The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1985, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Wednesday, April 10, 1C35
Pago 8
Daily Nebrsskan
Vli'v r: 1 r
Baseball te;
Nebraska's Bide Sraldt eswl JiU'Pissrcik in ectizn e:&st
Cotor&da isst Fri&y. SraMt b 11-5 21 the year ssd Pfsireili
your requests iGnigm st
hr7n m r
Food and hrew ai
Tonight and every Tuesday and
Wednesday night at Country Kettle.
12 lb. hamburger a fries.. $1.79
Pitcher of bear, 64 02 .$2,00
Draw $ .30
Meat Nachos $1.99
Giant swest rolls $ .65
From 6-1 2 p.m., Tues. & Wsds. night only
Country Kettle
Th Dally fiebrssksn h nsw taking epplJcssm fw reporting
position for the symmer publication. Positlort ire wdtebte
in the newt, sports, sad arts end tnttrtainmsftt tactions. Deadline
for. eppiisstions is 2 p.ra. Friday; April 12.
Intsrvisws wi!l ba Friday, April 5 to Friday, April 12. $isMi?
ststitt an psstsd st tha Daily Ns&raskan. Apply st ths Daily
Ksbrasksn ffiss, Roora 34, Ksbrf;ka Uaicn. App'icsnts jmast
hsi" basa ftsidsnts dyrinj ths rl;.3 'C3 tsmsster OR as tn
rc!lad for th faii S3 semester OR cr rcsistsred for six credit
hears during rjmmsr US ssssions.
d - :r
nr 7th
special prices,
4947 Holdrege
; ; --
i : ; -
b 6-1, The Hosksrs travel to OkL&ena Ciate cad Oils&ssia
iMs wcdks&d. .
T 1
A storj wdk-cn prcs i3 o hts
gril pirt cf bdlilns a successful
tthietic prcsrm. Nebraska's foofedl
tessa cosabiass wslk-cns mi & strtr,3
rccrsitksS prosnt n?!rin3 it a cos
tsndsr fsr the ris-nd cfeanptaMp
. year after yex :
' . Eat iasss balliks a ccnfcndiitg
tessa in ny f pert mith oar isrsuk-ora
and wtaioat'eRsusJt roosey to psy for
. travel expenses, let alone schohrships
to lure recruits.
That's exactly what Eill Strsab hos '
done with Nebraska's men's bowling
tesat since he volunteered for the
coaching job three yesrs ago.
' Ths tessi consist cf five in-state
bow'isrs, none of whom are on a bowling
"We're a total walk-on programs,"
Straab said. "Ve don't hive enough
fcnding to oZireves hslf-scholsrdJps.'
Nebraska, which is risked ssventh
In the nation in the lslcst EowiiEg Wri
ter's Association of America rankings,
qualified for the natioati champion
ships when it won the National Cells'
gists Bowling Champtehip Sectional
IV tcjmassent in Sioas Cixy, Iowa, in
The Buskers outdistanced second
place Minnesota by more thssi 231 pins
to aivsaco to the KCDC nsUcnti m
i If - .
sistency boost
H v
nrr.cni in Vlitz, Y1s., Hay 3
thivj. 6. Bob Dill and Hotr
aaKCodl 223.6 srJ 203.4, scspecthfeijr,
to q'2'JZ,f llz:zili tr its rst r;icic:::J
to:irtstcri tpptfSi'Jsce in lash'crsity
"ficy (l'rcka tsssa ' raeasbcra)
toemzssst," Strtub said. "Bst,' mm
important, they were ccss!ster.t.w .
Only 11 pins ha?e separated the
Euskers' leading average score and the .
filth highest score this yssr,.Dili is
averting 202, Nash 204, Mike Sander
205, Eichaxd Scott ISS and Kas Leepsr .
184. Straeb hopes the team's consistency-will
ccrry ever to the nationals.
. "It's not the ultra-high, scores, but
each team's consistency that will win
the nationals," he said.
Straub, who bowls professionally on
the Pro Bowlers Association tour, said
the Buskers hssre more than just an
outside chance of winning the nations!
crown as d dethroning top-ranked West
Texas State.
Straab thinks Nebraska's seventh
place ranking by the EWAA is net asoa
rate. He said the Huskers "should be
rated third," but a lack of national
exposure has prevented a high ranking.
"The people that rank the teams are
out on the East Coast," Straub said.
"Since we don't get as much exposure
as some of the other teams, our ranking
is much lower.
- - , ,
" Ti
l.J u'
to play Jayo
The Nebraska baseball team
plays Crdghton tod:y at 12:SD in
a double-header at Buck Bcltzcr
Nebraska has a 21-12 record
and earned the No. 2 1 ranking to
the list ESPN Coile?.bie Pas
ball pell. Crci'htcn h 20-1 1 filer
circling four straight 'es
crdnst Indiana State. The Bus
to and the ElKys have tpllt
ths!? last 10 gmt3, Issvlr.g Ne
braska with en dl-fee 27-12-1
. edgs b the scries.
' Cct&&cr Fsl llcjsrsicnds
Ketrfa lth a .412 bating .
tvcr?..;3 h coherence play, t'cy
ci3 3 14 cf 3 in Ih li:-t nine
games. First bas?a Kike Dun
can, whs tit ftpslrcf bests nmsfci
tot weekend's scries against Iowa
State, has hit an even .SCO since
beginning the sesson with 11
- executive oats. Senior outfield
er Jeff Carter need: just three
steals to break the ail-tine
Busker record of 80 career sleds
held by Scott Hooper. Carter also
moved into second place on the
career walks chart with 121.
Nebraska resumes Kg Eight
play this weekend with four
rases at Kansas in L.vrsnce.
"We'll just hsre to convince them
that 'we're a better ttm than thr
think we are when we go to the
Mtagh'fund drives fee!? psy for
part of the team's expanses, most cf
the mexbess must dig into their pockets .
to finance entry fees and trips to tor
'ncmest sites. .
"When we went to Us Vegs ever.
New Year's for our second most impor
tant tournament, ell the money came .
out cf the kids' own pockets," Straub
The Buskers finished third out of 62
teams at the Us Vegas Tournament .
Straub said he hopes the prestige
that accompanies a national title will
convince the UNL Athletic Department
to help finance some of the team's
"The Atkkita Department wants to
fcsee what we can do for them," Straub
" said. "But if we could gsla soms ncto
ricty at the nationals, they inigl pick
us up."
Straub also is working to help some
of the bowlers next year by helping
them End academic schclarships and
helping oit-steta bowlers Cad housing
in Lincoln so they can afford to bowl
and go to school. -
"People are starting to write to us to.
see what cur prcgram has to offe?
instssi of us ccnctir them," Straub
ssidl : '
mitvfi r-.-.:'-; h:v,Lr cn
th3 Ll i ' 'J! c: '.:a lidkaLzZJl?,
J. ";;ilr.
"li's III ir w I .tr.V Sl::b
I' ;it:: :llLgeittfC.b
t:o. It's nc ' iz ti r to r5 c'r
ths eii-gs l:.c:io C 3 L!.'"
S::? cl'i::; r:;i L: !:rs
hrro cf irdirg ii t;m C.3 r trir
'Tr. h:v3 c!:r:3 to lrz
I ::--3 tli n:l- i tr- - C:r ;5
s,t!i "::'s a c.:o b a l . s 3c -
:v.i7 f :r tl; 5 1 ; ri to r 3
Bcwci'er, mere thaa a Kiionsl char.?
iorohip and high ranking will be at
stake when the Eusksrs travel to