The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1985, Page Page 12, Image 12
S Friday, April 12, 1965 ll "3 o ! Kib !i ii nHC ! - V--. fsW Wcttr - - sk- V.U mi ! 1 I it f f I Mr- LITTLE CIGTtX.3 13 Cunc'sy t 7:CC! En ftiii-nhal at Corrstcnk XV Ifi'orme'ian mc!'frj April IS & IS -.CD pm. iUi! Campus Union f.UfvMf a MLl A5vrri5!N:i SALES JOG'S The OAIltfcSA&KAN la now accepting applica tions lor summer andor tail Advertising KtMnU live positions. Applicants must be UNI sitiflsnu. Apulicatlone available ( the CAIlY Ki!:AXAIil, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Application etoadilne extended to Friday, April 12. 4:6 J p.m. UNL ddes not discriminate in trie academic, admis aiona cr employment prcgra -na and euidvs by I'll federal regulations pertaining ;o sat-vs. Sjnja, April 1 4th 5-7 pm. 12 50 par pariori Weslay House UMHE 640 N, lem '0 Ami fit 0 f: iV iV V ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft & ft-ft" ft ft ft v -ft it t 0$ mv000' c;i the street. m. Kmc. emm Ra ted No. 1! DO -BIZ COOtXBS !20 Mm Jill-J CAMPUS WIDE VACANCIES! PARKING APPEALS .THE PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE GOVLRNMrNT LIAISON COWMITTEE INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS CALcNC H & EXAMINATIONS CONVOCATIONS COMMITTEE STUDENT tPLOVEE RIGHTS co.,'.t.n,Cw..';n r ccmmittle ACADEMIC PLANNING COMMIT TEE CENTRAL PLANNING COMMITTEE RECREATION ADVISORY COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP . FINANCIAL AID TEACHING COUNCIL PUBL ICATIONS BOARD UNIVERSITY JUDICIARY A APPEALS ELtCTORAL COMMISSION CURRICULUM HUMAN RIGHTS UHL POLICE COMMITTEE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SCHOLASTIC OR ACADEMIC COMMISSION HONORS CONVOCATION Applications available; 115 Nebraska Union, DEAD LINE APHIL 19, 1W5. 0A CAR VVA5H Saturday, April 1 3, from 1 1 :0O-3:00 on tha corner of 17th and Vina. Coat: $2 per car. SpGisoraJ by tha Thate Chi Little Sisters. jj in iiw l n ir wi r i ' i ir ti UTi n iiit ii i ii 1 1 i m V T T irsrTT-T'r i ii i - r -&n&.wm vskxp ',r.n? Ww-.s'.v - I il ' - ! i JT ... . i. i, i Tan vithout burring! Get a beautuful, even tan all over in just 10 days, vith our safe and inexpensive Suntana Sun Bed. We're close to camp-as, so call today and get a head start on summer. 1422 "O" St. 476-2SS1 .1 v awns u m. Heffirvt'ni S HcssrewtUmg Salon 439-6531 EARLY REGISTER Early Registration for the fall ssmsater 1365-88 continues until July 9. Even though the priority period is over, an Early Registration will still give you the best chance for classes. The time spent for General Registration can be saved if you Early Recjster now. KAPPA SIGMA STAHB Mandatory Meeting Sunday 9:10 p.m. 64 tnere, Aloha! Eric 4 Mike CCCRS ICAVY K,"TAS. KifSIT tUlt ti Hl-ho Silferl It'a not ntddtin way ian low, . ; Yoj'U find it iiding on ttppty ' r,.. r, rr rr rr r rr, rr rt n rr, n r r V1 '"V 'V 'V' SUMMER cSl FAL1 DVERTISINC AlLlAlS' 1 L 1 A j fl j 0 j S ? lDj"5g d s a ir je r""is t eJrI" r yaUr " r 61 sis eh" aT i f "'isT a f e' U "ShTe R ,CjOu"NT n W . t HjotsflTpfo orqb'ad' e s viJLIli" ' R gpnl TJl i I t " V A js A. 1" " H Api dT t ii Ifjo . E G Ojwl'g F L Tjl' 1L 0 W CTiTv i" L The Daily Nebraskan is accepting applications for summer andor fall Advertising Representative positions. Applicants must be UNL students. Advertising Representatives are responsible for servicing retail accounts in a geographic sales territory. Advertising or marketing backgrounds preferred. Applications available