? PRIVATE COLLECTIONS i ,1 i u 1 Uf I ..Vtf i 3 if y.t A V '...- . -li-i. t fi .: ft 0 I e i u . 'Do not be dazzled by the splendour that comes to you from the West Do not be thrown off your 1 feet by this passing show. Tiie Enlightened One 1 has told you in never-to-be-forgotten words that i .i I 'ijJ f' X jl i. f mis iiULVspun uj i tjv m uui a pass ing miaaow, a fleeting thing, and if you realize the nothingness of this material case that we see before us ever changing, then indeed there are treasuresfor you up above, and there is peace for you down here, peace which passeth all understanding, and happiness to which we are utter strangers. 1 Mohandas K. Gandhi Arrive in Style 6 yiiiuivdi eveEyMiag it premises Fashion is draped b tinsel, which a changing world demands by framed in gold &nd placed high discouraging thought and dissent It on priority lists in this country, also makes people empty automa- Many lives are shaped around the tons, creatures who seek only to search for perfect wardrobe, hair and appear to be something while neigh- m&kc-up combinations. ter embracing nore even being aware Too often, we think material of the meaning of their behavior, is fashion is placed before really valua- form without substance. ble things in life, like friendship, family and health. Chris Biirbacli k Chris Welsch We are told by John T. Molloy and other "experts" that we must dress for success. Students are advised to buy a dark blue or grey suit for inter views and even before we enter the job market we feel the pressure. We can safely guess that 60 percent of the people reading this are wearing blue jeans in one form or another. Close to 100 percent of the readers own a pair. People tend to dress alike. And people want to know that what they're wearing, the way they look, is attractive and acceptable to others. So people read fashion guides like this one, or ask store-buyers what's "in." Then they buy the stuff, hoping it will give them a new lease on life, new appeal, more sex, or a better job. To a certain extent, one must bs in tune to what's fashionable. Many businesses have dress codes, and unfortunately, many employers really think what a job applicsit wears is important. v yevic t:au tu stse tiws iiv-h u a Fashion also amplifies the human tendency to prejudge. If someone isn't wearing "the right stuff" people tend to put them into categories and deny them as friend and or contribu tors in the work place. To bypass a person's worth because of what they are wearing is plain stupid. But it happens all the time. Before you rush off to buy all the goodies advertised in this supplement we'd like you to ask yourself some questions. "Will this suit get me a job or a lover?" Often times, you'll find the answer is no. If you find the answer is yes, the job or lover proba bly isn't worth having anyway. 1 X 1 X - '-'? . 7- v . hy" J I - ' 1 If? If il 4 ' Along with limousines, Ken Morehead has a variety of vehicles tor rental. mm mmmmm Locoiog C Oontol Inc. MEMBER CHRYSLER LEASING Lincoln Omaha 164S "N" 5402 "L" 477-7253 toll free (800) 642-1133 I necessary evil, but as a syster.i to I apply to the rsst of our lives. Thos j things which dictate fashionable do- thing unifcrms as well as evering pear also dictate fashionable modes of behavior, spkitealty, thought and ideology. Most cf us pe jcems what is most popular and try to imitate it, popular bemg sponymcus jTrtth good. I Th price we pay for being fashion ble is too often our individuality, (mkh is in part what we had hoped to purchase. Ey equating what is popular with what is food, we sacri fice our right to determine what is pod, leaving it to the majority to -ecide for us, then imitating it. That's bad for two reasons. It dis courages the creation cf new ideas ''''ii'i'''' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n t ii 1 1 1 1 ' i.i 1 " u if ) t W - wluv )y A i j it h 11 i H f r Lincoln's Entertainment Oasis '( 340 West Cornhusker 477-2026 - "STf J IIL1P.WMIIL l"IIUI ijliliwuillllllll III! II r ' mrT II II I I I ill.ru 11 mwiji,, aj.im, 3; i "5i O w.- v . ' . I :r. i ' - s JESS V V4 W J I, . 1.1 v v.lt .,-. . . t t Ji, , j -rrrii I -"-"t " r r r ' . ' : -. ' I