The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
Friday, April 12, 1S35 Daily Ncbraskan Pago 11 "1 Doug tnrf feme (8j! Siqs) Congratulation on being induced into Mortar Board. Way to go guyr Your Erethert Steve F. (DTD). Wishing you the Happiest Birthday and greatest KKCtf season! Luv. Tami What do lh Done-R Ranch and the Dillon Inn have In common? Complimentary donuts? Find out Saturday Night ... Yeyes. Kappa Dates, Get excited far tonight. It will be a blant. Formally, Your Kapa Dates " J 2212 "H" &. CSf t ful summer! 77-WiO. CHANCn CH I COMMISSION ON 1H STATUS OF V.-OMFN The Commie' am sfiitii ...-k th Ct ;nc-';or and his or her r.B.f in ofdc toprovije difsct'on and ftiedbocktotrte University Arwmatise At.Kon pc girm. Deadline April 15. Applications vai)?L-; at 115 NytvajHa Union. Campu TYPIMG Computir Tyr Eflcs of Cainoua '.:,') St. 4-TYPE .....hi tu?tv 13. nil i-t-- j.r, $ ";5 plus 0.0. SU3-ICASG i i 1 borfroo-fl. pf-ol. t2 J'.'plu 53 plusetfC-l'nc.ty.4?5-41C.- wher, parking, tannery w My 1 s-&s37 .J ti'iTA ',-tT"v cmr.ATCi s krm vou Interested in wokir j a a Data Entry Oper mr in an oldce on an MernvtiMt bs1 We art bMkino for DateEmrOiw!orstewo2n0r3rd ahitt during rack P'c feoion pt-ioda only. I' you have typ "9 of VS S Of leu error, we ,u tr,n you io o" '.t a CtHT. ! otf Mtdieai. dMl. and life In- "nc9 paid hoiw'avs. and vetwois. along with manv other tKCaitSOt fnnft baw't. Wa will otitr ear pooling arsnsnce to iwi In ouuuw erata. 11 3501 N.W. I3:n S.nt Lincoln. K br.. 74-j1J t . n i .m 4 4 p m. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY t;U LOYLf? Summer poalMon pe with c rational and Inter ' national firm lor (nrtKidua! of a'i4 ts::n to rmn training immdia?eiy. Dul.ti to includ. compel d bookkeeping, w P'' .X "" office. Tvomc skill required, twpwience h.p?,jl W.lMrairt right pon SiW r-v. to Can, 134 3. 13 t-t Suit 1101. Imcoln, to. FASHtCH CO"?At.Y Full lima position avsHabla. Css! Perk o.' South Uncoin Stort Fashion raicll aifin:t or edunvtton tesi: able Soma nifjh n-1 k-r.,s hcur. f-t-- tiend qualifications So: fr:l!i Company. U3 W. fcsiii, 68605 OR 6611 S. di5, Cttiti YMCA is looking for refaitss for the summer youth softbail and H.9. ba.twui programs. Apply at the youW sport o'is9. 1U.3 P St, 3-5 p.m. Part-time timritiin paeda-J no. $4 par hour, 15-20 hour ptf wet Cr.l Cemlan Cerporation for eppointmtrtt 4ii'-A Positions vit!. W?tnt ttefl-rco'Twd. pfmnR'.te pe'sor.s inte'sstad in d;nirg roffl wrvi! s .txcoi'wnt posiJionfcrstudnnica a ecmd (!. Prwriclsd r uniform, meats, andf iwndfy. ci coming conciUona. Insurance and dca jn twnsltst tut lli'js rto qual ify Apr.iicst'cis -".oc; 'i-d fiT.m 1-4 only. E it.iicay. April 13. No phone cans. Apply en the fch fioor of the 1 at NGtlona! Bar eatlfiing. th A "M". Summer iiva-ln ba5y tf$r evsrvfgs sftd waak ends free. Contact Hsncy SuttrU, ji -?.'; 3 ew 6 p.m. SUy;.tE 'MSNTER3 Cathw MalnSsnarn Is no twlnp exporiamcod u dent painters. Applic-ssion KCxpM April 15-19 at Cather Maintenancs cti:c. t?KSK:R fSftCtEHT Nationwide summer wei program prov.-net bisl ness training, coliwj credit arid txporranco valuad by Xerox, Uojotm. Proctor & Qrblt. 'S3 SO.'wswH. Call 473-19M for an interview erpoliiintont. SUMMED JOBS $7 95 PEP HOUR. MiOWEST K.'w. INTERVIEW TUESDAY OMS.Y 3 P.M. or 4 P.M. SUiTE 100 UPSTAIRS 3939 N. 48th. ' Part-time Telemarketing Nationally recognized non-profis orgalr.ization is looking for 20 entrtuiasti ifjivltiuct wo relssS well to others over ths rhorw. NO SSLLINQ OHI APPOINTMENT SETTING! WesMay evsninps and Sundays, on bus line, tree parting, w.ik from UNL campus. $3.35 per hour to Stan. Call Friday. 