Thursday, September 19, 1985 Daily Nebraskan Colorado man tours Capitol at high speed, lands in jail By Janet Stefanski Staff Reporter A Colorado man on a motorcycle, who wanted to see Gov. Bob Kerrey, led Lincoln police on a high-speed chase around the Nebraska State Capitol Wednesday noon. "He wanted to see the governor and get his name in the papers," said Sgt. Art Bandars, of the Lincoln Police Department. "He said he wanted to run for a public office." The incident ended at 16th and K streets where Lincoln police officers pulled the man off the motorcycle. Bandars would not release the name of the man, but said he is from Ever green, Colo., and in his mid-30s. The man is being held at the Lincoln city jail. He was charged with fleeing arrest, reckless driving, assault, improper reg istration and littering because he reportedly threw his helmet on the ground. "He tried to drive over a police officer," Bandars said. The man failed to stop for red lights or yield to pedestrians, Bandars said. "Pedestrians were trying to avoid him," he said. A road block of about five cruisers was set up at 16th and K streets to stop the man, and noon-hour traffic was temporarily halted. At the scene of the incident, passer bys, many of whom were on their lunch hours, stopped to watch the man circle the Capitol. A citizen told a Lincoln police officer about the man's reckless driving. Some one else reported that the man had been driving around the airport earlier, Bandars said. No charges were filed in that incident. " t fa TtarctySeph 19fh 830-chsa fntf, Scff. 20;h 3:00-6:00 AT THE HAPPY HOUR LOUNGE t$705 "0" Wkr NU geologist studies Nebraska landslides Landslides, which cause over $1.5 billion in damages and about 24 fatali ties annually across the nation, have led to an investigation, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln researcher said. Duane A. Eversoll, associate profes sor and research geologist with the UNL Conservation and Survey division, said he is conducting a Wi to 2 year inventory of Nebraska landslides, because of a national program of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Types of landslides, or land move ment, in Nebraska include: rotational and transitional slides, lateral spreads, flows, rock falls and rock topples. Vvlf f Ti,JZY2 fTfeTvn i m in i ii , f m tiM i m i - - ? v i ll Shorts The actuarial science club will have Franchise Studies will meet at UNL their annual picnic Sunday at Cooper today through Saturday. Park, Sixth and D streets. Admission is free for club members and $2 for non- The College of Home economics will members. New members are welcome, sponsor Home Economics Week from For more information, contact a club Oct. 14 through 18. Guest speakers will officer or Warren Luckner in Burnett include LynGrasz, a UNL graduate who Hall 311. works at the National Association of Broadcasters television information The Education Learning Center will office in New York, and Natalie Haun, a sponsor a time management workshop UNESCO employee. Grasz will speak today from 3:30 to 4:20 p.m. in the during a convocation Oct. Hat 10 a.m. Nebraska Union. Room number will be Haun will present and donate to UNL posted. Contact 472-1481 for more her collection of foreign ceremonial details. costumes Oct. 18 at 2 p.m. Both events will be in the East Union Great Plains "New Light on the Ancient Maya," a Room. Other events also are scheduled lecture with slides by Norman Ham- throughout the week, mond, professor of archaeology and director of the archaeology research : Applications for People Who Need program at Rutgers University, will be People, a social organization for handi- in Bessey Auditorium at 3 p.m. Friday, capped and able-bodied students, are due Friday. Contact the Affirmative The Industry and Academic Advisory Action Office, Teachers College 103 or Council for the International Center for call 472-3417 for more information. ALL FLASH AN D L NO CASH? We pay top dollar for your plasma at NCOLN FLA liVii 2021 "O" St 474-2335 iSrFREE PARKING! -frCASH BONUSES AVAILABLE HOURS: MON.9-5.TUES. 9-6, WED. 9-5 THURS. 9-6, FRI. 8-4, SAT. 8-2 1 Bring This Coupon for an Extra $5.00 on Your First Donation. MEXICAN RESTAUBJUfTE JJU f. fc SPECIAL PRICES. COOL AND CREAMY '. Jumbo Margantas One taste will prove f . e two for the prjre Chl-Chi s" makes the I ' ofone-Y coolest, creamiest f Tuesday tn either the margantas in town I f dining room or I tkd i , Iounfic- v ;; A& Vi--. ' j , , jA-, .2Li...rr-W TUDENT NITE Thursdays, 4 pm 1 am HAPPY HOUR PRICES ON MARGARITAS Try one of our fantastic Mexican pizzas. 12 price for one or, (if you can't get enough), 2 for the price of one 75' DRAWS s3 PITCHERS 201 North 66th St. Phone: 4648281 HOMEWORK! O YOUR Get the facts about part-time jobs in your community Naval Reserve. Learn and earn! Tuition assistance, extra income, travel, experience. lJ Call 470-2136 today. Page 5