The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 10, 1985, Page Page 10, Image 10
Tuesday; September 10, 1985 Page 10 Daily Nebraskan ILL T. JONS New Wave Sensation! is is aance, theater, music or graffiti? Who cares when it's fast, glamorous, libidinous, witty, original, gradeful of spirit and kinky? TWO PERFORMANCES Thursday, Sept 12, 8pm Mixed Repertoire Program Friday, Sept 13, 8 pm Freedom of Information Spectacular full-length work premiered at Brooklyn Academy of Music's Next Wave Festival two years ago. Tickets: $10, $8 UNL Students: $6, $3 (TPP) Tickets on sale: to UNL Students Aug. 26 to others Sept. 3 A Mid-America Arts Alliance Pro gram With Support from the Na tional Endowment for the Arts. Kimball Box Office 1 13 Westbrook Music Bldg. 472-3375 11th & R Streets 11 am - 5 pm, Monday-Friday Nebraska Union North Desk 7 am - 2 pm, Monday-Friday d University of Nebraska Lincoln (gOLLEGBE o SI call (401) 489-6521 All Ml k CO. NEBKELP CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2MI $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Tan word! Included. $2.00 minimum charge per day on Individual student and student organization ads. $.73 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All personal ads must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree ot charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. Clothing. Furniture. Textbooks and much more. Open Tuesday through Sunday PATCHES THRIFT SHOP 1239 S. 14th (14th & "B") Fall Closeout Sale Now. Check us before you buy! Bikes, Parts, Accessories, Fast Service Dike Pedalers 33rd &B 474-7000 EXTRA NICE 12 x SO mobile home: two bedrooms, central air-conditioning, washer and dryer, refrigerator-freezer, carpet, drapes, some furniture included. Call evenings. 466-7803. FURNITURE, COLOR TV'S Study desk, rolls of carpet, color TV, hide-a-bed, love seat, sofa. 3-foot bar with stools, chest, dresser, end and colfee tables, beds, lamps, recliner, kitchen table with chairs, book shelves, wardrobe, typewriter stand, card table and chairs, rollaway bed, overstuffed chairs, vacuum, and many other unlisted items. 466-6252. Will Deliver. Help us cover you. Daily Nebraskan's Newsline 472-1763 RUMS STOKT mm 1 mMM educational loan program O or 800-742-0091 or (toll free in Nebraska) KAUFMAN & DOLEZAL AUCTIONEERS AND RETAIL STORE 916 S. 13th Desks. Dinettes, Bookcases, Sofas Antiques, Glassware. Lamps, many other items. KAUFMAN ft DOLEZAL AUCTIONEERS AND RETAIL STORE 016 S. 13th 477-7585 Open Sun, 1-5; Mon.-Sat. 10-6 NEE0 FURNITURE? We have ill! Find a large selection of quality, affordable used furniture and household goods at ONE MORE TIME. 850 N. 27th, 474-2065, 10-6 Mon.-Sat. For sale: Room speakers, JVL, J350 towers. After 6:00 p.m., 489-1102. 27" KHS 12 sp. good shape. $200. Call 472-9021. ALL-TRONIX & TV Quality TVs 1364 So. 33rd -476-6164 Engineers!! Hewlett-Packard-41 CV calculator for sale. Includes math pack and extended functions module. $175; 464-7851. 2 Sports Courts Fitness memberships, reduced price . Approx. 11 months left,. Great for a couple! 423-6387. MOBILE HOME for sale. Small 2 bedroom. $25,000. 1030 N. 48th. Lot 51 467-1063. Waterbed: Queen size, waveless mattress with book case headboard and side railings. 483-1018. ROCK ROLL JAM!! in your dorm room! Yamaha SE-200 Electric Guitar, PV Audition 20 Amp with headphone jack, ALL NEW! Only $289. OIETZE MUSIC HOUSE 1208 "0" Street Carpet fits any corner room in Cather-Pound. Excellent condition. Call afternoons, 435-4354. For Sale: Smith-Corona electric typewriter, new draft ing table, blinds, many clothes. Antique furniture, bed, and 3-speed. Moving, must sell. Tuesday, 11085 only. 2-8 p.m. 1016 "K" St. HP-41cV Basic and advanced operators manual, case, $100 423-6356; anytime. For Sale: RedBlack two-door 1976 LTD, 51,000. have to see to appreciate. Call anytime 423-6398 or 423-7059. 