The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 16, 1985, Page Page 10, Image 10
Pan a 10 Tuesday, April 16, 1033 Dally Nebrcskan Minnesota, Wichita State ! test Husker baseballers ByJcff Apcl Stiff Eejorter Nebraska baseball coach John Sanders is hoping for an cr.ccrs per formance from his team today and Wednesday In doutleheaders against Minnesota and Wichita State. Sanders watched his team score 53 runs on 44 hits last week in a four game sweep of Kansas. "We've teen getting consistent hit ting and pitching all season long, so I expect us to continue to get it" Sand ers said. "There is no reason why we shouldn't." However, both Minnesota and Wichita State are capable of beating Nebraska, Sanders said. "Minnesota and Wichita State are comparable in the sense that they are both well-coached clubs who have fine athletes," he said. The Golden Gophers, whose current Midwest trip includes stops at Creigh ton and Iowa State after todcy, are led offensively by John Beckman and Tim Mclnt :isn. Beckman, a senior outfielder, is leading the Gophers in hitting with a .340 averags, while Mcintosh, t junior catcher-designated hitter, is hitting at a .333. clip while leading the team in skgging percentage witli a .637 averaga. In addition, pitchers Greg Moor, Brian Kickerson, and Mike Tevelka clashes Aovranswa CALL $2.50 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2.00 minimum ertargs per day on individual student arid student organization ads. $.75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. Ait personal ads must be prepaid. Set of 4 Honda Accord LX wheels, ladies sport Panasonic Bike practically new. 23" colored Quasar TV. 478-0511. 1980 Honda CM4C0T, excellent condition. Must se!l. $600 or best offer. Call 430-2930 or 463-4910. , . . . ... , . Be Independent! Earn extra ii while you learnl Over 2,200 sensational Moray imping opportunities currently available! directory, hb.95. F-.A.l. K wti- ahire eivd., Suite 384-DN. Bewriy Hills, CA. 90211 fcrjJ r .iw S mU tom& ifciriiiiiia tfeauil Lm:9 hA fcuJ V x I D INDEPENDENT IM O V'if I 0 Li y 0 0 Q 13 o fi y v i I 1 J H . .An n szss r nnn ra r r S2S3 cssm crest fee pisssfed et tkas yoa rtnVaVi li n highlight the pitching staff for Min nesota. The Gophers are 13-10 with a 1-1 record in Dig Ten pity. "Minnesota is going to be a very for midable opponent," Sanders said. "We are going to have our hands full with then." The first game of the double header begins at 1:29 p.m. The Wichita State Shockers own a 43-8 record, including a perfect 29-0 record at heme and a 8-0 record in Missouri Valley Conference play. "Wichita State has one of the top programs in the country," Sanders said of the nations No. 3 rated team. "That doesn't mean, however, that we can't beat them if we play well." If the Cornhuskers have aspirations of shocking the Shockers, they will have to not only play well but also stop Tim Raley and Kevin Penner. Baley, a sophomore leftfielder, is leading the Shockers in hitting with a .403 average while Penner, an Aurora, Nebraska native, is second with a .205 average. Even with these numbers however, Wichita Stele Cc&ch John Anderson Is the first person to point out that this year's team isn't the fiama type of team he h:s hid in the past "We aren't the same type cf teem power wise, bat we make up for it in epeed," he ssid. "We usa our speed to our advantage and force people to make mistakes to hurt themselves." 