Tuesday, September 24, 1985 Daily Nebraskan 1,051 violate alcohol policy f crN By Jody Beem Staff Reporter During the 1984-85 school year, 1,051 people were involved in alcohol-related incidents in the residence halls, said Pat Glasier, coordinator of Residential Education. The Incidents include peo ple who don't live in the residence halls, she said. Sixty-five people were put on proba tion and two students' residence hall "contracts were terminated, she said. The number of incidents filed against individuals and houses in the Greek System in 1984 is confidential informa tion, said Rachel Jensen, secretary for ureek aiiairs. The Greek System follows the Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook, Jensen said. If Greeks violate the code, the police file a report which is brought before the Greek Judicial Board. Greek houses cannot have alcohol on the premises, according to UNL's policy. Jensen said the Interfraternity Coun cil requires each Greek house to sche dule two non-alcoholic weekend par ties each semester or the house will be fined $250. The money is used for alco hol awareness programs. In residence halls, each floor's stu dent assistant enforces the alcohol pol icy, said Wendy Steinke, a Sandoz Hall student assistant. "I will confront an alcohol violation, but I won't go look for it," Steinke said, If she finds someone with alcohol in the hall, she said, she will write an incident report. Students caught with a six-pack or other small amounts of liquor are warned by an SA or the resi dence director. Further action depends upon the case and the individual's cooperation, she said. People found with a lot of liquor are automatically put on probation for a year. If people are caught on a second major offense, Steinke said, their housing contracts can be canceled. . The UNL police department is not directly involved in enforcing the uni versity's alcohol policy said Bob Fey, crime prevention officer. But. if a dis- turbance is reported on campus and the investigating officer finds minors with alcohol, the police become in volved, he said. The police report the alcohol viola tion to university officials, Fey said. Police are starting to keep records of alcohol-related incidents but statistics before 1985 are not available. Jayne Wade Anderson, director of Greek Affairs, said she belives the alcohol policy works. Modern variations on a master's themes John Houseman's THE ACTING COMPANY presents - A JMNG THROUGH CONTEMPORARY EYES In a brilliantly fascinating produc tion, some of America's most cele brated living playwrights adapt six Anton Chekhov short, stories as comic one-act plays for the stage. Unique. Intriguing. A must for theater-lovers. U?2AY, SZPTC2S3 21 ?2I Tickets: $12 $9 UNL Students: $8 $3 (TPP) Tickets en ea!a: to UNL Students Sept. 9 to others Sept. 1 6 A Mid-America Arts Alliance Pro gram With Support from the Na tional Endowment for the Arts. KlmbaSI Box Office 1 1 3 Westbrook Music Bldg. 472-3375 11th & R Streets 11 am - 5 pm, Monday-Friday University of Nebraska Uncoln . "It's university policy and that the (Greek) judicial system follows through with the policy shows the integrity of the system," she said. However, Steinke disagrees. "It's a lot to ask someone of drinking age not to drink in the privacy of their own places," she said. Because privacy is enforced, she said, she doesn't see any way the uni versity can enforce the no-drinking pol icy. However, she said, it works as well as can be expected. 4 S " -tr iH SHUSH; i l '- A y" f yy 'A OTHER JEWELRY STORES JUST BON'T MEASURE UP (V TO NEBRASEi Nebraska Diamond. The Ultimate Jewelry Store. Our customers demand the largest selection. The best prices. The finest quality. The most in personal service. Second best just won't do. At Nebraska Diamond we offer over 200,000 styles. The lowest prices in the market. Quality that is uncompromising and thorough. The confidence and integrity you expect - We satisfy even the most demanding customers with ease. That's why more than 9 out of 10 people who shop at Nebraska Diamond buy at Nebraska Diamond. Ufe dominate Lincoln's fine jewelry market When your mind's set on fine jewelry and second best just won't do, come see us at Nebraska Diamond. Nothing else quite measures up to The Ultimate Jewelry Store. MONB NEBRASKA DIAMOND 865 NBC Center 13th "& O 474-6400 Member Firm GEMGROUP Page 3