at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Application deadline is extended to Friday, April 12, 4:00 pro. Y n Daily n all ' yf M 111 m y i! 3 El !8fi. -MVr;-- i 'A $ 2 a iiit-lt i J Room 34 Nebraska Union UNL does not discriminate in the academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal .regulations pertaining to same. rrxrrfrrrT rr. r"1 rn rr ft rr r" ' f t. pi,, r? i Lw-i-iiMiy ; 0CY$, OUR TMbHTS TJRNBP 7u AFRICA'S FrWCFJTE Pmm.. ... m mm of me cmm.. P0PCW FM& uim&H mm for otMotsimto II I ; r f mar, ms ms w mrm a smm tmoH m worn V! if i n mm MM h i-Ja LJiSiM Ttisfmxz versus ' LjVvf?!' c;;- j ; 1 i im i ,,,,..,.,. Mora t!ian t part-time sum.nar (r-b esr arlence. adventure a-id chiMenga while you earn tti2, com pt for a scholarsl.lp, and earn coiieoe crKlit NO OBLIGATIONS, but succawtul complet.on ol ROTC Summer Leadership Training could lead to a reward ing career, Go to Rm 110 M & N Bidg. or call 471-6..62. Try it and see If you like II - NO OBLIGATION! Take four military science courses this May and earn S credit hours. Oualilied students who suc csfully complete these couree may choose to earn an Otficer's Commission. Go to Rm 1 10 M & N Bldg. oi call 471 -S6C2. WANT TO KEEP YOUR TUITION FROM RAISING? GLCASUN Is sponsoring a le'ier writing campaign to Nebrnka Sute legislators concemirg UNL'S budget. A fact sheet, sianon.ny. postage and a sam ple leiter wi'l be provided in the City Union, April 1d-19ffom 10:00 a.m. 3:00p.m For more informa tion, stop by either the GLC or ASUN offices. NihI Oxtun speaks on IfllTIATIVS ZZ3 Tuasdpy. Aoril 1 7:30 p,m. East Union SPONSOR: FACTS CORWUSKER VAM.Zrim CLU3 M'ETIMQ Thursday, April 19, 5.00 in the L nion. Very irnpor ' tant meeting. Elections for next years officers & details of Mutual of Omaha Trip. ' Tour tt Kjtual of Cmnh Sponsored by the Cornhur.nsr Marketing Club. Fri day. April 19 Carpools win leave Lincoln at 12:00. Sign up in C3A-Main Lobby Bulletin Board 1 rip ia free for all CMC members $2.00 change for non member a. Attend CMC meeting April 13 for details. A!"SEC I Mock interview Sat. 9::0 a.m., room 200 (Ne l biaska Union) witn Paul Warfteld from Interna I tlona! Bankara A Carol Hirmanson, President of i Toaiim asters International Speech Organization. FACTS Mating Monday. East Union ttp.m. "The Crisis Concerns You" OrCM HO'.T c Hurlbut Cys'e 7331 N Cotner Hvd. ApnM3 14. KM. See from scotters to tlie GL12O0 Lin.itei videos of motorcycle races, collse, & doujhnu's. Maureen N.. Kqilv H., Diane Q., Le:gh P, (Chi 0). RC3is on It s way We're ready to psr-y ths nignt away We'll grab oar tus you'll grab your Oreivs. then we'll drink lo's of booia and make ourselves messes. Yours for the right EL ad L. Oaa C. Dun W.. Junn f. (1 kc) "The thing that Impresses n,e most atout America is the wy parents obey their tMldien." D-e of Windsor, 1357 BORN IN THE USAFOREIGN Ff tGTiVfc3 TUESDAY, ARIL 16. 2 30 P M, UNION ICUUG ' GRADUATION W!OUfJC"S'"ITS Available at the University Bookstore, City Cismpus Union; Lower Level Soum end. The Sue T!(.tjR A-r,rd (or Creative Humnl!y 1SS5 ANNUAL AWARD EVENT Sunday, April 1 4 7:00 p.m. St. Mark's Episcipal 1309 R Street 1 S85 Honored Nominees Chert Eddy Mary Marcy Brad Muiin Nancy Rogic Howard Wiegers Barbara Wright PUBLIC WELCOME! 