The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 21, 1985, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, August 21, 1985
Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Marble floors, mirrors give
new bookstore some class
By Sandi Witkowicz
Staff Reporter
With almost triple the space, the
new University Bookstore expanded
many departments and added new fea
tures, said Ray Coffey, UNL business
The major change, Coffey said, is
that the new 28,00frsquare-foot book
store will be able to carry an extensive
collection of general reading and refer
ence materials. In the old bookstore,
the reference section was confined to a
few dictionaries, he said.
The new general reading depart
ment is the focal point of the store, he
said. The university hopes it will func
tion as a cultural and intellectual
resource center.
The new textbook department is in
the section of the basement where the
bowling alley used to be, Coffey said,
and is easily accessible from all store
entrances. The department will con
tinue to ciirry an extensive supply of
textbooks, he said.
The new textbook department will
be less crowded and students won't
have to go from one room to another to
find their books, he said.
The new store has wider aisles, is
accessible to the handicapped and
provides easier circulation, he said.
The store also has 18 checkout stands
that can be used specifically for text
book buyers during the back-to-school
rush, Coffey said.
The store still will use the same cash
registers. Registers that read
magnetic tape prices and codes are
expensive but, Coffey said, they are
being considered for the future.
All items in the store will be marked
with a material that will set off an
alarm and activate a camera to take a
picture of the person trying to leave the
store without paying for an item.
. Another new feature of the book-,
store is the computer shop, which will
carry a selection of microcomputers
and supplies, Coffey said.
The store will sell a complete line of
art, engineering, architecture and gen
eral school supplies, he said. The pre
vious space limitation allowed for only
general supplies, Coffey said.
Now the store will stock the supplies
instructors suggest students should
have for particular classes, he said.
The new store also will offer expanded
selections of Big Red merchandise,
gifts, cards, clothing and personal care
items, Coffey said. A specialty-type
candy shop also will be added, he said.
Ken White, designer of the floor
plan, said the store will save students'
time. White, of Ken White Associates,
Book vouchers available Monday
Cash advances and book vouchers
can be picked up during the first three
days of classes by students who have
grants and scholarships in excess of
tuition and fees, said Lori Eversoll,
assistant director of scholarships and
financial aid.
Cash advances will be given until
money is depleted, she said.
The schedule for obtaining book
vouchers and cash advances will be
available from to 9 p.m. Aug. 26, 8 a.m.
to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Aug. 27 at the
Nebraska Union Regency Suite and 8
a.m. to noon Aug. 28 at the Nebraska
Union Georgian Room.
"The $100 cash advances must be
cashed at the Bursar's office in the
Administration Building before Aug.
30. Eversoll said book vouchers are
accepted only by the University Book
store and must be used on or before
Aug. 30.
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SHOPPE Since 1929
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The design challenge for this book
store was to create a stimulating envir
onment in a basement, White said. He
used visual techniques so that once
customers are in the store, they don't
think about the store being in a base
ment. Lasting materials, such as marble
and wood for the floors, were selected,
White said, to keep future furnishing
replacements at a minimum.
Bond anticipation notes were issued
to finance the construction, Coffey
said. So far, bookstore construction
costs are near or below the $1,920,000
budget approved by the NU Board of
Regents, Coffey said.
The bookstore does not receive state
money, he said. It operates like any
other business. Coffey said he does not
think student fees will be needed to
help pay for the new bookstore. He also
said the store would continue with its
present pricing policies and strategies.
On Feb. 16, the NU Board of Regents
approved the bookstore project, Coffey
said. Construction began Feb. 18, as
workers removed pool tables and the
bowling alley in the recreation center
to make way for the new store, he said.
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