2 Hall & Oat tickets. Pretty good seats. 478-4578. FRESH COPENHAGEN. SKOAL I KEY Cliffs Smoke Shop 140 N. 121h HALL & OATES TICKETS $13.60 Call 472-8289 - "82 T-Bird, 2-tone, blue, generously equiopsd, ex cellent condition. 475-6427 or 423-S37, ak for Rarvdy. 1975 Camaro LT, ps. pts, oc. iS.SOO miles, good condition, must seit going Into service 782-E975 (iocal). " " ' 1932 Mustang QT T-Tops. Air, 4-Speed, 45,000 miles. $8,000. 421-3163. m anmn maewam mu...wM fca il-.,J M SFECIAIISXB INC 0 0 0 datsuN, subaxu, ec&m, toyota c:.ty 10 u 7 y .v-u I 0 n t. 1 i 1 ,.. 0 n 1 j David CrenmerOeUy Iibrssx2n Nebrcska's Ctcve Bilderbsck stniss beneath e wefU dsiiz Sstcrds powerlllltiss cliao ptcEshles tb UNL Colkecsi. ' E0FHJALL Cstch 22 20, Legal Eeegles 6 DciU G&mma Alpha Ttu Onitgt 17, Ccn Bo's 9 Dn't Know 7, Sipta Alpha Epsdion 2 S.;hramm Four &nd Kins 16, i!a Mm and Master 14 EeLmLi Grst&ts 14, Burr Two West arid EairThpea East 10 So'iplxmes 17, Fernet Escusss 7 x::ta 16, Ersrskju 12 Acacfa 22, AQFVIitUe Sisters 22 21, Durr Two West mi East 5 sstttirs 13, DrarJc and Stupid 10 Country Kicks 19, Lambda Chi Alpha 7 1 Wi LLOH AVE? J l KNOX CLOS2 TO CAfci$U8 Naw, affordable, energy-efficient apartments. Low utilities. 2 bedrooms. Full bathroom with shower. Ail appliances. Fireplace. Swimming pool. JCSEPH t. KAt4 CO. 74-13. APARTSIIT FINDERS 4SS-IISS We take the hassle out of apartment hunting. 2-Bdrm. $350 plus deposit. 535 M. 23rd, 423-3S14, 2701 N. 27 Lot 18. available June 1. 2-bedroom, 1 12 bath mobile home. Appliances, dishwasher, free lot rent, water, and sewer. $325 plus utilities. 79ft-2370 focal or 464-8S35 evenings. $ SlCCS.9 FRGfJ CAUCUS 3-BR house, attached garage, laundry, Just re modaled, $500mo. Available May 1. 463-1743. Havs You Checked lit i j YES, FOOD 4 LESS is the food store that brought low food prices to Lincoln. You'll always spend less at Food 4 Less. ri n 3 Convenient locations with hours that fit schedule! win ct U &t bSrd a Haw 5"' "1 Uumtners 24, Lambda Chi Alpha 10 Phi De.'ta ThetaKAT 19, Scum of the Earth 9 Scum of the Earth 12, Suds Sippers 11 Drunk trd Strpld 11, Acacia A 10 Ai' aclx A 8, Burr Two West and East 8 Gunner 13, Eans Gsj:? 12 CMe and tic Bndms 14, Bang QsMg 11 Sads SSppem 23, KAYC 5 Fli'JBtten 14, Lzlrtin Getats 9 Eddie tad the Eisuissra 13, Sfeisa Alpha EpsHon 1 4ha E?ai!on 12, Country IHchs 10 A!pii4 Gamma EhoAOPl 10, Ewss 7 Delta Taa Delta IS, :na NuIittie SLtors 9 Catlwr SiX'Smith Six 17, CPN Slv man 18 2701 N. 27 Lot (20. 2-bdrm. mcbila home. Very clean, avails Ms May 1. Free lot rent water, sower. $310 plus utilities. 