3 more shopping days till Triad "851 UNL POM PON ORIENTATION MEETING Come to the Bob Devaney Sports Center on Mon day, April 15th, 1985, at 3:30 p.m. ior the orientation meeting for the 19S5-4J6 Basketball Pom Pon Squad. Any questions call Nancy Williams, 472-2225. cc;:cr.ATULATio;:n ms RESIDENCE HALL OFFICER Mike Baacke Both Boswell Pete Castellano Rob Chaney Heidi Cnnstner Tony Coe John Danforth Debbie Fellows RHA Secretav Fedde Treasurer RHA Vice-President ASRA Treasurer Fadde Vice-President Abel President RHA President Sandoz FiHA Senator Roger Scott Fiaher Hacper RHA Senator Ruth Flannery Allan Fritz Munch Funyon Ju'ie Gaihrnann Kim Gi-ant Ted Gude Mary Hendrickson Rum Johnson Kevin Kisslnsar Kristy Klein Ray Korpi Amy Laige Marcl Lanyenberg Sandoz FHA Senator Harper RHA Senator Schramm RHA Sanstor N.R.H H. Secr-stary- TrtsBsurer Fedde Social Chair Caiter RHA Sonawr Fedde Secretary Schramm President H.irper Preiidsnt Sel'fck Vice-Pr sidant Selick Sandoz RHA Senator RHA Yearbook Choir Mieheil LanjentorgASA Secre.ary Ken Libby RHA Residence Hall Wutk C?ir Jill Light Selieck RHA Senator Dave IlnguiU Abl RHA Senator Bobbi Loterg RHA Treasurer Mary Mal!am Sandoz President Paula Med una ' Cather-Pound Secretary Judy Mertz bedeck Secret 4,-y Dave Musd'd'b Harper RHA Senator Kim Murray Smith FiHA Senator Chris Nabower Auel RHA Senator Brian Nnonan Cather-Pound President Kirsten Olsen Selieck RHA Senator Amy Piarcy Neihardt Executive Scott Raymond Harpar RHA Senator Angia Rogers Fedde Social Chair Adam Rokes Msihardt Executive Teresa Schimonitz RHA HNi Week Chair Robert Shambora H.S.S, Floor Fur!s i Treasurer Paul Shaviik Meiliadt Exefiutive Skip Smith Selieck Treasurer Lisa Solomon Smith RHA Senatoi Valerie Starr Fedde President ! Gayle Swa,1z Cat let-Pound Vice-Prer-idant Jon Tucker Abel RHA Senator Angie Ward Neihardt Executive Sydney Warner Smith President Doug Weems Cnther rIHA Senator Patricia Wit H.S.S. Complex Fut.ds Treasurer Have a great year! Gary Aurand, RHA Elect'on Commissions Dave Edwards, Pu-lsr-; CROSSWORD PUZZLE LClzi by EUGENE T. r.lALE33A ACROSS 1 Mandrell, to her friends S Endured 'liSchopfar'spsa name 14 Organ step 15 "Duck Soup" star HHayholdar 17 Lyra Anderson hit song 19 Slight 50 Atkins's instrument 21 Que. neighbor 22 Elusive 23 Alamitos, Calif. 23 Inadequate 27" the Radio" (Den Williams hit) Caesar's friend SS Bastard wing S3 Scrub a mission S3 Antagonist S3 Fcrty-five, e.g. 43 Stone marker 41 Sirgtr Terror 42 Dri.ik I'.lz a 431ej 41 Goalies' stats ' 4SS.C. island 41 "Ths Girl USA." (Donna Fargo hit). 3 Pincers 51 Grand 0! SlSofsgfcrAlda -54" to Be A ' CouctryStar" iJ.'-iftt.wft ts4V3e hit) C 3 Certify CI Karpcv's ctstla t2 Mind" (Willie Nelson hit) 64 Singer Murray 3 Childlike 81 Celslrity C7 Assemblage 13 Laundromat siht C3 Advantage DOWN 1 Davis Cup star in 1375 -i Saudi father 3 Alpine skier Mittermaisr 4 Swiss chard 5 Israel's Plain of Gob 7 Church , calendar ' 8 Certain tournaments 3 13 11 12 13 21 27 23 23 n n Si "I 7 jihhills : (agscl) 3 Conway Twl.;; - hit 41 Lake near i Shanghai 41 Harper Valley org. 44 Pips ' 43 Quenches 1 . 43 Entreaty '.. ; 52 Composer ' Khachaturia: 3 Author Jaffe :: .S3VF.Day setting I 57 Enameled nietalware OGeralni'swif, SJ EF.A. concern i (Ricky Skags hit) ' Agreement Dolly Parton hit Jewish month Yankees Karrah Helmet for Hadrian ... Condition Army Tureen emptier Early epic Eddie Rabbitt hit Mothering, for short West Indian witchcraft Cancnical hour 3 Actress Daly j What a m&tzoh 3 Kwy. lacks M i , ! h i " i J 1 i HJ ? t i i ! ; $ - . -.uaHBBH9SMassKs9. f. mnm&i!mMmWMmm I I i r I f i !" M FT" r J r I l IT CiJllM I ill XdD J -mm tmmmm I II II IMii u lull , mkWWJm"-"'' i r ! i ill f 11.11 ---- .-J- ---in- m.- ni. inMlllIIM'tllM' TTp M rr i :ju