475 0512 between 12:01 noon anf, 5:00 pa "Summer Jobs In Al6a" Currtni Factual Publi cation $5.00! Alaska Empiftynwit Mariteiing. P.O. Box 39 Suite 22, Junesu. AK . r PREGNANT? Young profssslorsa! cour!unbi to have own children; rtaf ins 5a edopt rtealttiy new born. Can otter secure, loving home. Please call attorney collect for further eSaiia. Ssrictsy cwfidsn tial. This may be the wav to give your child and us a chance. (402) 397-5522.' J Babycakes YEA! Saturday is almost hero! You'll b AW"?OVE and I LOVE you. Bui . . . can I touch you? SHUT UP-BONKI . . ' Lcvsyluck Randy (Sigma Chi), " This is a ''juat feccausu you're you" personal. C'a d nation is just around the corn' so he prer-f'd for a few turpriaesintfie fteming week. You're wmII Cratyta yFis-h LB (TKE) Are you stlH my 'Tina Tunar LT "Old parties lada a-y. Bat MA8W 'l new die." Cen.Do!tM?s.ur y - s k- j ' 1 t ? T I ( I . . . . - : mm a j Eric 4 Etc., w can't wait to m'.nrjle with the brothers and the Grand Poo-Pah; IHrt on yo bast pa its. Gat rMdy to dance. Wa re gtmn meet yo alums, And hive a lot ot funs! - YcDatis P.S. Donl forgt your Siim Jims! Hey M!ksy 6 Billy, Our friend Ro$er asked ua over to his houfl to play tonight. So ... rj j you guys wnt to come Ovr to Rognr Huus and pUy with us? Love, your favorite playmates EDDY, Tosthr we've had k! of fun, but fh good time have Mi bn . . . Jturdv mgnt will be a c!t, Trl-Celt torniKi hs ccma at loiti (can w:tl Erin Hay Hsy KK1M It's fe'.W AM. afin. F'lfisa s!jp by and rwicbrate with us lon -j'it at 9 13 p m. A vwtwsi Mtive evening "f yawns" to loiiowl Stave A Man fATO'a), Lrun tha dust off your 8-alding ai-jmlrwrn rac-C-'C-.s ard (tart .tchlug your vitamins. This will be the match of your iifet. Bad Weiear will r th line u4- . Martin & Chriasv P!um Mait your 101! birthday on Saturday be mighty fine!!! Jules Daev 0 , Holly H., Janine P.. Tracy W., Wendy O., (ADPi). The weekend Is here, So get in gear, . For dining, canclitrj. and a H?ii romancing at the Red Carnation bail Brian T., Paul W., Brian M , fark S., Kurt S. (TKE) Sandy. Sue, and Mamie (Phi Mu), Corigratulation and good luck in the Greek Week TsientSho. Love. Your Phi Mu Sisters TYPEWRITERS RENTALS SALES SERViCE ELOOM'S 323 N. 1C!h 474-4133 TYPING $1.267ptge including proofreading. 463-8351, Sa.m.. - 8 p.m. 7 days a wek- LO.'s TYPING SERVICE Term papers, resume, law brisfs 423-7165 - for QUALITY Pregnant? Birthright is a confidential helping hand.'4e3-2609. V Receive Impartial profssionJ opinion of your litorary snorts. $30 service charge. Sand photocopy and SASE for response and return of material to: Writers' Eivea, P.O. Box 6308. Lincoln, NE 63306. GUITAR l.'JSTP.UCTiC: Private lessons, beginners or advanced. 2AGEH STUDIO 423-2709 Single & Pregnant? - Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential lnfnrm-ilnn rail Ksbraaka Children' Home. 483- 7S7Q FREE PREGNANCY TESTING SXYDIVtKG Clashes Frdav evenings. Train with video and jump .m... nn.ahnta. tm nrn&inftir.niint jrvflila- .1111 J"!!"'. ' MV. 1 V.VW. WV, W.vv.r " " hie. 4. j-C?- 2, leave meswe LINCOLN SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB t fA- , .ar-ijsf WUli-I S--iWUi-.W-Sit -- - -- We've wnted an extra computer to serve you better during tne spring rush, Bty wer 453-7067 V"-ei on compute w h bsst fci'br-qt'etity pnr.'