The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1985, Page Page 14, Image 14
4. Friday, April 26, 1985 Page 14 Daily Nebraskan Infielders... Continued from Page 13 After an Intense recruiting battle that included 11 major college programs. Mims chose to come to Nebraska. He currently is hitting .344 with two homeruns and 36 RBIs while playing in all 49 of the Cornhuskers games. "I really like it here," Mims said. "There have been no surprises." About the only surprise Mims has gotten since coming to Nebraska was the addition of Heflin last January. Both players agree that it's "nice" to have someone they can see eye to eye with. "Larry and I are good friends, we're always joking around," Heflin said. "It's fun to have someone your own size." , Heflin, like Mims, also had been sized by several major college programs and judged too small. "Out of San Tana High School (in San Tee, a suburb of San Diego, Calif.) a lot of scouts told me to go to a smaller school," Heflin said. "Only one school even recruited me Wichita State and they only sent me mail with no scholar ship offers." Heflin ended up walking on at San Diego City Junior College. With no where else to turn, Heflin joined his old little league rival and now fellow Cornhusker teammate Steve Sladek on a semi pro team in San Diego that played games on weekends. It was there that Nebraska baseball coach John Sanders, along with pitching coach Mike Evans, saw Heflin and Sladek play and offered them both scholarships. "Texas Tech started recruiting me right when Nebraska did, but I knew Nebraska was the school for me," Heflin said. "I knew it was a classy program." The world is waiting. Rn on cfiinAnf " (I UVs GUI WVUlCUl OUUUV11U Hic:(XTiii:aiAN(;i: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . CALL 472-2588 $2 50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2 00 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree of charge. DEADLINE: 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. 1 Clean, remodeled 5-bedroom, 918 "Y". AC. $415 plus utilities. 423-1535. il:1JV V:llH'.ii 78 Dodge Challenger. 40,000 on new engine Asking $2,500. 476-9926 ask for Kathy. 1978 Brown Camaro, low mileage, excellent condi tion. Call Doug, 435-4568. 2 8" dish keystone rims, $40 or best offer. Call 472 0817 after 5:30. FRESH - COPENHAGEN, SKOAL & KEY Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 N. 12 Fly! 1-way Lincoln to DENVER Thursday, May 16th. ($49) - cheap. Call DEB, 476-2583 eves or T & TH 1-5, 472-6810. 1981 GS650 Suzuki. Shaft drive, accessories, 5,000 pampered miles. 466-5312. (Never Used) DAT G A P S. Home Course (Cheap) 474-4128 Bicycles, 10-speeds, approximately 20 to choose from. 15 off regular price. Sale ends May 1. ROYAL PAWN SHOP 118 S. 9th POOL 2-bedroom for summer or year, efficient, 4640 Orchard 27, 464-5887. 2-BR house, southwest Lincoln, all appliances, May 1 for summer only. $350 plus deposit plus utilities. 421-3833 after 6:00 or weekends. Downtown furnished and unfurnished. 2 bedroom. Newer: $265, older $245, 477-1878. 3 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 3-BR house, attached garage, laundry, just remodeled, $500 per month, available May 1 . 488-1 743 or 435-0132. 1 OR 2 GIRLS TO SUBLEASE LG 2-BDRM APT. AT 33RD & HOLDREGE. AVAILABLE MAY 10-JULY 31. CHEAP $100 EACH & UTILITIES. 464-7654 KEEP TRYING!! 501 N. 25th. Summer sublease. Nice 2-bedroom with AC. Disl vasher. $300 plus deposit 476-9229. 2 year old duplex in quiet older neighborhood Close to campus. 2 bedroom plus utility room. Must See! $355 plus utilities 2232 Orchard 423-5386 3533 Baldwin, 2 bedroom, balcony, central AC, dishwasher, parking, laundry, available May V $300, 464-6357. 3501 Baldwin. Clean, 2-bedroom, air, $335 plus electricity Excellent landlord. 483-4600. COED SUMMER HOUSING t AGS fraternity with 1-5 person rooms available. Roomi with AC and tenants have access to kitchen and laundry facilities. Call Greg at 464-0901 or 464- 6891. Newer 2 BR Apt., garden level. Low utilities. $300 plus electricity Campus close. 25th & S. Open May 1. 