The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 09, 1985, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, July 9, 1985
The Nebraskan
Pegs 2
Continued from Page 1
The UNMC's faculty senate will meet
Friday in Omaha to consider a list of
alternatives to Andrew's recommenda
tion. The alternatives are being made
by a special select committee appointed
by the senate.
UNL College of Nursing officials said
gaining the senate's approval would be
tough because 12 of the 25 senate
members are from the College of Medi
cine, which would receive a $725,000
budget cut should the NU Board of
Regents decide against Andrew's recom
mendation. A two-thirds vote is needed
for approval.
The situation at UNL's Nursing Col
lege is similar to the situation five
years ago when it was proposed to cut
the program in favor of using the money
saved from the college to fund the Col
lege of Dentistry. Public support rein
stated the nursing program, officials
But nursing officials said they are
more concerned this time around
because of a "worse" economy and
because there is no longer a shortage of
nurses as there was in 1980.
Two parents who attended the meet
ing and asked not to be identified said
that if the phase-out idea is approved,
they fear nursing instructors will pursue
positions at other schools during the
next four years thus decreasing the
number of faculty and the quality of
nursing students' education.
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Fires continue to blaze
threatening resort town
LOS ANGELES Strong, erratic winds pushed a huge brushfire
iangerously close to the Pacific resort town of San Luis Obispo Monday,
forcing evacuation of hundreds of people as a holiday respite from
jxtreme heat ended abruptly.
Nearly 5,000 exhausted firefighters, who have battled scores of blazes
Dver the past 10 days, covering some quarter million acres in California,
fought three major fires in the state as hot, dry weather swept in after a
cool, damp weekend.
Fire officials said some 600,000 acres have been blackened in 10
Western states and British Columbia, causing tens of millions of dollars in
damage and claiming three lives in an arson fire in Los Angeles last
The most threatening blaze was licking at the northern outskirts of San
Luis Obispo, about 160 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
"A total of 1,539 firefighters are at the scene and 15 emergency strike
teams are en route," California Division of Forestry spokeswoman Rhonda
Lazzarini told Reuters in a telephone interview.
The Boise Interagency Fire Center, which coordinates firefighting in 10
Western states from its headquarters in Idaho, said Monday that 350,000
acres have been burned in the West since June 27. Forty-five of the fires,
some of them still burning, have been rated as major blazes.
Moscow has hopes to revive detente
MOSCOW Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze, in his first
policy statement since replacing Andrei Gromyko, said Monday that he
will concentrate on improving relations with the West.
"Despite the complexity of the existing international situation, there
were real possibilities to curb the forces of imperialism, bring about a
radical change in the course of developments and revive the process of
detente," said a joint communique issued after a one-day visit to Moscow
by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Varkonyi.
The policy statement came five days after an announcement that Soviet
Leader Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan would meet for the first
time in Geneva in November.
The agency said Shevardnadze and Varkonyi declared that their coun
tries' efforts would be directed to "reviving and strengthening detente as
the determining trend in international development." It did not specifi
cally name the United States but the term detente is generally considered
as meaning a policy of warmer Soviet ties with the West, particularly the
United States.
Soviet ship watches Thai-U.S. drill
U.S.S. PELEL1U, GULF OF THAILAND A Soviet guided missile
destroyer has been monitoring a month-long Thai-United States naval
exercise in the Gulf of Thailand, a senior U.S. Navy officer said Monday.
Capt. Robert Dykes declined to identify the ship to reporters or say
where it was based. -
"It stays outside Thai territorial waters and is just watching," he said.
Waves of amphibious assault craft loaded with Thai troops and U.S.
Marines made a mock assault on a Thai beach, Monday. Dykes said the
annual exercise, codenamed "Cobra Gold '85," involved more than 10,000
Thai and U.S. troops, 20 warships, six F-l 5 fighters and other jets, was the
largest ever mounted by the two countries.
Fraud rap issued for Hitler diaries
HAMBURG, West Germany A West German journalist and a self
confessed counterfeiter were convicted Monday of staging one of the most
spectacular hoaxes of the century, the forgery and sale of Adolf Hitler's
Reporter Gerd Heidemann was sentenced to four years and eight
months jail and Nazi memorabilia dealer Konrad Kujau to four years and
six months on charges of fraud at the end of their 11-month trial;
Both were found guilty of obtaining $3.1 million from the weekly Stern
for 60 volumes of fake diaries and other documents which the magazine
initially trumpeted as the greatest "scoop" of all time. The bulk of the
money is still missing.
U.S. helps Thailand stay borders
BANGKOK, Thailand President Reagan reassured Thailand Monday
of continued U.S. support against the threat both countries see stemming
from the Vietnamese military presence in neighboring Cambodia, a Thai
spokesman said.
He said the reaffirmation of support came in a letter from Reagan to
Thai Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda delivered by visiting Secretary of
State George Shultz.
Shultz himself denounced what he called "the arrogant and illegal
nature of the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia" and met two senior
non-communist guerrilla leaders battling the Phnom Penh government in
a show of support.
Shultz signed an agreement to give Thailand an extra $3 million this
year on top of its annual $5 million grant to help Thais forced out of their
homes by border fighting.
Shultz's talks with Prem also covered narcotics, a major problem for
both countries with northwest Thailand forming part of the "Golden
Triangle," a major source of heroin, and the United States a major market.
TV air time offered for hostage
BEIRUT, Lebanon A British television show is offering Lebanese
kidnappers more than three hours on the air if they will free British
journalist Alec Colley, its producer said Monday.
Derek Maitland, producer of TV-AM London morning televison,
announced the offer after arriving in Beirut Sunday night with Collet's
daughter to campaign for the missing journalist's freedom.
"We are putting out promises that if the kidnappers release Collet we
are ready to give them three and a half hours publicity on our show to say
whatever they want - within reason," Maitland told Reuters.
Collet, 62, was on special assignment as an information officer with the
U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees when he
was abducted near a Moslem militia checkpoint just south of Beirut four
months ago.
A group called the "Revolutionary Orgnization of Socialist Moslems"
has claimed responsibility and accused Collet of spying.