The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1985, Page Page 10, Image 10
Daily Nebraskan Friday, May 3, 1985 Page 10 Learn to use our computers FR In just an hour you can learn to type your own paper, resumes or cover letters on our computer word pro cessors. Spell checker mode available. No experience necessary. call 476-1300 today Independent Computer Services 808 P St. (above H.B. Brands) 8 am to 8 pm daily appointments needed 8 pm to midnight (Jockey Monroe pro viae urDrise originality ana s - " M if I! ,MJ,f Ii if If M H H H if H H H H ii H 12th and "P" St. 477-1234 FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT 12:00 MIDNIGHT SEPARATE ADMISSIONS S3 75 EACH I D HEO O f OR (R) FILMS NO PASSES- picft A Flidt from our -iP!A"l ran JPlA Pl7A 3 THE BREAKFAST CLUB ll till She's his first reol affair. GOTCHA! Jonathan started out trying to score. (piTTI) 'I H t f tr 41 j it H -H .M H t ii U $ ( " O-" il f ft t 4? if " T 7T - -si ,iVi - to j Your eyes have it, in glasses from the Optical Shop 333 N. 12th 477-9347 . Factorv Evealass Outlet Mon., Tues., Wed.. Fri., 10-5 Thurs., Noon-8, Sat.. 10-1 VISA 6 0 0 0 O ' O U OTO "55 OB 5 0 0 0 0 q O o o it Ok Qn nii nnt ImpIa j ww WWL iwwivy and made it one more year o SO f" n 3 A u UUN Tuesday, May 14th 25 draws 50 bar drinks M.50 pitchers Is there, r die mum h nr - - WlJ h. Sr. 2615 Soath 120th Stresi 333-1560 ' F rArf!r f 15fHK r n,M.!'1 ,Vfa igiiB o o o o o 0 o d o o o o o o u n o By Beth Amedeo SUff Reporter The Chesterfield Zone. But somehow the feeling's not the same. A bar, a band, some drinks usually that's the extent of your evening off from school. But tonight you're in for a surprise. There's a band, but you've never seen anyone quite like it before. It's Cockey Monroe. REVIEW LINCOLN MUSIC REVIEW Time for an explanation. Cockey Monroe; Danny Shonerd (lead vocals, lead guitar), Terry Pieper (back-up vocals and bass), Ken Nelson (back-up vocals and synthesizers), Al "Vito" LoBrillo (electronic, drums) and Eric Shanks (percussion and random danc ing), is a bunch of guys with almost all original music. That may not make them too original these days in local-band-filled Lincoln. But what they've also got going for them is an atmos phere; their attitude as a band makes you feel like you're not in a bar any more. Maybe you're in a club some where, seeing a band you've never seen before. And that band is interesting. You shouldn't feel like you've never seen these guys before. Danny and Terry were with the Movie Eyes (another local band) since 1981, with Ken later joining that band. Eric has been a part of many bands around Lincoln for the past few years, most recently with the Frets. And Al has been "playing with a lot of different blues bands." He won't name names. In any case, these guys have been around town for some time now. So what's so different? Part of it has to be that the entire band is concerned with putting for ward a unified effort. Personnel prob lems plagued their previous bands, but Cockey Monroe has a system worked out: no personnel problems. The band, as a whole, is geared toward producing something different. That's where Danny (the writer) comes in. When asked what influences the band's music includes, the answer is simply everything. Danny writes the words and basic melodies, and it's up to the rest of these vastly influenced musicians to mess around and give each other input until they come up with their own parts. Terry calls it artistic freedom. . " Photo by James L. Jaccoson Cockey Monroe Lately, Danny has been coming to the band with less complete songs and more vague ideas, such as an idea for a beat and words and a melody. This exemplifies, Terry says, what direction the band is going and how they're put ting things together. Ever since the Movie Eyes, the core of the band has been receiving offers of contracts with record companies if they would only do a very few things. Due to personnel problems, these deals didn'.t work out. But this time, the band is using its professional image to the hilt. They want to be recording, and they are accumulating money so that they can supply the record companies with what they want: quality tapes, photos, etc. But while they're waiting, Cockey Monroe is working on new music. Their huge combination of people and ideas all comes back to the fact that they all come from around here. Geographi cally, they're the true Midwestern rock-n-roll band. Their show is clean and rhythm tight, and the lighting and sound sys tem may make you feel like you're not in a bar. But you will be. And you'll probably hear a new mix of every kind of music you've ever heard before. But don't be surprised. Let them show you. Cockey Monroe will play Saturday night at Chesterfield, Bottomsley and Potts in a benefit for missing children. Three bands to play benefit show The newly reformed Progress, Cockey Monroe and Partly Dave will perform at a benefit for missing children at Ches terfield, Bottomsley and Potts Saturday starting at 9 p.m. Admission to the three-band show is $3, and all proceeds from the event will go to local efforts to locate missing children. Liz Panarelli, a UNL business admin istration student and bass player for Progress, said the event will be the first "gig" for the band since it reformed about a month ago. Progress now in cludes Panarelli, guitarist Bruce Nel son, led vocalist Sara Kovanda, drum mer Rodney McCoy, keyboardist Bruce Simmons and percussionist Thurman Hoskins. Panarelli said Progress now plays all original soul and funk band music "with a driving beat. "There really aren't bands doing this king of music in Lincoln," she said. "We want to get into the local dance scene." The benefit is co-sponsored by St. Elizabeth's Community Health Center and Selection Research Inc. of Lincoln. Cockey Monroe and Partly Dave are both rock-and-roll bands. Cockey Mon roe played at the bar last Friday night. OOOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOv ju Sprint Car Racing27th and Superior Watch all your favorites start the new season! Warm-ups start at 6:30pm, Racing at 7:30pm Full Concessions and Beer! Adults $5.00 fi . fI7 "5 1 -HJ " wri 7 v -s va sJ a U wJ J Kids under 12 FREE (Accompanied by an adult) MMm n ii 4U LTD! j Featuring Our Fcmsj3 Hot1 Philip Stosk Uncoln1321 M0"SL 1 East Parle Food YiSSest Omaha 631 8. 72rsd St dp Cltl C.3 c:3 Buy areyStak do r J I ,.. Sandwich and cn I II LILJj tjsui?y pricsd stssk iff 1 1 i &anewrcn rrm 11 Expires 5-7-85. Must Ii 1 1 i Coupon 2F rtf-tf present coupon, ji JJ tt