477-8183 or 478-1584. SUMMER SUBLEASE New apt. near campus, option to rent in fall. 22nd & R, 2 bdrm., 474-4493. Summer Sublease 2212 "R" St. New apartments close to campus option to rent in lall Call after 6.00, 474-4508. WILLOWHAVEN 1600 KNOX CLOSE TO CAMPUS New, affordable, energy-efficient apartments. Low utilities. 2 bedrooms. Full bathroom with shower. All appliances. Fireplace Swimming pool. RESIDENT MANAGER 476-6200 JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474-1666 APARTMENT FINDERS 435-5555 We take the hassle out of apartment hunting 2 bedroom $350 plus deposit 535 N 23rd, 423-3814, 488-4589 Summer coed living at Triangle Fraternity, air con ditioned and laundry facilities available. Rooms avail able May 12 until August 17th. Call Dave at 472-1184 or 472-9443 - Roommate moving out? Basement for rent. Private entrance, bath, bedroom. $175, 476-9068. 5 blocks from City Campus. 2-bdrm., remodeled basement apt $195 plus 1 months rent deposit. 474 2376 after 5:00. W (!'V,'i VW ii' i j; - t i yd n t -" '- ii i I m APARTMENTS 1800 linox Street Lincoln Nebraska fl1 and 2 Bedrooms ncioso to Campus - Work HI and 2 Full Bathrooms vith Shower flFully Appliancod Kitchen riDininq Area nSwimming Pool "1 Fireplace PI Energy Efficient Construction nAdditionai Security Storage Area nCentrai Air Conditioning n North and South Windows for Cross Ventilation Resident Manager Joseph E. Kean Company 476-6200 474-1686 .1 ) I THI II.III J NannyHousekeeper positions available now in major U S cities. Salary & room & board. Call 423 2386 for more information. AU PAIRSNANNIES NEEDED: Should enjoy crea tive childcare, be willing to relocate East, able to make a 9-12 month commitment for great salary, benefits and excellent working conditions. Round trip air provided. Warm, loving families prescreened by HELP ING HANDS, INC. 33 Whipple Road, Wilton, CT 06897. 203-834-1742 NO FEE. 5 blocks from campus. 2222 "R.' 476-7294474-1437. Large 2-bedroom. 1 or 2 Bedroom apartments available May 1. $175 and $285 per month. Heat, water, & garbage paid. 483-2034. Need Apartment for Summer? 20th & "G," balcony, pool. 476-6485 evenings. Special Reduced Rent For Summer Newer large 2 bedroom, air, laundry, near UNL (East) & Wesleyan. $278. 477-2986. SUMMER HOUSING for students. Only $35week for a single, a double for only $22week. Utilities paid, 24-hour kitchen privi leges, sun deck, parking, near campus. Call 474-9772 or 474-9773 and ask for house officer. Hurry rooms are going fast. Coed Summer housing available at Chi Phi Fraternity. Single & double occupancy rates. For more info, call Wes at 474-3416 or 476-7719. Clean 3-bedroom. Near 27th & Vine. AC, $375 plus utilities. 423-1535. Children's Counselor for Boys' Group. Some Activity Instructors, WSI Driver, Kitchen Help still needed for (coed) Mountain Summer Camp, P.O. Box 711, Boulder, CO 80306. (303) 442-4557. AMIGO'S 14th & "Q" Now hiring for summer-fall positions. If you are an aggressive, customer oriented person and like to work at a fast, intense pace, apply now at Amigo's 14th & "Q" from 8-5 p.m., Monday-Saturday. Godfather's Pizza is now accepting applications for part-time cashiers and kitchen help. Day and evening hours available. Day help must be available Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Apply at 12th & "Q". Part-time, $4 per hour, circulation distributer to newspaper carriers, dealers, and news racks. Need reliable transportation. Hours work well with college class schedule. If interested, call 476-6100. Childcare provider needed for two girls during summer months, my home. Likes housekeeping, provide own transportation. 475-4488. WE NEED YOUR HELP Reporters, copy editors, columnists, photographers and artists needed for all sections of the Daily Nebra skan. Pick up applications in Room 34 Nebraska Union or call Vick Rugha 472-1763. Graduate Assistantships Available. 1985-86 Aca demic Year. Activities, Programming, New Student Orientation, Women's Resource Center, and CAP East. Contact Campus Activities and Programs. 