The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1985, Page Page 15, Image 15
Thursday, September 19, 1985 Daily Nebraskan Page 15 Honda CB4ME, 1971, $450 00 or best offer. Kurt 421 2915 or 477-3991. Armarium 40 gal. long, complete set up. 1125 or offer. Kurt 1421-2915 OfW-Mfl. BMW 2002's '76 perfect car, mechanically very fast. n oamt sunroof, owned by a fanatic, $6,800 or best ffpr 1970mechanicaHy restored. $5,400 invested, $4,200. Sag 1-8779, 477-2002. 1979 Suburu wagon. 4x4, $1,700. Call 467-3052. 1968 Chevelle Malibu, under 72.000 actual, power tfenno and brakes, tilt, air, original AMFM, excellent interior body needs some work, no dents or rust, all chrome parts and trim. $1,200 or best offer. 488-1649 evenings. 69 Ford, runs, good tiresbattery, needs work. $150, 477-5402. 1971 Volkswagen, $750. 464-9031. leave message. Sell or trade: 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe. Driven daily. All original. 308-381-7826. 79 Gold Trans Am. T-tops. Sharp and clean. 466-0925. REPOSSESSIONS 1970 Ford Pick-up. Needs work, selling as is. 1980 Buick Century Wagon 1980 International Scorn If interested, contact Linda at Burlington Employee's Credit Union. 1980 Soecial Edition Espirit Yellow Firebird. Best offer. 423-8946 after 3:30 p.m. 78 Triumph TR-y. Low mileage, air,5-speed, new tires, good body, runs great, more. $2,850. 423-7911. Ideal for single or couple. 1-bedroom duplex, large living room, kitchen, showerbath tub, walk-in closet. All electric, fully furnished. $245 plus electric. Office: 3601 N. 1st or call 435-6683. Charter Buses, Vans, Mini-buses. School buses. GOOD LIFE COACHES 423-2500 COMPUTER RENTALS Low prices, Free delivery Mike's Supply 476-1630 OLD CHENEY PLACE APARTMENTS Lincoln's finest new apartment complex located at 27th & Old Cheney Road. 1 and 2 bedroom. For quiet, comfortable living. 421-1664. 1room,private entrance, kitchen and laundry facilities, $125. Prefer quiet non-smoking female. Call evenings 477-8514. 2- bedroom, 4-plex. East Campus area. $325 mo. plus gas and electricity. 464-2547. Large, clean, 2-bedroom, air. parking, bus, 18th & Euclid! $300. 475-6669. Basement apartment, 1-bedroom, 40th & "0" area. $200 per month plus electricity. 488-1828 evenings. 3- year old duplex, large rooms, 2-bedroom plus utility room Close to campus. $355 plus utilities. 2232 Orchard. 423-5386. FOR RENT to quiet, clean, male student who wants to live nicely but inexpensively. 30 x 15 furnished recreation room; rugs, private bath, refrigerator, garage. Limited kitchen privileges upstairs. 4 miles from campus. $75 a month plus shoveling snow. 488-3481 after 3:30. 2212 "R" 2-bedroom apartment close to campus, appliances, washerdryer hookups. ReMax Management 474-6823 or 489-0579 Ask for Judy ACE RENT-TO-OWN Rent air conditioners. Rent furniture, VCR, TVs and appliances. 3 rooms, living room, bedroom and dinette starts at $69.95 monthly. Rent color TVs, video recorders, stereos, microwaves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, freezeis, ranges. Call ACE TV 474-3444 2429 O Street PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $20 a week or $100 a month. (Bring this ad for a $5 bonus on 1st donation.) UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 O ST., LINCOLN 475-8645 . . , MANAGER INTERN rnigo s, a rapidly growing, customer-oriented Mexican restaurant chain, is looking for students who would like ) participate in a Management Intern Training Program. ou win be a part-time employee while at the same time warning how to make practicle applications of manage ment principles as a restaurant supervisor. Apply now at Amigo s, 14th & "Q", e-5 p.m. NOW HIRING Amyi?u aIe an aggressive, customer-oriented person, go s has an excellent part-time job offer for you. We oner competitive pay, flexible scheduling, and a positive . p-.....,, pHi, MbAiLtc oiritcuunny, aim a uujuh suitprt ? environmer ,or productive performance. Ideall 'y hniir k vu"cyo siuoems aoie io worn a snon hiiimi ZI "!.m