1980 Toyota CorollaTercel, 5-speed, low mileage, excellent condition. Make offer, 477-8313. BMW 2002's, 76 perfect car, mechanically very fast, new paint, sunroof, owned by a fanatic, $6,800 or best offer; 1970 mechanically restored. $5,400 invested, $4,200. 489-8779, 477-2002. 4732 Cciucrt St. Lincoln MUST SELL!!! 1979 Cutlass Supreme 80.000 mi., super condition at i sacrifice price! Call 423-776. Ideal for single or couple. 1-bedroom duplex, large living room, kitchen, showerbath tub, walk-in closet. All electric, fully furnished. $245 plus electric. Office 3601 N. 1st or call 435-6683. Charter Buses, Vans, Mini-buses, School buses. GOOD LIFE COACHES 423 2500 COMPUTER RENTALS Low prices, Free delivery Mike's Supply 476-1630 2-bedroom mobile home for sale Same as rent lot 25. 1030 N. 48th. Financing available. $3,200, $500 DN, Natural gas heat stove, ref. some furniture. 474-3100, Bill Hoffman. OLD CHENEY PLACE APARTMENTS Lincoln's finest new apartment complex located at 27th & Old Cheney Road. 1 and 2 bedroom. For quiet, comfortable living. 421-1664. Female non-smoking roommate needed for house in Southeast Lincoln. Serious inquiries only. Call 468-2385 or 488-7984. 2-bedroom duplex, unfurnished. 2 blocks from East Campus. 1 12 bath, full basement, appliances, and others. 4674143. Available Oct. 1. Female roommate wanted. $125month, $100 deposit, unfurnished, laundry and kitchen facilities, air condition ing, on busline, 466-2782 mornings. ACE RE NT-TO-OWN Rent air conditioners. Rent furniture. VCR, TVs and appliances. 3 rooms, living room, bedroom and dinette starts at $69.95 monthly. Rent color TVs, video recorders, stereos, microwaves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, freezers, ranges. Call ACE TV 474-3444 2429 O Street STUDENTS NEEDED FOR PLASMA DONORS It's easy and practically painless. We pay more and we have free parking. Many Bonuses available. $5.00 bonus for 1st time donation. LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 O Street 474-2335 Security guards needed Friday and Saturday of all home games. 6 p m.-2 a.m. Must be professional and responsible. Please call Lisa for appointment between 3:Wand 5:00 p.m. 474-7780. Part-time receptionist, PBX operator, working with puL'lic. Various hours. YWCA 1432 "N" St 476-2802 Affirmative ActionEqual Opportunity Employer COLLEGE STUDENTS SALES INTERNSHIP Northwestern Mutural Life is looking for candidates with an interest in sales for their nationally acclaimed college intern program. For more information, call Lisa McDonald at 483-7871. NANNY NEEDED NOW Write: 26 Ledgewood Road, Bronxville, NY 10708. Nice family, good conditions. Part-time maintenance helper. 25 hours per week, Sunday through Thursday. Contact Ruth Pattern at 423- iuji tor appomimem. Pegler-Sysco Food Services Co. C PROGRAMMER WANTED for part-time project. Machine will be provided. Send qualifications and references to: IFP P.O. Box 80504, Lincoln, NE 68508. MANAGER INTERN Amigo's, a rapidly growing, customer-oriented Mexican restaurant chain, is looking for students who would like to participate in a Management Intern Training Program. You will be a part-time employee while at the same time learning how to make practicie applications of manage ment principles as a restaurant supervisor. Apply now at Amigo's, 14th & "Q". 