J 3 1 aga6 322 SOUTH 9W STREET, L3NCODH, r M u il b 5 . r n M u i Most UNL students will uss their summer to rfzl in bcttsr financial &h:pe fcr tr.3 next school y2r. Scrr;a will c;t into ti.uS. Cihsrs wis! cr.rn a fsvv cruuu nc-ufi. hnv a it a h?ad start cn their futures. Those students cr8 ccttina il a!i! Ihcy are taking Sumrr.cr LesdershipTrainingmrouqhthe Military Science Dspart'rnent i ll 'VJ '.4J i W n .,4 ,, FV opines FA.a M"r FbR IT IS I, E7ERYWHE;ftG i - . r . - OKAY, WHAT S0 )nvts Vbt ro (J ft ! lit NE 68508 - 470e5H 9sti Esvour- ryATiorsJ leave you UQUZ AT IQHT? 0 i . . Become a regular plasma donor and n earn 20 per If s easy, if s Bring in this first visit. 3 U M r. fl 0 li Mon. Wed. - 9-5 Tu3. Thur. 9-6 Fri. 0-4 Sit. 8-2 Urcauj iL-.d DO if U U Li v : -.3 n n 1 li U kJ .4 U 1 v: and can b:nsfit in ?.)! four ways! ...f:r.i.".;!i::-. With c::o pius frcs room and tocrd. Vith frcrri vcO to S w- j vJriiQ iMU MvAi UtU ! vwt O III UvilwVi tuition scholarships. .V!-'v.' V"'4h rr""!,r conditioning schedula and ' 7 Dally Ncbraskan m Howard Peters, creator cf the s;r.!!:y face button, will speak today en selling yourself in the working world in m presentation, "Nine-dot Thinking In the Valley cf the Bull Dingy." Ihe speech, free to all students, will be at 8 p.m. In the Nebraska Union. Sen. Ed Zorinsky, state Sen. Eod Johnson cf Harvard and Director of Agriculture Chuck Schrcedcr rill an swer questions about "Future Trends in Apiculture" tonight at 7:S0 in the East Union. A conference it UNL cn the food crisis in AMca continues today with speakers teclading Eicpisa Ambis- ssder EsraMU umia, rer-ce ucrps Addevements lemded m Honoraries TVo nstional honor societies will Ed the .ocktlcs tre "fj.-r.il rrco;;.l-sst-1 50 imi f trA u Vi ticn for fcoi-rnuc teCtvtrr.t. Mphr-ka Union. rri.- .utu oki p cj. nnA Alpha Lambda Delta, ini tiate freshmsa in their first or second semesters at UNL who have Grade Point Avenges cf 3.75 or higher. The groups also will elect new offic- S-itis3M Ip.-A'i ,-Aiaf iSsise Kr- Kassss fv.n trm r-! ?rJ,!l p-" y MAWCSAL y p il ! week plus 10 bonuses!! ( relaxing, and it pays! ad for 5 extra on your " 'fm"- ' n u ft t j y H M 1 II ;i p 2021 "0" 474-2335 rJ fes poking in the reir A . , -J i -i tL -.-'.it ICI2 E3 C3 CD a Z"J i H ! lul L wnj 1I Mui Ui lv, S i J U V ul - .- , l...'J.f V"jh "ri p.r. cortjr.lty to cam 3 semester ore i'X hnurs trsreuch practices t'fl i"1 ?! ft;" "n .-( H n; 1 1 ! H ljjvlv;i'uiii aJ 1 i w self-confidence. With a chancg to earn an Army K'teX ri::c.rr C:::;3 f-:. b:rr:r tr.i C:: D:;i:tr.::.t E::-- n.i-detirrn-rrc-sc-r, !:-L;ka Frr-i 2.C3 to 5 p.p., thVre ta tn cp :n ar.crr.ocn s:::i:n with il'::::3 ty r.Mc;I:-i pi government facials, fotoxd by pasei d?cussIons find questions frcm t..a audience. The session will focus cn t..e U.S. role in and responsibility fcr the African food crisis. The 1SS3 Sue HdbaJl Aard for Creative Ilu.ma.nlty will be sr.r.cur.ccd at 7 p.m. Sundsy at St. ?rlts cn the Campus Episcopal Church er.d Student Center. The award honors people in the UNL ccrr.aur.ity who contribute sl.'J iccntly to the develop-ratst cf a humane, open, caring and creative