The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1985, Page Page 6, Image 6
I Daily Nebrcskan Wednesday, April 17, 135 n " 1 :1 o r7. ;. ; c a: 1$ $L . &-. J - jit ',. ;4i-..rlUV. Si Tractor lab . . . Ti 7!: - i v&u ! nn fr) '? V. J VJ VX 'w V-rtai1 U Jfe FOOD ADDICTION EULIMIA COMPULSIVE OVEREATING Are You Suffering From Any Hires of The Following: Binge on high calcria food. Inconspicuous eating (hidden eating). Constant attempts at dieting. Frequent weight fluctuations!. Eating to discomfort. Usa cf laxatives or diuretics NAPLES RESEARCH & COUNSELING CENTER i A Complete Confidential Medical and Psychiatric Evaluation Private, Confidential, and Individual Treatment. 24-Hour Medical Supervision end Support. Modern Residential Setting. Special Familization Program. Individual end Group Therapy. Covered by Most Insurance Plans. (013)7754500 or Toll Free 24-Hour Assistance 6rtm tpoojm Outs Hie Florida Call for a complimentary copy of our newest publication, "A Mini-Guide to Food Addiction." Call for complete confidential information on our residential treatment program or insurance approval. NAPLES RESEARCH &. COUNSELING CENTER "The nation's most comprehensive system for the treatment of addictive disorders. " 6001 Tamicmi Trail South Nap!i, Florida 33S62 J C A H accredited Metnoer of the American Hot Btl Ajioculion An tlliliate ot WILMAC HeHh Cart Partners in Family Progress c s i t i : li iitnt F i Li G J if) 1,1 O W CozlSntsr eS fern Po 1 b?rcmetsr3 tr.J th3 thenscrattsrs to r.ik3 sura ths indoor tempcratun) i3 tl-.js 75 dcysss, his ten spscLI CiJIy designed for th? hb. Leviticus tsli ths hb has Mth3 r.c-t fcccur2.t9 elpr.cnt you can :.t any whera." Pecpl? who drive ca the west part cf East Cmpus cn see the second tc:t, called drswhar. Drawbrr, dons cn the outdoor track, tests 6 tractor's izrj cwsr and ability to lua thir.i by pul- ira what locks lika a small c&T.pir.g trailer wcur.d the track, kviticus st'.d this Is ths tcugh part cf the testing process. The hb else tests soiad &t this point. Sound meureraer.ts r.zzi the position cf the driver's tzi tre t?.ktn and bystander soimd ner' are done Ecpsratsly to the eraount cf noise 25 feet from the trac tor's cer.tcrlir.e. Alter these tests Ere dor.e, the trac tor i3 rcinspected to determine oil con euntptlcn zr.i other factora, Leviticus sdd. The hb then completes reports tr.d publishes then. Siiice the test hb opened in 1820, it has tested more thtn 1,550 tractors from all over the world, Leviticus said. The lsb co test about 49 tractors a yesx prcbib'y more if vetthcr was alv:ys good, he sdd. Tr.3 test lab 13 Eclf-svpportirj, he said. The state the facility, but all costs including salaries are covered by the fees chsrgsd to tractor manufacturers who test their ecjalprasat, he vM. Fees ere bi::d cn a toula using tha tractor's kcrsepowcr end er.glae features. TJy r:-3 from $5,EC0 to $14,000 for each tractor tested, he said. Any testing is chiirgsd on an hourly scale. College names faculty Bonnie Kimble, a Beliwocd nstive and former high school English teacher, his been named interim assistant dean cf the UNL CoSiege of Lr.v. A 1984 law graduate, Kimbie repla ces Janet Knuse, who is serving is interim vice chsr.ceilor for student aTJrs. Kimble also holds bachelor's and master's degrees from UNL In her new role, Kimble leads the Career Services cfHce end the place ment library, publishes a handbook about graduates and works with law school placement and alumni develop ment. Kimble's teaching experience in cludes the Chase County High School in Imperial, Educational Service Unit 10 in Kearney, and the Hartington Public School system. UN o nost nome ee lair UNL will host & Career D?y fcr home economics jajors todsy at the Esst Union. The Career Day Fdr will ran from S s.n. to 3 p.m. in the Cret ?Mm Eoom. Ths kcttJ to the Eepresentstives from mora thsn 49 orgsniaattens will be cn hand to discuss recruitment and career opportunities. Students ere Invited to explore job possibilities and career 8trsk0. ........ For mora information, contact the Career Pltiining and Fkcement CmXit si 472-8145 or the College of Boss ESeomssScs at 472-2913. You am find a wcdai.of ,le : . r J' t n P ununnaiioa mm his reuorsi iiovsnsiiii it Depositor Libraries. Contact your H( ) J v I i i Ifc J , S it ...... -? 1 ' -J Si '7; I ' '- V . v t . : . . "tt:.' V ia T is? ti t. y y v. vie' 0 1 : V Ti m. 1 . 1 1 J ! ! I rv i 1 , v f t;-' ' T V i v it : V V rc:i;i 1U t y Ji:Ar' I ? ... X