The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 16, 1985, Page Page 2, Image 2
i I I i V .! -A:-- Ca:-s, a t:A:rfA: Lliri t .A C : ;7 ci tA I: ArzAl:-:5 jiD- " fv i . . . . . c 'in crt. lis; x v;: ? c r c r : : : : J I I A : : : Stuart Tartr 1M I:W IN EASED OH A 1 STG?;Y .A. Cfejswal . Cinema!! HI Ml I II C:M Mt test) f -,r4 , I CMK-C"k'.(. k p 4-ft K V !TC-Mrlt!K.l J-AO I i ' J . E" 1 ' ' , ' ium tm : . :J0 t .--jo . I J,A A i?-SS k.,..,; t'( 1 j ' lf HI I II :tl '. ... ,LuAAi C Biffin ;( I -9 r.-.i f j La fji ) ii - b I f l''.VvA;5l U H liBteiA AK A y.""v v - - - ; r (f.' . f ,1 4 ",!.') v . - - - - - "" - H H . ..... : r '1 :'cr::.:. Ji a 1 ..: t1!AA - J I.: A j fA u' : j A A?: n it a:A:1 "ti T ' -rrp: : 9 tlrt ere pes! cf tits lutes- JK-vwi, iUiiTCS. A lie 1SI38 W1H i; r i r x vi ' 7 , " , A 1 1 7 It a: La4 A a L :.:J h i ' 1 SEE" ANY MOVIE, ANY SHOWING, AT THESE THEATRES. . . y - ' c rri" ? RETOPJI 84 & C Driva In DREW BV" JAMS S WOODS I, . , 4 Csts Eye .EZJ . e.w t. : . :ts r.n -.n M rm t At'ir7. JkraK.Sc;3;rTt Sa9H "'JfI ' Wt . ' . g.M I iW . Wi ca sra ANY 1!0V3 C? YOUP. CIC'ICZ FCS JUGT LOD t:J y. Tt prcit ysur Q csri t fr9 o:T r,f y cf lis: a LINCOLN LUJ! 3 f r OU ! ;TJ i: I fA"-;it YOU?. C CA f - Vih'OVA) V' V ...-,-.y-... .... ; ..";.:". '.(' f I 5 r t:r; ; : tz zzr. h :?i c:.J c"r.::c::y r . -1 A I. ., A! tlcncf :3l-iic3r.:ttA::3tAc:.. o!'A i.'-A b: A dr.-a r : A;! :! i t-t s ii ii x -J :5" l C". r.3 tr. v.d r.r ' U ? j c::: ;!A;J to !: ;j vM:h n " ; : r A; " J c - - Jon lL3Citxr.3t!:t?!.'j&.7J::-:.?r:ir.'ff: :: !t:cc . .! thss-x tun v ;Ai ftckn itiis sKniiry, i tts l .:: -1 Fi.rty bad j!:!v:it5rr:::" :a "ilTrilt' t J : i U C3 cil-i-t !:. ;:-r, t!.2 U.3. f:v:.-rjr.-.r.t rJl U Tf;!::.: -1 L'; A AAu's c?d t ; : 1:"3 iA:n:A.i c:i r J r: 'A" A CA3 r-;-t.-cr.t f;:.i::::-i D.r:-rJ IA lA J n:Arr;nt v.: 3 4 a A: red 17 r;.:h a nr.?.1 ::3 tTTD 3 r:;rt::r.t t:v3 C.3 r.r:3 vzizi cf e.:: t:i thc!r d:A;3 vJ i.:t fc r..:V f c -i rJ.the c!:c!?;n to r:r;3 th3 tv;o r7cr; Uj t3 s r 1 b t.: ZzzzVxz cf a r.c:-;::.t ecdciy ia C;-th Af.isa, t ' h3 c:!J : r.:r,;o r.rtci to ta d:.A. 2 csteKianto is!ei to 4ot CAPS CAKAVEEAL, Fla. Two spsc shuttle sstr; Mscieclded gpsemik es part of en impTossptu sttssspt to rsseiis a malSmcticidsg satellite, cQcisJj ssid Mondsy. T&e decision to go ahead with the rescue, which had been under inteitstve scrutiny for almost three dap, will keep the shuttle and its seven-member crew, including Sea Jake Gam, in orbit aa extra 48 hours. "Yau have a 'go' for EVA tomorrow," eMou control toM the crew Monday morning using the acronyni for "eifceMcsIar activl," the official term for a spacewalk. 4Thea you csn leadenous on Wedaesday," controllers said. . ; ......... . the plan is to have astronauts JeSrey MoSksi and David Gd.o go cut mto the shuttle Discovery's open cargo bay and attach ajuiy-rigjad tool to 'the end of the shuttle's 50-foot robot ana. ... . Discoveiy, which m now about 50 miles away from the lifeless satellite, will fly up to it so mission specialist Rhea Seddon can use the robot sna to try to flip a tiny switch on the side of the slowly spinning spacecraft. The satellite, knewn as "Leasat" or "Syacom," failed to ttiteaiatically tum itself on last Saturdey when it was deployed from Discovery. .eonnp' delayed CHICAGO The Environmental Protection Agency Ifoadsy accused the company said to be responsible for the nation's btegsst PCS soill of cysteidionist tactics which have forced a major dels? in clesia? efforts. The EPA said legal barricades thrown up by OutbosnJ Msriaa Corp; have forced the agency to divert $10 million in Superfund msney to other sies Instead of using it to clean up the harbor t Waukegsn, III The company had no imme-diate comment sb the charge. mm Adamkus, regional EPA admiaistrator, ssid at a news confer ence the company Mfeas obstructed progress &t every mpstf mm the ' f 1 m yif?' 0!!C would rather sr end menqr c.i f ;u then meet" i.s r;r;rL:..ty to c!e:a up the h::lc:.n The harbor and surrounding crraa ce:strn o tz:k-ii:i 1.7 rillHsa loll 21 the chc.T.;.:::3 vera u-:J b hyir-.J,:2 ti t! -3 crr-rrVs ourd e-r-e r!:r,t FC:3 hiw lEa LArd to t r.r r f -J I AIj dlrts. . h, 5 2i? k see'dr 3 frrJly i-nsei rtkii -3 with the bcvi,a lp on.Lbya and Ethic?! Re rli U tsra U r v.t John a.JL W..0 ie -LJ t3 rf in iha t-r, ,( li.t ..I,., t , I- r. rvu fa Girangs novensnt in a in Lteif-a cMi-Ai cr:l-.:t ta be suprnfced by a niifcry council Skill's rAtirrj v.lvh the three coaairics wefs i-.'irtllr aer CA-.4 C : A:U)1 Nf -'"4 1.; .... vL ii .n ."Sl5tots. r-tnTlW . a -fctA f-J- as)s Ai j : ?;a:; 4r !r iii XA - A; ;7 'ArLDlf-3 C I.s 9 , n4 llSilj, . . . V 0u.Vl V , A" . jcjasLiC A- V V I ' ?.it?