8-5 p.m. wsm (3 HESS 1984 Bay area music award winners. Blues and rock & roll from San Francisco's finest. ONE NIGHT ONLY!!! Wed., Sept. 1 1th from 9:00-1 :00 only $3.00 cover. -J I " L TONIGHT: from Austin Texas, J.B. STRUT only $1.50 cover NOW MIRING It you are an aggressive, customer-oriented parson Amiga's has an excellent part-time job olfer for you. we ofler competitive pay, flexible scheduling, and a Ppj"v working environment for productive performance. Ideally suited tor college students able to work a short lunch hour shift in addition to evening hours. Apply now at Amigo's, 14th & "Q" Street. Monday-Saturday. 6-5 p.m. TELEPHONE POSITIONS Progressive state-wide grass roots organization soaking mature, aqgresslve men and women with easy speaking voice, loads of enthusiasm and a sense of humor. If you are tired ol being underpaid and have experience in sales or telemarketing, loin the fight for a safe environment. 476-1239. HELP WANTE0 , WaiterWaitresses. Experience preferred but not required. Must be able to work a.m. 11:30-2:30 plus football Saturdays. Apply in person. H.B. Brands, 808 "P" Street, 2-4 p.m. Architecture student, sketching abilities and 35mm camera required. 477-1380. THE ROGERS HOUSE BED BREAKFAST INN Exchange 15 hours of work lor rent as front desk person. Must work Thurs., Fri., Sat., nights. Call 476-6961, 4-6 p.m. Drivers with reliable car, must have Insurance, good driving record, and be 19 years of age. $3.50 to start plus tips and commission. Apply at Domino's Pizza, 611 N. 27th, 1415 South St., and 2933 N. 48th St. We are looking for LOUD PEOPLE to distribute First Down Magazine at the home football games. If you are a group of 25 people and would like to make some good money distributing First Oown contact Mary at 472-2589. Looking for a few good men to hash. Easy work, great food. All times available. Bonus: Work-free weekend meals. Contact Lucy at 472-9861. GRANDMOTHER'S SKILLET is now taking applications for full-time and part-time employment. Ail positions available. We will train the riant individuals. Apply Wednesday through Friday, 9 10:30 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. 201 Sunvalley Blvd. Kay's Restaurant needs 1 buser. 12:00-3:00 p.m. week days. Minimum wage. Contact Kelly at 483-2858. SCHUSTER'S NORTH (27th & Holdrege) is taking applications for part-time evening deli positions and stockerchecker positions. Apply in person. ACTIVISTS Help clean up Nebraska's environment. Hours: 1 :00-10:00 p.m. Base pay: $180-$210 per week. Call 476-2060. Artist to draw posters. Call Pat 464-5513. Energetic, personable people needed as daytime servers for a new restaurant in the Haymarket district. Apply in Serson Monday through Friday at Merrill Lynch, 201 N. th. SOFTWARE SUPPORT SPECIALIST 20-25 hours per week flexible with schedule. Must be Eroticient in 3 of the following 4 software packages, otus 1-2-3, MS DOS, Wordstar, or Smart Series. Apply in Person. COMPUTERLAND 701 ft 48th The Lucky Lady is now hiring security. Apply in person between 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 1033 "0" Street Immediate openings for valet parking attendant (at least 21), line cook, and waitery. Experience required. Must work weekends. Apply 2-4 p.m. at Brittany's, 227 N. 9th, STUDENTS We need help, 8 a m. -12 noon daily, Monday through Friday. Light factory atmosphere. We will train. Apply in person. NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY. Disc jockey wanted. Will train. Call Tom 476-1323. Part-time help wanted, prefer Ag background. Apply in person at Horizon, 1600 Cornhusker Highway between 6-5. $S.75HOUR STUDENTS NEEDED PART TIME, FLEXIBLE HOURS & GOOD PAY. 483-1227. A 1 136 N. 14lh.Lincoln.NE ST8BS -4xoo t-arU J