The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 05, 1985, Page Page 18, Image 18
Page 18 2 Mason football ticked together, 1 male, 1 jemale. Cell Frank today at 474-4373. MUST SELLIII 1979 Cutlass Supreme. 80.000 ml uper condition at a sacrifice pricel Call 423-7778. 1978 Pontiac Sunbird, 4-speed, sunroof. 56 000 miles. $1,950 or best offer. Call after 4 p.m., 435-5922. 1974 Volkswagen Bug, Yellow, tinted windows excellent condition, low miles. 423-8156. 81 280ZX, 21,000 miles, 5 speed plus extras, like new, must see. 472-3465 days. 467-5273 evenings. 1981 Nissan B210, brown. Great condition, call 477 4741. 477-6254 after 5 p.m. 1983 VOtVO GL sunroof, air $11,995 1983 CHARGER, auto, air, tape 15,225 1982 EXP auto, air, tape, cruise $4 750 1980 MUSTANG AMFM, tape, EQ 93 590 1979 FAIRMONT 4 cyl , auto, air $2500 1978 DATSUN 510 4-speed econ. 91,450 1978 GRANADA auto, air, runs well $1 415 1974 VW BUG economy classic f 1,893 1974 VOLVO 145 WAGON, 4-speed $1,995 1972 CELICA ST mags, sharp!) $1 295 DOAN-ROSE AUTO SALES 125 No. 21st 476-7C00 COMPUTER RENTALS Low prices. Free delivery Mike's Supply 476-1630 Daily Nebraskan 12 speed Schwinn LeTour. 1 12 years old. Excellent condition, $193. Call 489-5357 after 5:30. Ideal for single or couple. 1-bedroom duplex, large living room, kitchen, showerbath tub, walk-In closet All electric, fully furnished. $245 plus electric. Office 3601 N. 1st or call 435-6683. Charter Buses, Vans, Mini-buses, School buses GOOD LIFE COACHES 423-2500 TELEPHONE POSITIONS Progressive state-wide grass route organization seek ing mature, aggressive men and women with easy speaking voice, loads of enthusiasm and a sense of humor. If you are tired of being underpaid and have experience in sales or telemarketing, loin the fight for a save environment. 1 OLD CHENEY PLACE APARTMENTS STUDENTS NEEDED FOR ""PLASMA DONOH3 v Lincoln's finest new apartment complex located at 27th & Old Cheney Road. 1 and 2 bedroom. For quiet, comfortable living, 421-1664. Room for rent, kitchen and laundry privileges. Near busline. 489-1610. 1 bedroom apartment, 879 N. 25th St. $225, 920 S 22nd $250, small house 325 N. 20th. basement and garage $325. RENTAL REAL ESTATE 489-3036 Large 3-bedroom house, 2 bath, heat and water paid. 421 S. 28th. $450. 477-1619 or 423-4076. c Part-time, $4.00 per hour, approximately 25-30 hours per week. Schedule works well with college classes. Must have reliable transportation. Call The Lucky Lady is now hiring security. Apply in per son between 9:00 a m -4 00 p.m. 1033 "O" Street Drivers with reliable car, must have Insurance, good driving record, and be 19 years of age. $3.50 to start plus tips and commission. Apply at Domino's Pizza 611 N. 27th or 2441 N. 11th. Immediate openings for valet parking attendant (at least 21 ), line cook, and waitery. Experience required Must work weekends. Apply 2-4 p.m. at Brittany's, 227 N. 9th. Part-time custodial help wanted. Various positions. Afternoon, late evening, and weekend hours. Up to 20 hours per week. Apply in room 314, Nebraska East Union. It s easy and practically painless. Wt pay more and we have free parking. Many bonuses available. $5.00 bonus for 1st time donation. LINCOLN PLASMA 2021 O Street 474-2335 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SPECIALIST 20-25 hours per week, flexible with schedule. Must be proficient in 3 of the following 4 software packages. Lotus 1-2-3, MS DOS, Wordstar, or Smart Series. Apply in Person. COMPUTER LAND 701 N. 48th Now hiring individuals with telemarketing or tele phone interview experience or similar background Earn up to $5 05 per hour, flexible hours. Part-time temporary position (approximately 1 month). No selling involved. Apply at 3100 N. 14th, Suite 104. Loving energetic babysitter for 3 and 4 year old. Monday and Wednesday afternoons. 27th & Sheridan. Prefer elementary education major. 