The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 12, 1985, Page Page 13, Image 13
Thursday, September 12, 1985 Daily Nebraskan Page 13 T CLASSIFIED AOVtRTtSINQ CALL 472-2MS 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Tn word included to oo minimum charge per day on individual itudenl nd student organization ad. I 7S Biiiing criarge on noncommercial ads. All :er.0nal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID AOS. N Dnw;iBII ITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN FREE DRINECI See us for PUMA Sportswear de signed to keep you looking your ,N?lNlaNCORRECT INSERTION. h-7Jjnrts mav be submitted free of charge. D 9 with the purchase of any m i . :. . rr- r r D1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday)- coo- best while you're u u u sanawicn receive a rncc 12 oz. drink or coffee. r working your hardest! Coupon must be presented at time of order. Offer ends September 18, 1935. Not good with any other offer. Fall Closeout Sale Now. Check us before you buy! Bikes, Parts, Accessories. Fast Service Bike PedaSers 47750.Ome,' Gd ,ransPor,a,ion- 300 or best offer urn "79 Gold Trans-Am. Must seH. Best offer 466-7251. v M 33rd 4 B 474-7000 k LJ - r n r : ii i J 0 43ffiueseS. 24ACFMAM KAUFMAN & DOLEZAL AUCTIONEERS AND RETAIL STORE 916 S. 13Sfi Desks, Dinettes, Bookcases. Sofas intiaues Glassware, Lamps, many other items. q KAUFMAN & DOLEZAL AUCTIONEERS AND RETAIL STORE 916 S. 13th 477-75S5 Open Sun. 1-5; Mon.-Sat. 10-6 NEED FURNITURE? ur have it" Find a large selection of quality, affordable uwd furniture and household goods at ONE MORE TIME. 850 N. 27th. 474-2065. 10-6 Mon.-Sat. ALL-TRONIX & TV Quality TVs 1364 So. 33rd 476-8164 MOBILE HOME tor sale Small 2 bedroom. $25.000. 1030 N. 48th. Lot 51 467-1063. Carpet fits any corner room in Caiher-Pound. Excellent condition. Call afternoons. 435-4354. Male student season ticket. Best offer. 475-3274 after 8 pro Honda CB450E. 1971. $450.00 or best offer. Kurt 421- 2915 or 477-3991. Aquarium. 40 gal. long, complete set up, $125 or offer. Kurt 421-2915 or 477-3991. Ultra-Linear speakers. $100 or best offer. 474-6794 to see. ROCK & ROLL JAM!! in your dorm room! Yamaha SE-200 Electric Guitar. Peavey Audition 200 Amp with headphone jack. ALL NEW! Only $289 with this ad. DIETZE MUSIC HOUSE 1208 "0" Street Female season football ticket with I.D. 474-1026. 12' BW Solid State TV. Apple He Computer wmouse and software. 423-7123. Male student football ticket for sale, $100 or best offer, after 6. 474-6007. ,,,,, ... . , . - ., . . al Honda passport, bought new 82 1.0M miles, indoor stored, yellow, white, $295, 489-2023. Jeff, Beth. Football ticket for sale. 477-5120. 2 tickets to Bruce Springsteen concert in Denver on Sept 22. 475-9698 after 5:00. 3 female season tickets together. Gianna 476-6104 after 9pm 1980Toyota CorollaTercel. 5-speed. low mileage, excel lent condition. Make otfer, 477-8313. Cruiseship Hiring Data Phone 707-778-1066 for job information. Sports Courts membership for sale cheap. 489-9152. Portable bar with 4 stools like new. 489-4446 after 5:30. Friday and Saturday from 9-4, 1600 "A" St. Hitachi aicieu sysiem, iwinounK oeas, tne caoinet, carpet, pots and plants, wicker and meltal shelving, chairs, girls clothing sizes 4-7, women's clothing sizes 8-12, childrens' toys and furniture. No Early Sales! t44-4-4444444444444444444t444444444444444444444444 pDDtQ LTetLHva)D 65 2 Fun Run..2 miles........ Report to 9 Man iA M X (hh.ii aiiu vvuiiicii; Barrel Races... Friday, 3-6 p.m. Cather Pound Football Field Sack Races Friday, 3-6 p.m. Cather Pound Football Field 3 Legged Races... Friday, 3-6 p.m. Cather Pound Football Field Outdoor - Racquetball Sign (Singles Tournament) Co-Rec Mud Volleyball (10 dollar forfeit fee) Co-Rec Over the Line (3 man Softball tournament) Rules and entry forms can Recreation Office. "Friday the 13th", the movie, is at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in Inquiries?' Call Kenda or Kitty at Campus c Office of Campus Recreation 1740 Vine Street JtMAiffl&-J e,,cellen, comlm. 4-speed 54,000, AMFM cassette, spoked wheels runs area S to appreciate. $3.950. 475-1865 9 iee i07n c - B , REPOSSESSION Plck;up. BNefds work- b0(,y io good. t0 ask fn? LTSj!?Xn E??S?" Crexfit Union, ask tor Linda. 464-0297 between 8:30 and 5:15. 1981 Honda Civic, 73.000 miles, runs great. $2.500. 477- tfMaShHSA2 d5S ca,l1ioma,ic-excellent condition, SZ.200 or best offer. 477-6705. ACE RENT-TO-OVVN Rent air conditioners. Rent furniture, VCR, TVs and appliances. 3 rooms, living room, bedroom and dinette starts at $69.95 monthly. Rent color TVs, video recorders, stereos, microwaves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, freezers, ranges. Cail ACE TV 474-3444 2429 O Street Ideal for Single or couple. 1-bedroom duplex, large living room, kitchen, showerbath tub, walk-in closet All electric, fully furnished. $245 plus electric. Office: 3601 N. 1st or call 435-6683. Charter Buses. Vans, Mini-buses, School buses. GOOD LIFE COACHES 423-2500 COMPUTER RENTALS Low prices, Free delivery Mike's Supply 476-1630 OLD CHENEY PLACE APARTMENTS Lincoln's finest new apartment complex located at 27th & Old Cheney Road. 1 and 2 bedroom. For quiet, comfortable living. 421-1664. 2-bedroom duplex, unfurnished. 2 blocks from East Campus, 1 12 bath, full basement, appliances, and others. 467-4143. Available Oct. 1. Female roommate wanted. $125month, $100 deposit, unfurnished, laundry and kitchen facilities, air condition jng on DUSjne 466-2782 mornings, M MING PALACE Openings for lunch waiterswaitresses. 11:00-2:30 M-F. Apply in person 1:30-2:00 1309 I Street $8 an Hour Dancers, part-time, apply in person. Happy Hour Lounge, 17th & '0" St. Part or full-time computer operator. 3-4 months work. Experience helpful. LINCOLN LUMBER COMPANY - 474-4488 linrnln Memorial Funeral Home currently has an opening for a live-in student, necessary work duties involved, call 423-1515 r,.hi n,nM ,4c,ar'L ii n 11 am and 1 1 p Cashier, nights and weekends. Call 421-1895 between m. the Coliseum at 7:30 p.m. Friday up Thursday, at 12:00 Noon Sign up Thursday at 12:00 Noon Sign up Thursday at 12:00 Noon be picked up in the Campus to be shown Friday, Sept. 13 the Campus Recreation Office. Campus Recreation. 'I i . I !! i! . . Glass Mtnagerit 1213 "Q" StrMt Fast Park Plaza 86th & "O" StrMt QH. I. tfmwi DinmanA 11GGl7 . ... - - ffvrsm giog TogbSiior Form Ci Function! oREDLINE CONQUEST MOUNTAIN BIKES 5 Downtown 1425 "Q" 0 East TlTomas Jewelers j X V THE ATRIUM 475-91 IS 1200 N. Street Rinp South So. 27th & Hiway 20 56th & "O" Q A new beginning two become one. LAYAWAY CONVENIENT CHARGE STUDENT ACCOUNTS EAST PARK PLAZA 467-5402 1 66th "O" Street 1 oSR ALPINE SPORT Reg. 264.00 oSR CAMPUS SPORT Reg. 199.95 oSR SUPER TOURING Reg. 164.00 3 u SR COLLEGE SPORT Reg. 165.00 ' ) 'WW CRA7lOX I 472-3467 ' 4