educational environment. The speaker at the pro gran will be Mzrie Arr.ct, UNL com lianity and regional phasing prcfa An Informal wto aid cheese reception will fcl'.o v tt.8 p.m. in tie :p Hall, isw K. m. mioa'ce 1 Don 0.O-7. ti::t::;t3 pre;- :r cf The freshrxn must p;y t3 to bin Fhi EU Sigma and 115 tc jein Alna laisDca Ita. Phi Eta Signia s cost includes a piece d jewelry and a subscription o the group's magaxine. Once students are initiated, they are lifetime members wia aren i requireu w maiaiain a hu- "It would be very difficult to follow up on all the members we accept their freshman ytvi " Gregory said Brian Yaw, a sopholncre in Teachers College and president of FM Eta Sigma, advantages. "It's a chance for a lot gf freshman to meet ether people and it opens up a door for esttini some possible scholar- The following incident s were to UNL police between 9:13 a.m. and 11:19 p.m. Monday, &:S3 Fiife ex'.ir.iblier r?crtd chrrri t Atel Till. 2;C3 p. ei. Dicvcle tire report. J -, !rn fo.:n Ai-cl Li'l. 3-C.l f .ta. 2:,3 Penan rsi:l c rU.:;-:s cf 86 p.n Puc3 rer:rt:i t.,.:n f.-,n LJ i t 4 V ' u' V c t;rr.: cn cc.;.: LJty c;;;r graduation. Since thsy are under nocbSi- Wednesday, April to, 1335 Ar:-! v 'ip hv schools : ir-- ' ::JtsApnU8 f.zcilttoL'Jp-.. in ths 11-ritige r- icrr al "UVrcrnuJe I 1 , c 1 cm" e.e dean's c::oc!t: :C. ':c:A:.3 tr.dSclen. c: c:-::h:ri:.;7;:::i. tlng tepiers: Did you receiv a Kitiontl Direct Student Lorn whiu tttendir UNL? If mt federal regula tions slat 3 Out yea must attend an exit interim These will be h the Nebraska Ur.icn cn April 2D end CO and in the Eant Unhn ( i Mzy 1. The times are as f;;'hr.r.: April 23, 5:C3 p.m.; April SO, 10:30 a rt; M:y 1, noon; May 2, 3 p.m.; Bjcrcitmcnt for students interested in psrtlcip3t!p4 ia the Free University warkthtp ccnunittea for fall has begin end piopk'iatersLted must sign up tcdsy m Yut$. A Free University wor:op tax thoE3 psople will be April 13 frcai 5 to S p.ra. CsU Mike cr Terri at UFC 472-2434 il yea to questions. . sMps eitcr grsdaEtba," he said. Susanna Drown, adviser to Alpha L&mbda Delta end assistant to the vice cksscdlcrfcr student aSxirs, also said the groi'p hm tit: graduation ad- "Both national organisations offer graduate fcllosrships ' and grants to those members who hove maintained at least a 3.75 GPA upon graduating," Brown said. Most students join both societies, she said. - Kathy Fuller, a freshman pre-med-icine student from Arnold, said the main reason she wUljsin the societies is to put them cn her resume. "It's nice to be acknowledged and it will give me something to write on my resume," Fuller seIA 4:11 p.J5i. Person arrsstsd on charges of check forgery. p.m. Wallet reported stolen from the f-'ii r"F" Ar:::U r-cr,i;d ste'en from Nft:-;i FJ.acitirr.:l Tiscnimanicatlons Ccr.:,rOii Z:,"'. Cz-r.z. ?:14J! rr.'i. rt;rftcd stolen from ' L:'ri r?':oft cf clothing &:dia f. - J r:U:y I'.H Crt C?.pu3 r-a. "'. t:A contents reported 3'-o!:a fu-m Lr.u L'Lr. 7. l:3 y.n. Cir r"crted stolen from n e - ft- C- p;.y:;jj't:..-i.;;t!:j end ad- c;ficr.:l)ci)c;. ;r;s at grauud ti:r,. if y:.j cr: i,.::r;:t;d ccntsct t r. g;-2f- i i...... 1 1 w . ..