The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1985, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    Friday, April 26, 1985
Daily Nebraskan
Pago 9
Stress of farm crisis affects
Students too. snerialist savs
By Diana L. Johnson
Staff Reporter
Students of farm families may not be
immediately Involved with making
mortgage payments to the local banks
or listening each day to livestock and
grain prices, but the stress of the farm
crisis affects them, said Leon Rottmann,
extension specialist in human devel
opment. "Everyone will handle the situation
in a different way," Rottmann said.
"What one person suggests may sound
ridiculous to the other person."
Kottmann spoke Wednesday about
farm family stress management at a
meeting of Farm Actions Concern
Tomorrow's Society, a UNL student
6' ulJ-
Students who have family members
who are dealing with stress should let
them know they're needed.
"They may be thinking that you're
going to become involved in drugs or
they may be concerned that the changes
that you're going through will alienate
you from them," he said.
Farm students also may help their
families by walking instead of driving
to save costly gasoline, keeping in
close contact with parents and cooper
ating in other ways with the family's
farm crisis, he said.
Still, there is no magic formula for
relieving tension over the farm crisis.
"Stress management, in any situa
tion, is simply what works for you,"
Rottmann said. Diet and exercise may
keep situations from becoming dis
tressful. Relaxation and developing
personal time also are constructive
methods to deal with stressful situa
tions. Removing alcohol and drugs from
any situation also may lessen the stress
of a situation, Rottmann said. Farm
women are becoming the "new users"
of alcohol as a way of relieving stress,
he said.
"Anticipation of a loss is often worse
than the reality of the loss," he said.
Governor signs school bill
Despite protest and outcry in the
form of more than 2,000 phone calls
and 3,000 marching parents and
students, Gov. Bob Kerrey signed
LB662 the rural school district
consolidation bill into law Wed
nesday night.
The new law requires all of Ne
braska's 666 Class 1 school districts
of elementary grades only, to merge
by September 1989 with school dis
tricts that have high schools.
The law also requires that no
more than 45 percent of local prop
erty taxes be used to pay for public
education. The state sales tax also
would increase 1 cent to provide
more state revenue for education.
In a press conference Wednesday
morning, Kerrey said he opposed
the tax limit and wants the state
Legislature to "strip out" the fund
ing provisions.
According to Thursday's Lincoln
Journal, Kerrey has asked sponsors
of LBCC2 to remove the funding pro
vision, and state Sen. Yard Johnson
of Omaha said that Kerrey's wish
has a "reasonable chance" to succeed.
Massengale to speak at Ivy Day
The annual Ivy Day celebration at
UNL will be Saturday.
Ivy Day is sponsored by the UNL
Innocents Society and UNL Black Masque
Chapter of Mortar Board, senior honor
societies that recognize and promote
scholarship, service and leadership.
UNL Chancellor Martin Massengale
and Lincoln Mayor Roland Luedtke will
Continued from Page 1
If the Legislature votes to approp
riate about $100,000 to start planning
for the new veterinary college, Roemer
said, UNL would form a regional pro
gram with one other veterinary school
either Kansas State University or
Missouri State University. Under the
revised regional veterinary college pro
gram, students would transfer to the
other vet school for two years, then
speak at the ceremonies.
Activities will begin at 10 a.m. with a
reception in the Sheldon Art Gallery's
sunken garden. Ivy Dav ceremonies
begin at 10:30 a.m., in Kimball Recital
Hall, 1 tth and R streets.
New members of the Innocents and
Mortar Board Societies will be initiated
during the ceremonies, Nebraska Rep.
Virginia Smith, Warren Luckner, UNL
professor of actuarial science, and
Frederick Luebke, UNL professor of
history, also will be included as honor
ary members of Innocents. Scholarship
awards, Innocents outstanding seniors
and Mortar Board notables also will be
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return to UNL for their final two years
of clinical education where they would
receive their degrees.
Besides other benefits, the new pro
gram would enable state money to
remain at home instead of being spent
on other state universities.
In other business, the senate passed
a bill that recognizes the Equal Oppor
tunity coalition as an ad-hoc student
group at UNL. Ad-hoc status allows a
student group to be recognized by the
university for one year. At the end of
the year, the group must change its
name and form a constitution if it
wants to become a university-approved
The senate also approved legislation
recognizing the Finance Management
Association as a student group on
campus and appointed an interim ad
viser for the India Student Association.
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