The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1985, Page Page 7, Image 7
o i Wednesday, May 1, 1985 '1st IV,;'I- : siJiMijr t.!J:' ,-m.-- fJ'.L Jr4g : s if. ? a! iw if A t riw iA iw Bni:i A US. mVI i r ...ill - JU at r r r jyfSc 2 il ill'; jy .SXI : ! M I 1 v I . latins siiicrioN hebuced... ,Jl,tA5yT r -r! SS I I 1 Err dUnoxl tremor In laveBlxjrjr . . . Including 'ivfC -Vt " ' , V m4 p-nu dUincd ringm, .oliUl, dinner ring., I hW X ) si Aft II1AB10ND SOUTAIRES One of the best diamond value you'll ever find. All of these glimmering diamond sol lat Ires set in elegant tiflany style mountings of aolid 14k gold. Was Sale 15 ct. t49S 13 ct. 1795 12 ct. $1245 y Utl 34 ct. $1995 1C let. $2795 1GD5 SAMPLE SELECTION . . . COME SEE... PlIMFIMMOSJ tUtrasdiasry rah In Ibis 16 inch s!M old epenuae eksia. waa i Ssle Solid 14K gold IT men serpen line bracelet at an Incredible price. W 19.03 9m65 Magnifleenl 20' heavy diamnd em, rope ehala in solid 14k gold with secure afety dssn. A slea for the diseriaiuiaUng barar. )5m Kale Exouisite tri-enlor necklace woven wUhsoUd 14k gold a sbowpleee Item. w- 9'mB.m le Ar-Svii Bold. Handsome solid 14k gold nugget stvle bracelet, aa exceptional value. "ar406". daasy 18" Hetringboae chain with beveled edse far enhanced luster. ffM,Sf,S40ss Unkmeb deUeate heart cobra chaia. S0-lenh in solid 14k gold. Sale "kj A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF I4K COLD TREASURES REDUCED! 105 450 Daily Nebraskan f r - ; 7 ' -rr ' 7: ;7 y ouL ' -(Sfiitm nmm "sum Udis 14k l7cLt.w. sparkling Diamond Fashion Ring. A very impressive look for only tlSaisHnd Fashion K3nj 4 glitlering dlaasoad set into sleek, contemporary solid 14k mounting. .28 Ladles FashlfflB Rlag BeautUul,DlasMmd swirl ring rning 12 ct. of brilliant cut dlmond Absolutely Corgeoas. Warn f -S J acavaaf Sale Ladle rtsaMsl rasUaa Eleg Bfeslhtakiagly keraliml 1 d. L. diaasond ring arranged la Marquise .. Sz3e Magnineenl 2 d. Duunond dinner ring. This ring nil man il attenuaa with Its array of pretlsion cut dianuinds. We urge yau ss etamlne mi resjarkaUe ring early w avoid dlsmnnlnlnsrnt. nsr.. s'i a. ljfin?t SCI 1 ovea too Gom;Eot!S diamond rinos HEUliCCD 0 THIS SALE! Indudet superb array of mrgeous, lovely diamond specially selected from the finest diamond market of the world! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE . . . A.T. THOMAS' diamond experts will guide you with precision. Remember you can always buy ordinary diamonds on "Sale," but rarely can you buy such superior merchandise at such savings! . . . ISTWISallEESSi M!IE THAN WE im'LD o4T TTomas Jewelers MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WELCOME 90 days same as cash . . . new accounts are welcome! Layaway important gifts of lasting value! 30 day Layaway limit please. EAST PAR..' PLA2A" ATRIUM 220 No. mtlt 1203 N St. 407-54 2 475-91 15 ud geata diamoad rings, oliUlres, diwler, dinner rings, watcrialk, pint diamond pendanla. eaningi and neeklacat for every latle and poeketbook, wedding tela in every price range, Cuhion Ireararaa of all kind, all mounted in olid 14 or IS karat gold, many complemented with precioni gem . . . rubiea, aapphirea, emerald, and more! Our complete gold collection reduced, including aolid 14K cold chain of almoet every length and style, gold charms, earring, bead, and much more! Come ee the entire $2,000,000 collection! A.T. Thomas at 4PM is closed as specially selected personnel are reducing and tagging this entire inventory of precious diamond and gold jewelry. Shop Thursday only, 11 hours only! cy?.T Tffomas Jewelers EAST PARK PLAZA ATRIUM 220 . r-H 47-5 i2 1200 I St. HZ-M 15 mum 110 ct. fully faceted diaasond ring that you may have seen featured la national magasum. Qeaa, classic looks. Extraordinary value. Ceats diamond solitaire with brUliaat cut. .OS el. diamond.Come early toelaim this one. Sale latJ Rich, ebusy look of 9 brilliant cut tZ carat, set into , gold mounting. A attSSO. Warn 7ft5 Sxle 5110 For the snaa who wants a) make a dattinetive lateasent about hi taste .17 ct. hriliaat eat diaaMod srt bt i pom style asounting. U sw SaJe 350 Bold, masculine look of 9 diaasoads, lVi carat ehaunel set into augget design. 1 only so hurry. THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE LISTING! LIST! r a Shimmering diamond solitaire earrings. Absolutely incredible values. All set in gorgeous 14k tiffany style mountings. Sale .05 $89.95 .10 $129.95 .20 $269.95 f150 ,83 .30 $369.95 .50 $895.00 .80 $1345 U, FAR TOO RIANY DIAMOND EARRINGS , ON SALE TO LIST! Incredible saving on diamond pendant. A magnificent array of pendanla. All feature 14k solid gold settings. Lach one is an exceptional value. We urge you to shop this selection early E to get the first selection you'll be delighted. AU feature a complementing 14k gold chain. Was .. Sale .05 $99.95 .10 $159.95 .20 $289.95 .30 $575.00 .50 $699.95 JaW i7rt:, A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF 14K COLD TREASURES REDUCED! 4 .oecwy ...a earr-r v'- tn... ArC 5 mV .a V 11- IHt a tew v. r.rfWV Am . m m fjm rfPjtf 1 ec" i-- Page 7