200 Nebraska Union, 472-2454 for more information. An affirmative action-equal opportunity employer. Local screen printer looking for outgoing and ambitious student for campus sales rep. Write P.O. Box 83438, Lincoln, NE 68501. MING PALACE HostHostess wanted. Apply in person 1:30-2:00 at 1309 L Street. Graduate Assistantships Available, 1985-86 Aca demic Year, Activities, Programming, New StJdent Orientation, Women's Resource Center, and CAP East. Contact Campus Activities and Programs, 200 Nebraska Union, 472-2454, for more information. An affirmative action-equal opportunity employer. 1985-86 SCHOOL YEAR The following student positions will be available in the Office of Campus Activities and Programs. Culture Center Supervisor, Programming Assistant, Graphics Intern, plus several work-study jobs in the Culture Center, Women's Resource Center, CAP-City and CAP-East offices. Contact the CAP office. 200 Ne braska Union, 472-2454, for more information. An affirmative action-equal opportunity employer. CHI CHI'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT Summer positions available. Full and part-time. Apply in person only. 201 N. 66th St. NANNY Young woman to live with family in suburban Boston. Care for one toddler and light housekeeping. Salary, room, board. One year com mitment, starting either 7185 or 9185, state your preference. Send letter, resume and photo. Barbara Siegel, 90 Richardson Road, Melrose, MA 02176. 1985-86 SCHOOL YEAR The following student positions will be available in the Office of Campus Activities and Programs: Culture Center Supervisor, Progiamming Assistant, Graphics Intern, plus several work-study jobs in the Culture Center, Women's Resource Center, CAP-City and CAP-East offices. Contact the CAP office, 200 Nebra ska Union, 472-2454. for more information. An affirma tive action-equal opportunity employer. Need a DeeJay for Mobile Music Company. Trans portation required Broadcasting or Communications experience desired. 477-2896. SUMMER JOBS LINCOLN & OMAHA $7.90HR. 483-1227. CASH PAID for furniture, appliances, and T.V.s 466-6252 anytime Need a used mountain bike. If selling, call 476-0735. Interior frame backpack and rain pauncho. Call after 4 p.m., 488-0262. L Reporters, copy editors, columnists, photo graphers and artists needed for all sections of the Daily Nebraskan. Pick up applications in Room 34 Nebraska Union or call Vicki Ruhga 472-1763. Need responsible female for summer. 17th & "D." own Bdrm., May 1 . $140. Mary: 435-5657, keep trying. Two non-smoking Female roommates to share house near 56th & Holdrege. 464-8929 or 483-2858 evenings. Ask for Wendy. Wanted, one male roommate to live with 2 highly moral males in 3 bedroom, 2 bath, apt. AC, ONLY 90mo.!! Call before Saturday, 467-2162. Mature grad student or professional person to live in a large, beautiful older home. Call 435-0132. 1 female, non-smoking roommate. May 5, to share large 3-bedroom apt. for summer. $87.50 plus 14 utili ties. 476-9926. Need female roommate to share a 2-bdrm. apt., walking distance from campus. $150 plus utilities, 474-6228. Female: nonsmoking, mature. $150. Includes utili ties. 3-bdrm. wlaundry. NICE PLACE, PLENTY SPACE. 475-4981. Female, nonsmoking roommate $130month plus 13 utilities. 464-4064. Available May 12. Book your back-to-school parties now and save big. NO MORE MILEAGE CHARGES s125 (reg. $185) you must book the party before May 10. 5 hours of music including complete light show. well over 7,000 hits on tape and going to each dance. nine sound and lighting systems available each evening. experienced disc jockeys will make your formal or informal party a big success. Offer good for any campus organization or dorm party. Only one dance per group can be booked at this rate. Mil Book your fall wedding or anniversary reception and save! 175 (reg. $185) experienced dj's and professional sound and lighting. systems make your reception hassle free. 683 paid performances in 1984 Offer good on receptions booked by students before May 10. Only one dance per group can be booked at this rate. IWj Hiffij