Daily Nobraskan Pago 11 FREE upsidedovn margaritas and door prizes for residents of Antelope, Holt and Cuming counties compliments of the Sweut Potato Band! Bring your buddies and enjoy! 1. ill , it- Mi if' ! 3 t1i J Thursday, April 11, 19 0 z o H Pert III The Kicsr.ent cftrctii is nesr. Last night is the night I will remember you by When I think Of things we did Jt makes me want to cry (Beetles, 1S$5) The honks of tixicds were Miles Braua's alarm. Another dy to wcny about. He draped on h;.3 rcba ar.d shuffled over to the viridow. A3 tha sim peaked over the city &kylkev he sqsfatod to see the mcrr.feg nh. It reminded him of blood cells rushinj through a vein, from a film he sr,v iz science class. He scratched his PM top and walked Into the bsifcrcom. Today was the day he had to see ilden. I It had beer? o electric Christinas for . Miles an electric reccr, electric toothbrush and a hi-fi phonograph. The first two gilts sat on his dresser unused. He feared being electrocuted in his own bathroom. Miles stood before the mirror. 'Hello, Helen. It's so nice to cffcji vM in,"t! nervously rehesrssd. A erfa surfaced "Now she's got r.o tdklr to myself," he disclosed to the n&ecticn. He pro ceeded to brush his teeth meticu lously, as if before a dentist appoint ment. Miles knewWhadl to look his best. He would wear vzl Flip wedi refer to as "funeral thre&is." Ka vsslked ever to ' the closet and pulled cat Ms finest. A charcoal flannel suSt, wMte wing-collar-ed oxford shirt, gray ana black-striped narrow silk tie. "Locks like the ol' wir.gtips need a buffm'," he thought as he searched the room for bis shoesMne kit. He found it under the bed, next to a familiar sho ebox and pulled them both out It was she ViewMascr he had spot ted, the toy that had made Helen's fam ily so filthy rich and socially prominent in the Dig Apple. Miles Ripped through his discs Superman, Mr. Ed., Howdy Dcody, Gurainoke. Gazing through the Vk'vvL'ter spurred a lock back through his memory. Of Helen. Of the times they had together, the plans they had made. Miles saw the separation as oaly temporary, but an inspiration to him, to do whatever it took to win her back. He put the ViewMaster away and went through the dressing ritual, like a mat ador before the fight. He even slapped on a bit of "Lust Nectar" colcgne Flip had once given hiin. He straightened his tie, put on his overcoat and scarf and left with a burst of desperate confidence. Taxi fare to the museum was expen sive, but a small price to pay for the rekindling ef romance, for chivalry. Helen had worked there since he had known her, since the Woodwards had donated an undisclosed beneficiary to the museum the price cf social acceptance. Miles wasn't too fond cf modern art, and his friends were even less appreci ative. Hip wej cr.ca kicked out for being too loud he was laughing at the price asked for a prised finger- Miles arrived sX the moment of truth, he ran his hands through his crew cut and paced up the gtsfes, hitting every step. .The confidence wes the begin ning to drain from his armpits. Ee reached the top and paused. With a deep breath, he spun through the revolving door. His rxsMr.ed wingtips clapped cut echoes as he walked through the gallery to find Helen, to face his phobia. Helen Woodward sat before a foun tain, gazing down at her reflection in the pool. Poised and pure. Her amber curls perched upon a tan cashmere cardigan, a burgundy wool skirt draped smoothly down to her calves. Miles rec ognized her sea beauty and stood behind her, admiring, pondcrirg her reaction. He straightened hb tie and posture, took a deep breath, and walked boldly toward the fountain. He neg lected to wipe the beads cf sweat from his brow. Next time: Iklea epc&keth. H o r3 CHICANO AWARENESS DAYS '89 Tha RIsb of the Hispanic Voice in America c y wiA ; ' 5 .w't-SVi ;' 'f-jMr m ws "f-'-XJ 3 10:00-12:00 neon 1:00-3 :00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00-12:00 Rcors 1:00-3:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am APRIL 11 TSsyndsy... NE Union Career Pianning fiseement with Gerry Pheneuf HE Union U.S. & Letin Politicel Affairs with Susan Schrcsdar Susis Prengsr, Bill Avsry St Ra?ph Vigil NE Union Juan Hernandez--Foik Singer $1:00 UNL STUDENT $1 .S3 NON-UML STUDENT AFKIL 12 Fnisy ' N5 Union Cultural Identity with Ralph Grtjeda, Kay Nickel, Juan Kernsmlei S Marty Ramirez NH Union Featured Spssker: Rodolpho "Corky" Gonzalez -NS Union G-jest Speaker: Corky Gonzsfsz Piorspr Cth Annus' 1 1.A. A. Fun Run Park $3 ENTR ' -CiSMT TO FIRST 75 RUNNERS 1 3:00 pm-1 :00 em NSC B!da. Mexican Drrca vu.tl ths "Cervarstss" ' I 11th Floor. 13:hk'0'' $4 PER PERSO?J $7 PER COUPLE APRIL 14 -"' I 8:00-12:00 noon' 333 N 14 "Msnudo" Cr'-'.t.5t at ths Commor.placs I , Across from the N Un--- y f SI UNL STUDENT $2 r.w'C U. J L STUDENT ? 1.9 A e ft s Help us cover you. Daily Nebraskan; . Newoliiie Dennc f iTr X Martin Public Library 1 4th & N Streets 4th Floor Auditorium PREVIEW SALE Thursday, April 1 1 . 4:00 8:00 p.m. Admission Fee: $10 per person t loot elundablenontranjlerable - most books priced at S3 00 per volume soma specially marked Spontomd by th Lincoln City Library f oiiOdmoi) REGULAR SALE FREE ADMISSION! Friday & Saturday, April 12 & 13 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 14, 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. and Friday & Saturday, April 19 & 20 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sunday April 21, 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. "J r. J Vi .J id 'S. j ts i if i, a m j rOk ai e .m'9 r-i . f: J s t r :rr;:;JLr urc.?..:::sArj.iLf.s . 41.1 v a 5 tm. 1 w rftiaa. As.. t y s