476-2772. DATA PROCESSING USER SERVICE SPECIALIST IBM programming experience In a data base en vironment. Provide trainingsupport for IBM Main frame and Microcomputer products to end users. Help users define and design their applications. Knowledge Of EASYTRIEVE, DB2QMF, R:base5000, LOTUS 1-2-3, NCFFVTAM, SPSS, MVSJCL, TSOISPF. High school graduate or equivalent and considering data processing experience in operations andor appli cations programming. Applicants must complete a Supplemental Questi onnaire in addition to CityCounty application. Starl ing monthly salary: 1,836.29. CLOSING DATE: 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, 1985 APPLY AT: CityCo. Employment Office ' 555 South 10th Street, Rm. B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 EOEAA v $S.75HOUR S NEEDED PART- TIME, FLEXIBLE HOURS & GOOD PAY. 4C3-1227. Thursday, September 5, 1985 PLASMA DOliORS Earn up to $20 a week or $100 a month, (Bring this ad for a $5 bonus on 1st donation ) UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 0 ST., LINCOLN 475-0345 SYSTEMS ANALYSTPROGRAMMER I Thit infofltalion Cen'erUr9opporVpsitlon re quires experience utilizing IBM PC's and related soft ware, knowledge of IBM Programming practices and a willingness to provide end ur training and support. Knowledge of R base 5000. LOTUS 1-2-3, Ditplaywrl ter 3, DB2QMF, SPSS, MVSJCL, TSO 1SPF and VTAMNCCF, High school graduate or equivalent supplemented by a recognized training course In programming techniques and procedures. Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire. Start ing monthly salary: $1,441.61. CLOSING DATE: 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, 1985 APPLY AT: CityCo. Employment Office 555 South 10th Street, Rm. B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 EOEAA STUDENTS We need help, 8 a.m.-12 noon daily, Monday through Friday. Light factory atmosphere. We will train. Apply in person. NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY. Godfather's is now looking for delivery drivers from 4:30-Midnight. $3.75hr. plus tips and gas expenses. Full-time or part-time. Apply at Godfather's Pizza, 240 N. 12th St. between 2-4 p.m. Persons needed to handle big and small jobs. Can you accomplish these without supervision? Painting Roofing Snow Removal Concrete Installation Carpentry Window Repairs Flexible schedule around classes. Apply at 3717 "B" St., 8 a.m.-noon Thursdays and Fridays. Complete an attendant profile let people with disabilities know you'd assist in daily needs. Pos sible live-in. League of Human Dignity 1423 "O" M-F, 8-5 Tco inn is f10vvnfltfn3"ppiiclition for pwn-tlm day and night help for its 13th 4 R and Belmont Shop ping Center locations, Apply In person at 13th ft n from 2-4 p.m. NOW HIRING If vou are in aaaresslva. customer-oriented person, Amlgo'a has an excellent part-time job offer for you. We offer competitive pay, flexible scheduling, and a positive working environment for productive perfor mance. Ideally suited for college student able to work a short lunch hour shift In addition to evening hours. Apply now at Amlgo's, 14th ft "Q" St. Monday Saturday, 8-5. it Tr The Dally Nebraskan Production Department needs an individual to type classified advertising. Prefer experience with Varityper and classified but will train excellent typist. Hours begin 1:15 until finished daily Monday-Friday. For information apply to Kitty 34 Nebraska Union, 472-1762 mornings. Do not need to be a student to fill this position. EOE Do you like to set your own hours and be paid for what you produce? Apply now for a research interview position at SRI Research Center. Call Lori Matulka at 489-0351 to set up an appointment. MM Tailoring Shop needs people for alterations. Flexible hours. 4711 Prescott. c Japanese Chef Trainees Peking Garden Restaurant 6811 "O" Street Apply in person between 3:30 & 5:30 p.m. Wanted: Talented music major to write lyrics to a popular tune. Song to be used in weddinq. Will pay. 467-2194, Karen, TI-BAII JkV ,T-i V- -. - - -JUL"-" mJL, ' I i'"'iinwipii.,..