.er A t pofe pfcot "r! tnr-r c"rstiO'-s ar.d en i "3 tv e 6'"ira t-sr with MA in tn- iVi. Free t .r. of your aiw&Ciipt on d'k M Q'licS, ejey rsv. or FU isortabie rau AT 12:ri) r.Ui.iCi.lT .-'' c ''s f3 7 EACH ID i U. ' I I 'I F -MS t t f t " , ft, H QK 9 .M ...If i- ,v,. t r1 i r"- ,.-,- 5 I LOVE TO TYPt!!! Qualify typing $i.00paat Save this numrmr DLOE 472-S057 WORDSMITM Editing, proofreading, service (or all persons!, busi ness needs. 4s9-077i). TYP'NG BY I.AYKiE. FAST, EXPERT SERVICE. 76ft'STANDAMO PACE. 435 ei. Supar HlgH Qu.illiy Virio Sprinj Special grf',t!utons, t?5fii. Vlnlmum ?0 tudenia wdoin(te, ranmar $'l7,i. Special 1179. Money fiack Gufnte. 43-253, FR:r,MCICAR5 Clltfs'Sjririiief.hcp 1SI"0" St. Cliff Smoke Shop is moving, wtch for announce ment. IMPORTED CIGARETTES Cliff Smoke Shoo J0"O"Si. 1 L FOUND: La Jies wtch In front of Union on Wed nesday. Call 474-1266. t The trouble with trouble is it starts cut ss fun! - Triad 1$ URANTSA BOOK STUDIES . r 477-1048 435-6303 , Cliffs Smoke Shop Is moving, watch for announcer ment. . UilL FEL1ALEQ'. All returning female students interested in Sorority Rush Vak 1 SS5 need to register In the Psnhellenic Office 322 Nebraska Union, 472-2ES3. Ccme S GresU v. Qndier UNL Senior Football players play members of DU, ATO. SAE, Beta, and SX in a benefit Basketball Game tor the Phillip Jay Heart Transplant Fund. April 14, 3.00 p.m. Lincoln High Gym. Ticketa Avail able at the Door or City Union. Sponsored by. Delta Upsilon, Pre-PT Club: Come and see the new PT Dept! Mealing Tuesday 416 at 7 p.m. in the Health Center. Bring a friend! GIFTS GIFTS. GIFTS Cliffs Smoke SiK?p ' 1200"O"SV; FLAG CORPS AUDITIONS CORNHUSKEB' MARCHJNG BAND. Attend ONE trailing session: . Aprn8, 17, or 13.6'30-8:C0 pm. .-" Men's P.E. Bldg. . Auditions: ' J April 19, 6.30-9:00 p.m. and April 20, 9:00 srfl.-12:Q0 p.m. M & N Bldg. ' : No experience necessary . ' p BS CI iS3 fSS 831 (E35 t3 tmS3 W 'iftf!"" wl " !7Ps ' ' T P1 I 3S I i Km. " 5 s . r '"3 laJf v. i is V1 W ' , 5 1 R l Ck 0 I n V 'W" i i en ej rs ia sea et ra wa tJi ej ta ers i . . r ,.-.. . -i-4v jf-xm n ' ... i C- I '.It n 1 vi k I ... " l n n p r i r -Ir-i iih no LMlr U 1 ! 4 LJj S W - ... - ' Gu r- DO f1 r - - t"5' . ? l. i . -.-..- -n.iS ..: U4 tJ c k -'-. a si-. ' . J S f ' . rf S et ttc vS.'- Ik-.-..'-' h; v " E- - m " t i " i. ' i: - e ' . J r it . I ? -: " , v,,- ,.'x i . - - . t - fcf,.;- J gu . i r: rcs'f L .WSffS. . .. . . -1 v " ' ' I S -Ji . ' fctt jrjj- era ssseai Si - J $ For Stat3 cf tha Art U.V.AiTanrtlig v. -SI w- 1- t v n o r r. a m TTmS 4 DON'T S2.TTLE FOR tnil EEST 8V1TS218 2nd Lev! Coi ' CaUasIa 4T45.; iuit. C 4' . - p A ft 8 3 W Cir.k your tnih nwgsritai every 4 pm. . II' f; , ' ' life ::S::.;:: j-wr : , . 'y-Tyi is; .: " .5f i;--, . &M :S'-s;i:' iMSfe&lriili?! I ::::::: : iS:? ' v': yJ - ' - - j I y Saturday, April 13th w' 9:00-12:30 . j v .qvp r?r?' 9 t i ,'j - m k v4 i j lvii vLjUDIil ii(SfS i .1042. "P STfiEST c' J .j,..,, A-JLi-vfc. jl-i. .t ..-.V. 3 .-.r. - ' jMhh-.:--ii-xaj- H . V ix. h it S ' j r r t r x , ...... j A " ' - - - J I h . u u v. f i Ci & y vui ci i c!sD";3at9and 11 p.m. no cover, no minimum , 2 comedians - ! i Be. a if a V l 9 '$ . ; o -'-. ::j errors, or a , ' h 5 IK ' rt-iQ. l1 . .4 M J i li E ' ' r a I tJ4 Into the Sweet Potato Eland and FREE Friday afternoon. It all kicks off at S3 L " i -! fry ry1 J I