PRIVATE COLLECTIONS I: Second hand clothes, first class style By Lisa Glsen EtxfT Reporter Polyester double knitii, big flowery prints mi bargrJns abound at Linctln thrift shops. At Community Thrift, 1717 0 St., there are three dres3 racks, according to price: 49 cents, 79 cents and $1.49 and up (for really big spenders). I slowly began to realize that my $15 thrift shopping spree sponsored by the gen erous Daily Nebraskan was going to be more fruitful than I had thought. I began to unearth bargains by the bushel. At first I was dismayed by the masy racks of unsized and unsightly clothes. A3 I thumbed through the racks, checking each of my finds for tears and discoloration, I began to vender just who had worn these clothes before, and what they had done while they were wearing them. I had discovered part of the magic cf shopping at a thrift store but I had to get back to business. I found my skirt ($2.51), shirt ($2.97) and gloves (50 cents) In the Vintage section of Goodwill Industries, 1717 0 St. My companion and I unearthed the earrings (30 cents) in a dusty box under the store's display counter. We discovered the shoes for 99 cents (and just my size) at Community Thrift. The necklace ($1.50) from Salvation Army, 737 P St., provided a final touch. I exited the Salvation Army with my $8.71 wardrobe complete more than $8 under budget. Near the entrance I noticed a sign (right under a posted warning to "select items carefully, no refunds or exchanges.") It read "Though our program many men are rehabili tated and restored to families . . .Your contributions and purchases make this possible." For only $8.71 I had become a fashion plate and saved a wayward soul kinda malces a gal feel good inside. SKIES? S J E tFrFr1 4775522 B a K r hili ! Pi H OF ALL THE HAIRCUTS WE DQ ONLY ONE MATTERS TO YOU. . X& ALWAYS s8 f jO APPOINT MEM NEC SCW f OH MEN VQ?v!i;tJ A! .1) l.'.l HLDRI f-i 1980 E.MHA C2'P"tjlion 233 No. 48th 466-5473 (New Eastview Shopping Center) o rfionday-Friday 9-9 p.m. o Saturday 9-7 p.m. o Sunday 11-5 p.m. Sl-.lil. i K t)H:.itf ,).a'.l'it,' f .I'l l' Brandeis introduces the ultimate carrying bag Le Sac Villageois' - Filled with five Lancome beautifiers and yours for 12.50 with any Lancome purchase! Terrific 'take along' for school, for shopping. Sturdy rubberized fabric bag, completely lined. Inside you'll find travel-sized day creme, eye makeup remover, liquid makeup, lash thickener and eau de toilette spray. Offer good while supplies last. g Welcome spring I I I complimentary J Lancome makeover. S Briog this coupon to Brandeis Gateway Thursday, Aprii 1 1 i through Sunday, 1 Aprii 2 1 for a nia!ieover from ! no charge. I 1 ) ! .v ; lJ j - Tajn in - mo e in stofe tor you 'v 4 4 ( h V ,. 't v - s, s ; " i ' I High fashion swim suits csstosiised for yoa. Ccia-3 try cse cn. Can 4C3-7577 Barbara Ecer, designer. AvtHilLs Ut JafTes's la tie Atrla.