audition to evening hours. Apply now at ft,niS s. 14th & "Q" street, Monday-Saturday, 4-5 p.m. drPjin5rs witn Pliable car, must have insurance, good a,'W'il, and be 19 years of age. Contact Kay. "anhatten Deli 475-3929 $8 an Hour uancers, part-time, apply in person. Hannu Un,,r I 47(1 ''ft" Ct --KKJ l"WUI LUU'iyC, if lit Ql U ai. EARN UP TO $7.33 PER HOUR donaatPnPro?'ma,ely 1 2 hours of your spare time by natm8 Plasma. We pay cash. Free parking available. LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 "O" STREET 474-2335 Part-time student food service workers needed at ro'orn 314 UmoComac, Cn". Room 212 or apply in Lounge-Pianist. Early evening hour. Repertoire must 1231UforaudS'tionn ' conlernPorarV- Call 475-401 1 ext Salespersons wanted, Centrum, evenings and week ends. Apply in person DITTMER S GREENHOUSE 3225 S. 14th Wanted: Weekend cook for sorority. Call 476-1338 Wanted: Fry cook, bartenders, evening and weekend hours available. Contact Babe or Tom, 423 6138. Farm Harvest Help. Part-time. 20 miles from campus Grain cart and truck operation. 789-5135 local. DATA ENTRY OPERATORS Temporary openings, 3rd shift. Because of our seasonal rush, we will be hiring a number of temporary people to enter information via CRT units Must type 55 wpm with 5 or less errors. CRT experience helpful. Work will start approximately October 14 and last 10-12 weeks. Full-time positions on 1st & 2nd shifts also available. If interested, apply in person at: carol wright Sales 3601 N.W. 15th St. Lincoln, NE 68521 474-2018 Between 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer Part-time help. Experienced woodworker in a cabinet shop; carpenter with experience in trim and pre-huna doors. Must know building materials. LINCOLN LUMBER COMPANY 474-4418 Be a part of UPC. Apply for the position of UPC-East visual Arts Chairperson. Applications available at3O0 NE East Union or'call 472-1780 for more information. RECEPTIONIST-PART TIME Fridav ninht and weckAnrU SUPERCUTS AT 48th "O" Duties include: Greeting customers, phonecash register. Starting wage: $4.00 per hour. SUPERCUTS 468-5473 Call for appointment. Do you have an interest in the arts? UPC-East is now accepting applications for a Visual Arts Chairperson. Applications available at 300 NE East Union or call 472 1?80for more information. Applications accepted through October 2. Help Celebrate Avon's 99th Birthday!!! Representatives needed to service dorms, sororities and fraternities on both campuses. Begin as low as $5, for a limited time only!! Call 476-8139 or 476-2976. NEED CASH? Dirt Cheap buys used records and tapes. 3 male tickets wanted for Illinois game. Call 797-3255 or 466-3078 after 6:00 p.m. Desperately need 7 male Illinois football tickets. 476 9136. Keep trying. Need 2 male football tickets for Illinois. Preferably together. 475-0753. -- Wanted: 2 male tickets to Illinois game. 474-1363. I need 1 male and 1 female ticket for NU-lllinois game. Call 435-4890. Need male-female season football tickets (together). Will pay $90ticket. 330-5000 days, 572-9202 after 6 p.m. Wanted: One male, one female ticket for Illinois. Call 475-0170. Wanted 1 male. 2 female Illinois tickets. 435-0660. Desperately need two general admission tickets to Oregon game. Please call 472-9184. 5 male football tickets plus IDs for the Sept. 28 Oregon game. Phone 472-8614, Marilyn. Wanted: Two female student tickets for Illinois game. Call 475-5654. One male football ticket for Illinois: Call after 6 p.m., 475-6260. Desperately need 2 Tina Turner tickets. Will pay $100 for 2 good seats. 472-5115 (leave message) or 475-8904. COMEDY Chesterfield's Wednesday, September 25, 8:30 Alex Cole Has opened for The Commodores, Manhattan Transfer, The Talking Heads, The Tubes, Laura Branigan, Star search '84. $3 Preoare yourselves; Sigma Alpha Mu-KFRX-Alpha Chi Omega and the American Heart Association present Bounce for Beats coming soon! i. .12 A. -.sV- a tow w-s "! 