3:34 p.m. 116 NEBR. UNION Several positions are still available. Applications are available in 115 or 116. Nebraska Union. Help Plan "PARTY IN THE PLAINS' A TRIP TO PADREI Come to the Main Events meeting Sunday. Sept. 29, 5 00. East Union. UPC oftice. 3rd floor. To the Sisters of D.S.G. from the Brothers of Omegl Psi Fraternity Inc.: We would like to extend our formal apology for conducting ourselves in a non-brotherly fashion, during one of our steps last week. We do hope you accept our sincere apology and continue to strive with us as brothers and sisters to better our campus life, also to improve our Greek lite as brothers and sisters sharing a common goal together. Pres. Guy Rozier Have an International experience. Become an English Conversation Partner 345 Nebraska Union. 472-3264! FREE DELIVERY $10 party tray of sliced meats and cheeses, serves 13. BARBERIO CHEESE HOUSE 464-7250 KAPPA SIGMA LITTLE SISTER RUSH October 1-4 Sign up now at the House or contact Eric or Chris at 476-6528. SQUASH A FALL PRODUCE SALE Today. 8 a m. - 4 p m. Outside East Campus Union, on Nonn side. Apples, squash, and other produce. 25 of the profits from this sale will be donated to WILLIE NELSON'S FARM AID campaign. Spon sored by UNL Horticulture Club. 1 1 TO lli) Ji JL JJL LL 2n Daily Nebraskan GENESIS: SUNDAY STUOV GROUP Th semester. The Apostles Creed Today 10 00 am, Cornerstone IJMHE wky 640 N 16lh St. OFF THE WALL HUlfiOR Non-traditional qreeting cards, Farside t-shirts. posters and frames, great balloons AVANT CARD 1340 "0" Come soak in our private whirlpool spas THE TUBBERV 47S-IM COFFEE TALKS Need a speaker for your next meeting We provide 5l.'o 'how, samples and a door prue Free to groups of ZQ or more. For more information, call the Coffee Trader. Atrium Skywalk Level, 1200 N Street, 477- The Silent Scream, a film about abortion, will be shown at the University Lutheran Chapel, 16th 0 at 7 o m . Friday Everyone interested is welcome. Discussion to Toiiow film. . REAL PEOPLE get involved because they know college can be more than just going to classes visual Art Chair position is now open at UPC East . Make some new friends. Call today. 472-1780 Congratulations to the new lambda Chi little Sisters- n 1 n n5v AMary A'S'lf 8 Ana B Shannon B Joann B.. Sue C . V.cki C Ktm D , Jean 0 , Kathy ., Mh.niCinC -KatJ,,m l 6 . Susan G Mia J , Sharon M . Lisa M Michelle M.. Peggy 0., Melissa Q Sharon R. Kara R . Shelly S , Melissa S , Stacy S., Karen M' hTnw " Deb V" Nancy ' - Ann V T DAUGHTERS OF DIANA Welcome-In Party.Saturday 8.30. ActivationPledging Thursday at 7.00 Strut your stuff in the HOMECOMING TALENT SHOW Auditions Oct. 8, 9. 10 Applications available in CAP office, City; CAP office East, and Culture Center. Get your act together and return your application to CAP office. City by Oct 4 WORSHIP AT CORNERSTONE This Sunday!! 10:00 a.m. Study Group 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hour 11:00 a.m. Worship 640 N. 16th St. Cornerstone-UMHE AUTUMN COLORS BICYCLE TOUR OCTOBER 12-13 120 mile round-trip to Waubonsie State Park. Iowa. Sign-up deadline: Oct. 4. For mora details, contact: OFFICE OF CAMPUS RECREATION, 1740 VINE , 472-3467. Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Board Applications are available in 1223 OldF. the CAP office, and the ASUN office. Applications are due at 12:00 p m October 12 in 1223 OldF. Scooter & Waldo: Thanks for all those MARVELOUS tonka-making memories. Karla & Lurky Greeks: Your personals make me want to vomit. Joe Peedman P S. Nice Shorts !!! Lynn D. (ADPi): Congratulations on becoming a Homecoming Royalty finalist. We're all so proud of you! Love & Loyalty. Your Sisters Bekkah: Thanx for all the support. You've always been there. Plan on spending more time together. Ana gooa iuck your time around witn Tim. La Sinere Billy Dee IAT0): You'll always be king to me. You're scrumpM xxo. Suz (AXO) P S. -tiousl! Conversational IBP-MCAT Lady Write me at P 0. Box 6083 Lincoln (06) (EVERY SUNDAY 2 Softshell Tacos c ior not including tax Only At South St. & 831 N. 48th St tl Tl $1 Annette (Cobs) Get psyched for the Oregon State Game'! Joel Tyler (Lambda Chi): Hey big guy are ya ready for STEAKOUT??? Lyn (AOPi) Sun (Phi MuV we ll miss you tonight at the game Have tun, see you tomorrow Mudbaliers Daron: Don't bother, Sometimes a friendship isn t even worth it Happy Birthday K. Parrhead (Sandoz 3): Thanks for being ready with the Kleenex, lauqhing at my dull humor, and occasionally driving me home, Happy Birthday juda! By the way. how was Bruce's concert? Dave C, Mark M.. Jim G . John H., John K . Sean W. (Acacia Nile on the Nile Dates): We are the Egyptian princesses your mummies warned you about. Looking forward to a Night'' on the Nile Your Phi Mu Dates Janice Let s have a great weekend together. No work, all play. Love ya tons, Alan Single & Pregnant? It can ba a difficult time to mak decisions. Child Saving Institutt provides lm and ccRfk??ntial pregnancy counseling wrvices to help you explora the alternatives in planning for this new life. For more information, call collect CSB Ssyjf? rt?-.' (402) 553-6009 115 South 46th St. Omaha, NE 1 jj H N M M H H M M M L 12th and 'P St. 477-1234 itfiA Fileh fron mr 32 FRIGHT NIGHT! Mom of UathQ Gemot, L L L M H H M M ti f viaiaI STAY IN TUNE WITH SERVICE Full & Self Service Gas , Certified Auto Technicians Specializing in Foreign and American Models Towing Service Goodyear Tires ooooo 00000000 o o o o o o o o o o The Hottest Happenings ... The Coolest Prices ItijjiiiintHia uo nil o o o FREE Pool in the o o All ages come on down, Sunday Niqht! 9 Watch for . . . O O o o o o o Mon. Night POOL TOURNAMENT 16 man limit, $50 1st Prize. IMPORT BEER NIGHT Tonight THE WREX BAND o o O CbsfsrSdJ's . . I Level Ottq's 11& q ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Page 11 LINDA MC: Thanks for being such a great Mom We II have to go to lunch sometime, like you know, and stuff? Have a great day'! Love, Your Kid Sweetie: Have a great weekend1 Of course I don't know how you can go without my kisses, my tender embrace, my . . personality all weekend Love, oh love, Me Julie M S Lisa 0 (TC): Compare your notes and soon you will see your big sis sutlers from a split personality1 "X" and "Rippling Buns" Marilyn (TC): I will see you at the campout! I hope you liked your carnation! Love. Your Big Sis To Certain members of ASRA Exec Council: THANKS A LOT! You guys sure do know how to make a newcomer feel wanted' The OJ from Abel 5 Pat D. , My Swea'er was yellow. My eyes were blue My hair was brown. When I met you.. Friday the 13th , . B.V.F. Kristy P S Thanks for the Bartels & James Sharon (T C ): I hope we will always be great friends. Love, Your Big Sis N u ) mi ' FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT 12:00 MIDNIGHT SEPARATE ADMISSIONS $3 50 EACH I.D. REQ D FOR (R) FILMS i NO PASSES- 3 vci r raCtel! ii M 1 1 m tt n m r m 191 17th and Que weekdays 475-8619 ss;?2 oooooooooooo O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o v Burger Basket w fries trf Pill" PLACE