1 1 D Page 18 Daily Nebraskan 11 prim YOUH GOOD TIMES LAST A LIFETIME 2T ICfllffC 475-0242 ob hunt; Wednesday, August 21, 1985 ose challenge Many corporations hire in advance, finding a career," he said. "We assist by providing an opportunity iui cpvjv. and students to meet." About 2,000 students are registered with the center, most of whom are involved with on-campus interviewing. The center has 18 interview rooms. And the pressure is on. Gerry Pha- Nebraska Union. The packet contains nurjnit the reak month, which will be By Jane Campbell Staff Reporter The new school year presents a lot of challenges for everyone, but for gra duating seniors prospective Job hunts add to the list. Phaneuf said, The center was established to help students and alumni of the university in career planning. To register, students can pick up a registration packet from the office, 230 neuf, director of the Career Planning and Placement Center, said the time to start looking is now. several forms a personal data sheet, an academic record form and a compu ter referral form. I f 1 p,-'.' g "i f .-.-'! f-j".M frj.i E3 f ""f fm dl i a E23 s3 G . .r f D SW SP . "Finding a career-related occupa tion requires a lot of time, especially Dwith schoolwork and part-time jobs," that come to campus each semester Dtinnaiif onirl ftlr n ft fnr nam nmnlrtVOOQ Registered seniors and alumni can interview with about 220 companies The center is able to help students , The center's computer referral sys- better during their senior year, said October of this semester, around 1,000 interview slots will be available eacn week, he said. But students and alumni do not have to be registerd to use the center. The center also offers a career and corporate library with occupational information, resume and job-hunting Dedicated service to our many friends and customers who help make our business possible. ANY PERMANENT GUARANTEED BY APPOINTMENT OR WALK IN EXPER TS IN PERMANENT WAVING AND THE NATURAL CURL LOOK 1219 Q St. Glass Menagerie 476-0304 SHEAR DESIGN II 1144 Belmont Ave. 476-9965 EmbSI SmmeLSI KukLb) siCm3 ILh3 Jhirmack Perm, Haircut, Style and FREE Conditioner ALL FOR $ 19. 00 (REG. $29.00) Haircut (dry) $6 (REG. $9) Must present coupon Cvnlrn. Cinf 1K 1QQK esm pg E3 CZ3E Jim Schiefelbein, assistant director of Career Planning and Placement in the teacher placement division. Although the center is more of "an exit service," Schiefelbein said staff members also offer career counseling and other services for underclassmen. The center encourages students to register with the office for on-campus interviews one year before graduation. tern enables registered names to be seminars, interviewing skills workshops given to companies who call for candi- and graduate and professional scnooi dates with certain qualifications, Pha neuf said. A job opportunities bulletin and a teacher vacancy bulletin also is pub lished regularly for registered individ uals, he said. More than 20,000 job vacancies are listed with the center, he said. But the center is not an employ ment agency, Phaneuf said. "Our job is to prepare students for testing. "These are available to all students and alumni," Phaneuf said. The center can help individuals understand what they are looking for in a career, he said. "We help individuals organize the best job-hunting campaign for their goals," he said. i Culture center move to improve service i 0 By Adare O'Connor Staff Reporter After nearly 10 years of waiting and planning, UNL's Culture Center now has a new home. The new location at 333 N. 14th St. NBC Offers Students Two Bank-In-The-Box Locations and a Campus Money Center in the Nebraska Union. i:0. ) 0 Apply for your own Bank-ln-The-Box card at the NBC Campus Money Center or at any NBC bank location. With two Bank-In-The-Box machines and the NBC Campus Money Center, the Nebraska Union is the perfect place to get cash, make deposits, transfer funds or cash checks. In fact, you can use your Bank-In-The-Box card 24 hours a day at the south entrance of the Nebraska Union. If you need any other banking services, NBC's main bank is just a few blocks away. anil of (Cumin: Nebraska Union. City Campus. 14th & Ft Streets. Lincoln National Bank of Commerce, Lincoln, NE Main Bank. 13th 4 O Parkway Facility. 40th & South Kast Park Facility. 66th & O Havelock Facility. Touzalin & Colfax Rampark Office. 12th 4 P MKMBKR FDIC Accounts Insured to SlOO.OOO 472-4250 ,A FUtl .SERVICE I VBANKi One of the Commerce Group Banks Ft serving Lincoln and Nebraska means improved service to students, said Kathy Shellogg, activities coordi nator of Campus Activities and Pro grams. The building, formerly occupied by the United Ministries in Higher Educa tion, will provide more room, so center officials can expand benefits and pro grams for minority students, Shellog said. Some of these benefits include a larger library and more study room. The larger center also will accommodate more students, she said. Arlett Moss Brooks, student supervi sor of the center, said the new center .will provide offices for minority groups such as the Afrikan People's Union, the Mexican-American Student Association, the Native American Student Congress and the Vietnamese Student Organiza tion. The center is not designated specif ically for minority students, Shellogg said. Social and educational programs also are provided for the entire campus and specific groups. For example, last year the Multicultural Affairs council sponsored a black student orientation meeting and a program on black male female interracial relationships. The center is also a social place where minorities can have a social outlet on a basically white campus," Brooks said. Last year the center sponsored a video night, game night and several dances. The center also has a game room, a TV lounge, kitchen and a study room that has typewriters. The culture center is coordinated by the Office of Campus Activities and Programs. This July the CAP office hired Deborah Logan as the program coordi nator. Logan worked for the past eight years for the Department of Social Services. Logan's goals include formation of an advisory board for the groups in the center. Logan said the board would give input on various programs and activities. Students, the CAP office, the Multicultural Affairs Center, the Union Board and the Culture Center supervi sor all would be represented. The center originally opened on campus 1 1 years ago in a building that was intended to be a temporary loca tion. The move to a new building, how ever, was delayed. A task force was formed to find a permanent home. j BRING US YOUR MED, AND J WE'LL GWi YOU No matter what condition it's in, your old bag is worth five dollars in cash toward any new Caribou pack or shoulder bag. Buy the best, buy it once. Caribou packs carry a lifetime warranty. CHESAPEAKE mb tat m mk An MtaJ km lor a yam boots ana) ntra gear. 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