The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
J Monday, April 29, 1985 Daily Nebraskan Page 11 "i 51 II 1.1 I f M J Wss m W j Shoppers this Summer!! 9- m r Show them your m ' . . ' 'iff " -" An 1 ,r:r , ' ' i i T- -' - -m. - f .... .. Joel SartoreDaily Nebraskan 1 Pat Carson rejoices after he and his teammate, Jim Barton, win a tough volley against Colorado's Jan Sokol and Robin J Walker in the Big Eight Tennis Championships in Kansas City Friday. The Huskers finished third in the tournament. C r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 52 50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included 52 00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. S 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p m. day before publication (Monday through Friday) The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads Irom businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. FRESH - COPENHAGEN, SKOAL & KEY " Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 N 12 (Never Used) DAT G A P S. Home Course (Cheap) 474-4128 Bicycles. 10-speeds. approximately 20 to choose from 15 off regular price Sale ends May 1 ROYAL PAWN SHOP 118 S 9th 1980 XS110O Special, windshield, engine guard, luggage rack, backrest. 4000 miles, extra clean, 721 9591 Fremont Must Sell; 1970 Camaro AMFMTape. looks 4 runs great Also, stereo wspeakers, turntable, records. 466-2229. VECTOR RESEARCH CASSETTE DECK Very reasonable. 423-1832. Great Dorm-Size Refrigerator Runs Excellent First $45 Takes. 466-4566 HUk- . -?;1t: 1976 Oldsmobile Omega 64,000 (low) miles Very dependable FM radio. $1,000. 476-7388 evenings 76 Grand Torino. Great condition. Good for trip. $700 477-1412. DLG3I.2 CCUNTY .'0 0 0m k 9 assisted Roommate moving out? Basement for rent. Private entrance, bath, bedroom. $175, 476-9068. Special Reduced Rent For Summer Newer large 2 bedroom, air, laundry, near UNL (East) & Wesleyan. 5278. 477-2986 WILLOWHAVEN 1800 KNOX CLOSE TO CAMPUS New, affordable, energy-efficient apartments. Low utilities 2 bedrooms Full bathroom with shower. All appliances Fireplace Swimming pool. RESIDENT MANAGER 476-6200 JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474-1666 APARTMENT FINDERS 435-5SS5 We take the hassle out of apartment hunting. 2 bedroom $350 plus deposit. 535 N. 23rd. 423-3814, 488-4589 1 OR 2 GIRLS TO SUBLEASE LG 2-BDRM APT AT 33RD & HOLDREGE AVAILABLE MAY 10-JULY 31. CHEAP 5100 EACH & UTILITIES. 464-7654 KEEP TRYING!! 501 N 25th Summer sublease. Nice 2-bedroom with AC. Dishwasher. $300 plus deposit. 476-9229. 2 year old duplex in quiet older neighborhood Close to campus 2 bedroom plus utility room. Must See1 $355 plus utilities 2232 Orchard 423-5386 3501 Baldwin. Clean. 2-bedroom, air, $335 plus electricity Excellent landlord 483-4600. 2-BR house southwest Lincoln, all appliances. May 1 for summer only $350 plus deposit plus utilities. 421-3833 after 6 00 or weekends Downtown lurnished and unfurnished. 2 bedroom. Newer: $265. older $245. 477-1878 ffloocptiess.'FOR AMiNursjiwrniTi covm't fiw& ovr 9 1 -jl: 47 3 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 3-BR house, attached garage, laundry, ust remodeled, $500 per month, available May 1 488-1 743 or 435-01 32. Nice 2-bedroom. Close to downtown. AC. new appliances. $325month. Heat paid. 476-6576. Nice furnished 1-bdrm. apt.. $240 plus low utilities. Available May 20. 1123 "F," 477-7215. Summer coed living at Triangle Fraternity, air condi tioned and laundry facilities available. Rooms availa ble May 12 until August 17th. Call Dave at 472-1 184 or 472-9443 Rooms available for summer at Love Cooperative on East Campus. Double room, $22 per week, single $26 per week. Call 472-3561 for more information. POOL 2 Bedroom, Balcony. Res. Parking $339 plus Dep. 20th & I. 476-9895. Single furnished room and board. $190month. Brown palace. 476-2583. SUMMER JOBS LINCOLN & OMAHA $7.90HR. 488-1227. CIRCULATION MANAGER Responsibilities include hiring and supervising cir culation staff, delivering papers Irom the printer to the carriers and taking papers to the post office. Position begins this summer and continues next school year. Applicatants must be UNL students, have own pickup truck or van and be able to work 6:30-9 a.m. DAILY NEBRASKAN 34 NEBRASKA UNION SUMMER INTERNSHIPS A limited number of out ot state business internships are aviailable to UNL students provid ing college credit, 1300month, training and expe rience valued by Fortune 500 companies. For an interview appointment call 473-1990. by Dei&g Drcsthsd IP P5PRB5SIN0 HI!1 W NannyHousekeeper positions available now in major U.S. cities. Salary & room & board. Call 423 2386 for more information. Local screen printer looking for outgoing and ambi tious student for campus sales rep. Write P.O. Box 83438. Lincoln, NE 68501. MING PALACE HostHostess wanted. Apply in person 1:30-2:00 at 1309 L Street. CHI CHI'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT Summer positions available Full and part-time. Apply in person only. 201 N 66th St. AU PARISNANNIES NEEDED: Should enjoy crea tive childcare. be willing to relocate East, able to make a 9-12 month commitment for great salary, benefits and excellent working conditions Round trip air pro vided. Warm, loving families prescreened by HELP ING HANDS. INC 33 Whipple Road, Wilton. CT 06897. 203-834-1742 NO FEE. Need a DeeJay for Mobile Music Company. Trans portation required Broadcasting or Communications experience desired 477-2896. CASH PAID for furniture, appliances, and T V s 466-6252 anytime r ft-J GRADUATES v announcements name cards zvzilsble quickly ACCENT PrlntlngCopycenter 226 South 16th 475-5000 tuTr-T-ni-n WiTlht i iiTf 1 - W 8 -Ti-'fi'W APARTMENTS Call 476-6200 n r3 uUv!Jui Managed by Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 product in Nebrlfekanl Tuesdays & Fridays Starting June 1 1th. cf 13 CAP THE NIGHT with Specials on Mixed Drinks and Tap Beer. 10:00 PM -12:00 AM Kton. - Sat 1228 "P" 4764020 EL i 1 1 Mnnm jo '7.50 on hour 0f?js (i n'stfern la tsi essfea rleirsski. fell 475-5765 9-4 Hon.-Thar. I I I Biggest Gold Strike Ever! Tired of a dirty facility? Tired of shin splints? Tired of a small free weight facility? World Famous Gold's Gym MOW OFFERS: O lit 4.44 J SS k CJr '5.03 Special Summer Rate for AU UNL Students! or step by at S3 & L Omsha BS A . I Omoho'o I A