-isi.)t,,- I TI-35 Galaxy rrrrrr. I J TI-55III i ; I ' ' ?i )( a i 7 - , i I...T..IITTIIIII u.i.i i u. -mJJ ' ) J ' 1 p - - Ll'' ij ymlZZt'S y - " ' " t ' ' -r". r TI-66 Hav,e now ? every Basic, Financial, Scientific, and Programmable TI calculator on hand at Nebraska Bookstore. The innovators in personal electronics have a calculator that's just right for solving those tough Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Accounting, Statistics, and Finance problems. Texas Instruments calculators are on sale now, but hurrv This offer ends soon. Basic Function: Retail TI-1100 $5.95 TM706 $7.95 TM786 $7.95 TI-5008 $29.95 Financial: TI-BA35 $22.00 TI-BAII $45.00 TI-BA55 ....................... $60.00 Scientific: TI-30III . ......................... $14.95 TI-35II. $22.00 TI-35 Galaxy $29.95 TI-45 $59.95 o Programmable: TI-55III $45.00 TI-57 LCD $37.00 Our price Sale price $5.25 $4.95 $6.95 $5.50 $6.95 $6.25 $25.95 $22.95 $19.75 $18.00 $40.50 $38.00 $54.00 $51.00 $13.50 $12.00 $19.75 $18.00 $25.95 $22.95 $51.95 $48.95 $40.50 ........... $38.00 $33.50 $31.00 TIoLCD Programmer $75.00 $67.50 $63.00 f Opon Monday-Friday, 8-5:30, Saturday. 9-5:30 ore than a Bookstore. M ! Scme calculators in limited quatities. Offer ends 91485 NEED CASH? - Dirt Cheap buys used records and tapes. 2 student season football tickets. Cail 488-0037, 464-1703 after 6:00 p.m. Need 4-6 NU season tickets. Call 470-2974. Need 4 tickets for Illinois game. Prefer general admis sion. Call 476-0263 after 6:30 p.m. Wanted: Two season football tickets together call collect after 7 p.m. when you have tickets 291-8420. One student football ticket. Will pay premium price. Work 476-8575, 421-1264. Ask for Perry. Wanted: 2 female season football tickets (preferably together) with ID'S. Will pay good price. Call 476-281 1 , 8:30-5:00 or 467-21 83 after 7 p.m., ask for Dee Worster. Needed: 2 male, one female tickets to Florida State and 2 male, 2 female for Illinois, call 467-2085. Wanted: Two male season football tickets. Prefer together. 475-0803. Wanted: 2 or 3 male season football tickets together preferred but not essential, Call 475-8062, leave message. WANTED: NEED 2-6 TICKETS TO ILLINOIS NEBRASKA GAME. CALL (91 3) 649-4750 AFTER 7:00 PM. ASK FOR JUSTIN. Wanted: 10 male, 5 female tickets with I.D. for Illi nois game. Call 472-9554. Wanted: 4 football tickets. 2 male, 2 female, prefer ably together. Call 483-4473evenings, 476-0555 days Ask for Dale. Wanted: 1 male student season football ticket with I.D. $125. Call 467-2046 after 6:00. 2 Florida State football tickets. Prefer general ad mission. Call 435-0660. Ask for Willard. Football season tickets wanted. Good price paid Call Kathie collect at 592-2597. WANTED: 2 general admission season football tickets, or 2 female season student tickets. Call collect 308-324-3193 5-sJ p.m. Will buy male and female season football tickets. Will pay good price. Call 592-2597 (Omaha) collect. Need 1 pair of married student season football tickets. 475-0753 or 474-21 70. 1 female season ticket. 474-0275. HELP! Need 4 tickets for Illinois game. Call 477 5576 after 5 p.m. Wanted: Male season ticket with I.D. Must be in the middle of the field, East stadium. Will pay $110. 477-5672. Would like to buy a used Mountain Bike. Must be in 6973 con1',ion, 22"23 incn ,ra'"- Call Randyat 435- ifiiiinrsH: a R gtr$t3 In Lincoln C3tsr 470-01 11 Male student,- business intern, would like to. share your furnished apt. and expenses. Call Ingl Kohler, 475-4002 days; 423-1085 evenings. Male roommate wanted $100mo. plus 13 utilities. Call 435-2046. Roommate needed to share main level of nice fur nished house. 4209 "W" St. 467-5289. Graduate or professional roommate needed. 4- ??r,.?J2 house' "uite area- 1Z5 Plus 14 utilities. 489-3557. Wanted: Female Roommate. Share nice two bed room duplex. Must love animals. $137.50 plus 12 utili ties. 5 min. to downtown. Call Rita 477-4659. Wanted: Responsible non-smoking male to share 2 bedroom apartment at 22nd & Q. Call 435-5952. Liberal female seeks roommate to share large 4 pedroom house in near south area. $1 1 7 plus 1 3 utili ties; on bus line; pets welcome. 476-3936. . 1 or 2MF roommates needed for 4 bedroom house. $115 or less and share utilities. Call 435-6183 anytime.