790-2370 local or 4S4-S3SS evenings. sr Summer Housing Available Acacia Fraternity Coed. Air Conditioned. Kitchen Facility Provided. For more Information contact Mark M. at 475-2242 or 476-0230. Sublease May 16th for summer. Lg. 2 bdrm Apt. Close to East Campus, Fireplace, A.C. low Uiil. Call 464338. Summer Sublease 2-bdrm. apartment close to E. Camaus. Completely furnished, rticsl $300 plus utilities. 467-3341. Summer Sublease French Quarter, 2-bdrm. pool, 434-SS37. (ORAL for grad students or student couple. Large 2-bdrm. apartment wstudy. Partially famished; not beautiful but a bargain. $250 plus some utilities. 21 st a "A." 475-1614, keep trying. Coed summer housing available at Chi Phi Fratern ity. Singia and doublo occupancy rsatas. Call Wes at 474-3416 or 47tt-771. our Food Prices Lately? kxsi M s wa a Ei LESS ask Av. .?h p. 1 I 1 S Won.-Sat. 7:C3-10:C0 " rVbn.-Sst 7:S3-10-C3 Eur?. 0:CO.1O:Ca Eun. :C3-tO:C3 . 94 E'stA A n JJS Sweets 15, Ddta U?sionTrf Delta 4 - - Sheets 17, Don Ho's 13 DolU GainniaAlpa Tm Omega 16, A3 tlca 3 Si?.1c3 Six 13, Dackrioos 8 Cif ors 12, Gs?.s!ir.s dun 7 ' AsMvark'a 15, Ts susd i't 12 v AiEerfea'a Teaai IS, S;.tTr.a CWP1 Esta FS 1 1 Phi Kappa Psi 6, EJpsa Afeha Ma 0 Alpha is a Cntea 3, tU Gtmoa Ddti 2 , Entry d4Haci far ihreKn-thre w.":;il md one-pitch tsftall are Ajs tc-diy by S pra. at tha carapus recreaLion ofilce. Plr SjesjAril 19. Nice 2-8drm. furnished apartment. AC:'nd din- washer. Good location. $300 plus utilities. Calf 477- 1745 afrr 5:00 p.m. (Available May 15). . . ' Summer Sublease with option to keep. 2 ballroom dose to downtown. Fairly new. $235 month. 46-G37& SUMMER SUCLEASE 2-Birm. ept. $335, air cend.. dishwasher, firepisca, low utilities, excellent landlord, option for next -school yoar. 3301 Baldwin 2. 4-1278. - Summer Sublease ' Lg. 2-bedroom apt. with air, 33rd & Hoidrege. $355 plus utilities, 464-7654. Available May 13, 2 bedroom, air, $310 plus uvllities, 7 blocks from campus. Call 474-1584. POOL 2 bedroom, balcony, pool $.139 plus djpoait. 2ith & Q - 476-98S9 Sublease, lams 2-bedroom, AC, 42od & Hotdreg. available May 13. $329 plus utilities. 47-4219, 8"t0 N. 2Sth. new, 2-&-3room, dishwasher, AC. low utilities. $300. 475-2850. Summer subtense. Option to rent in fail. Clse to campus. 2212 ft Si. Call after 6:00 p.m. 474-4U.3. EAST CAMPUS AREA AveilsbJe May 12. newer 4-bs'Jroom, 2 baths, $430. 4S3-6548aSter5. Full time position available. East Park or South Lincoln Store. Fashion retail experience or education desir able. Soma nights and weekend hours. Pleas snd qualifications to: Fashion Company, 200 N. SSth. 68KJ5 OA 55S1 S. 43th: 63516. Sunmer live-in fesby jsittor evenings and week ends free. Contcct Nancy StuerU, 467-2S19 after 6 p.m. 3 STUDENIS! Your Idem for helping your commmiiy cvuU be trortii $!fQOQ t-iyvu! KARIIY AKD HEUBN SMCM -flIORIALAWAIO) ETC S jk4!J.Ij kX-I.- ,. .3 The award i.i Irtm to r '" undargrsdafc, f nis 'oi - t ccjumuiuty bsiwcb project. R tvtrt eit t Rqssr'gw J t H-a tea 1 ' . ..... e- T'lr1"-1 "J ' ; 1 C 3 5 Kr-n- aBas-ffw! iT'! -"'" jf-" T-v- (prr- f . - 9 &-uui Idti ,-v ;,-. -fcJ fc--- .j flu ,t 1. &