1 irT T WJf VfW W frit oil iikVJK K I K v. CONGRATULATIONS KARMEN KELCH t SHEILA FAXON Winners of the Nebraska BookstoreKFRX "Buy Your Books" Contest!) AIESEC Meeting Thursday, Sept. 19 5:00 p.m. Spaghetti Works Hej Skol!! COMING SOON UNL PARENT'S WEEKEND '85 October 11. 12, 13 BEHIND IN YOUR STUDIES ALREADY? NO TIME FOR YOUR FRIENDS? Workshop on Time Management Sunday, Sept. 22 Cornerstone-UMHE 3 00-5.00 PM 640 N. 16th Led by UNL Counseling Center Staff FREE TO ALL UNL STUDENTS KAPPA ALPHA PSI RUSH September 22, 7:00 p.m. Culture Center. 14th & R Any questions call 472-2582 Interested in Physics and Astronomy? Come to the Society of Physics Students' meeting Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Brace 205. Hey all you cowboys. Are you ready for the time of your life? 'Gunslinger 85. OG's, Eig Ep's, Kappa's. ATO's, See ya all tonight at Wallbankers for your party. START at 7:00 p.m. Wallbanker Staff HEAR JOSH MAXIMUM SEX Free Admission, Centennial Room Friday, Sept. 20 7:00 p.m. TRI-BETA MEMBERS Important meeting tonight, 6:30, 129 Mantor Hall Time is Running Out!! Today's the last day to spruce up your room with a plant from . . . PLANTASIA Student Union Ballroom 10-5 . Be a part of Triangle Little Sisters Rush!! Our first party is Sept. 22. Call 435-8450. KAPPA PHI CLUB There will be a Rose Rush Tea for any UNL Christian women interested in sisterhood, fellowship, and fun on Thursday, Sept. 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Union. Refreshments will be served. Serve the university community through Campus Red Cross. Give a little or a lot of your time to help others. First meeting Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6:30, City Campus Union. Need two tickets, female and male, together for New Mexico game. Call 475-2807 after 5:30. ATTENTION: Block & Bridle Meeting! Thurs., Sept. 19 Nebraska East Union Initiates 6:00 Members 7:00 BRASS RAIL Party-Time Wine Coolers $1 .00; Special Export 70C All night long, Thursday night. Date Seeker, Sneak preview of JOSH Thursday night in Union Harvest Room 7:00 p.m. Let's meet and hear Josh on the topic, "Maximum Dating." (film). See you there. BSU ' College P.E.O.'s 1st Fall Meeting Sunday Sept. 22, 5:00 p.m. Call Deb 435-6841 or Carol 421-3957 (evenings) for reservation and information. THETA XI LITTLE SISTER RUSH SEPT. 24, 25, 26 Sign-up sheets are posted in the dorms or call MIKE, 476-92590r 435-8417. Nebraska Union Board Sub-Committees are looking for new members. The BUSINESS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE will be responsible for financial matters pertaining to Union operations as well as reviewing the Union budget. The FOOD SERVICE COMMITTEE will be reviewing matters pertaining to food service including pricing, menu items, and types of eating places. The PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE will be advising the CAP office as well as producing the Campus Calendar and putting together a new slide show for use in the CAP office. Applications are available in the CAP off ices located in both City and East Unions. Applications will be accepted till Friday, Sept. 27th at 4:00 p.m. at both CAP offices. The UPC Foreign Films Committee will be having its first meeting Thursday, Sept. 19th at 4:00 in the Union. New and ola members welcome to start off a great year. ATTENTION WOMEN OF UNL There will be a very important informational meeting concerning SIGMA PHI EPSILON GOLDEN HEART RUSH. Sunday, Sept. 22, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sig-Ep house. Those interested in being a Sig-Ep Little Sister are requested to attend. Any questions or problems, please call David 477-1402. .irsrcm . -4'fHL it t x x X X X x X V LESBIAN AND GAY EDUCATION WEEK Sponsored by UNLGayLesbian Student Association (472-5644) Video tape: Consenting Adult 3-5 p.m. "Feminism and Separatism" 7-10 p m. Room numbers will be posted in City Union Bulletin Board FREE DELIVERY $10 party tray of sliced meats and cheeses, serves 13. BARBERI0 CHEESE HOUSE 464-7250 Franchise Club Meeting 6:30. CBA Lounge Sept. 19 Speakers: Merry Maids, Corn Popper. Namco. Department of Commerce & Taco John's COFFEE TALKS Need a speaker for your next meeting" We provide slide show, samples and a door prize Free to groups ol 20 or more. For more information, call trie Coffee Trader. Atrium Skywalk Level, 1200 N Street, 477 2015. ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE SCIENCE STUDENTS: Triangle Fraternity is looking for a tew good men. If interested, contact Bob Brannen at 472-0128. OFF THE WALL HUMOR Non-traditional greeting cards, Farside t-shirts, posters and frames, great balloons. AVANT CARD 1340 "0" Lambda Tau, a pre-medical technology honorary is inviting all those pre-med. tech. students to an informational meeting on Sept. 19 at 7:00 p.m. Meet at Broyhill Fountain at 6:30 p.m. for rides to Showbiz Pizza Place. Approx. cost $3. JEWISH STUDENTS First meeting went great!! Don't forget our next one -Thurs., 8:30 p m. at City Union NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Elections of officers will be held. Come soak in our private whirlpool spas. THE TUBBERY - 47S-989 23-year scholarships which pay tuition, fees, money for books, and up to $1,000 per year are available. Students, age 17-22. GPA above 2.3 can apply at NO OBLIGATION. Go to room 110 Military & Naval Science Bldg. Or call 471-5562. BATTLE OF THE BANDS Win $1,000 in a contest during Residence Hall week. For info, and appt., call Jon Tucker 472-8209, or Tony Coe 472-8276. Upper-level, non-smoking, near new home, Holmes Lake area. 14 utilities. $125mo. 489-3557. Female roommate. 13 rent plus 13 utilities. Close to campus. 475-2244. Keep trying!! " Non-smoking roommate wanted to share new 2-bedroom apt. near 23rd & Q. Call 476-6719. Female roommate needed to share townhouse. $126.25 plus 14 utilities. 466-8635. Wanted: One female student to share nice 2-bedroom aOff-street parking, close to East Campus. Call 464- Female roommate to share 2-bedroom mobile home. .$125mo. plus 12 utilities. $75 deposit. Call evenings. 464-8665. Wanted: Non-smoking female, own room, close to campus, rent $116 plus 14 utilities. 476-0349. Non-smoking, female roommate to share 3 bedroom duplex on 27th & N. $110 plus 13 utilities. 477-5327 ask for Melanie or Michelle. Adventuress, It's hunting time again. The Moose is on the loose. RSVP Bullwinkle Dear S.B., Did you know that the majority of some fraternities and sororities are going to hear JOSH. Entire dorm floors are going too!!! Be there or you'll be sorry! D.W. m,i n if it V: - v , , ADPI and AGS: We are glad you could share our special occasion with us. To help us celebrate, come over to AGS Sat. night and be prepared to have fun!! Greg and Carol Todd, You brie . : chrnlate syrup, we'll bring the strapon! The Bandwaid Twins Chris, Looking forward to another fun year. What's up you big Ween? S O S. band, Ruptured fuzzy navels; porscne (any color); vacation: dedade; you gotta big mouth . . .; J, Pope?; Long nights in the olaza and what about that Oregon State Bate. Happy 20th Birthday Spac Plasmatic Your buds, Laurie, Kathy, Lurna Jenny B.. Thanks for taking careof your baby while he was sick Love you lots!! Bryan S. Sundance, MATAHABA SADIKM Chuck Taylor Katie. A DOZEN ROSES. Richard Petty Dr. T. Clark (AXO). To my favorite embroyo physician. Good luck on the MCAT tomorrow! This won't be the first or last time you'll prove yourself and we're all proud of you! (May I prescripe a week of bed rest after this is over?) Love, Dr. J. Williams (AXO) John, Good luck on your MCAT you'll do great!!! Kim Flower Man, Thanks for the flower! I'm dying of curiousityl Please identify yourself! Mary (Abel 12) I32I P"St. V 476-2039 Word Processing ResumesLetters PapersTheses . Copies Color (redbl uegreenbrown) Quality Paper and more ... Try c:r i pasiy d;,s ro?co3ii o;.LY 2.0 1 1 T-JriX'- i2xxixcrtX'v "Wtmn LEVEL CENTRUM - 47Stt ' 2-FERS COOKIES From 8 pm to 10 pm COUPON NOT REQUIRED (Limit 1 per personvisit.) 120 N. 14th St. 474-6158 J