The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1985, Page Page 11, Image 11
Wednesday, April'! Q, 1235 Daily Nebrasksn Pen 3 11 J -1 fca'iST6''tL Honda 5S0C8-K 1Wa ?v0 mitt $703 cr teat of?er 1 1-30-3:33 472-51 U, tftjr 6 p.m. but fcti'ore 9 p.m. 475-.'UJ- L .nan moimM CM30T. axcelfor-t eon-fitton. on. Must Mil, OOor best oet. Ca J or 4na-40i9, 1979 Mazda RX-7, A-C, 4 tpasd, good condition. 474-7639. 1979 WV Scirrcco, c-ne ownsr, siar, AC. low miltS 4;?47;;- ' 1976 Trans Am, Orange 413 2 s.'a. tires, 472-08C9. r: 1 i i-? CLC ilJt 'i Maw affordable, eni"--t -nl a ""1 r.-nti. Low utilities 2 bedrooms L ..-om v n novir, All appliances Flrr'' " : V . . JGW4f.--.Jv...-H. J HiriTfl! - 'f f.' " ArAl I i i tox'-ii We take tha hats! out of surfrinl 7u:riilng. 2-Bdfm. $350 plus dcp?:t, f Zl N. 23,-d, 423-3314, 468-4589. 2701 N. 27 Lot 118. awHatK Jum 1. 1 12 bath mobile home. Ap- -n?ti, t'.-.nt3mt, fi lot rani, water, and aewer. I- i'i lift tftiiillas. 7U-23 ?fj local or 464-6CS3 evening j. 2701 N. 27 Lot 28, 2-bdrm. mefcit rtone. Vav clean, available Meyl. Pre s lot . aawar, li'io plua utilities. 7S3-JP70 local or ,;4-5 swnincs, tur '"is"'. " s We need you to eut vis 41 " ownhoufa. 3 levals, all appliancaa, partu..y fui n..,c .1. I7;h t South, call 476-1053. Summer E-sjbte.K-9 La- 2-bedroom apt. wKh air, cw&a to East Campus. $355 plua utllitiaa, 4.,-3-t i : J. Summer Ho"-,:ni AmitoWe Acacia Frate.nity. Air Corteiilonad. Kitchen Facility Provided. For mora lnfarmtiO contact Mark M. at 475-2242 or 478-0253. 4200 Huntington, brick 4-plex. 2-bdrm, flreoiace, central air, appliance, parking, laundry. 4C3-8434 alter 5:00. Available May 13, nlc 2-bijfoom. tir, $335 plua electricity, excellent landlord, ast Baldwin i, 467 5742. Summer Sub-loa 2 63 furnished dup'ex, between campuses, $309 plus util. 7$-tit9. 3-bedroom Duplex at 1318 N. 8th, Lincoln. Call collect 829-4437 - Crate. Nice 2-Bdrm snlit-tevol apartmant available May 15. 1 12 baths, CA, dishwasher. WJO, $323 plus deposit. 477-1640 attar 5. 1 BR, 24 & T, immediate or May 1. $33. 477-8340. 640 N. 28, New, 2-badroom, dlshwanhar, AC, washer hookup, low utilities, $230. 7S-S8Sa. Summer coed living at Triang's Fraternity, sir cen ditioned, and laundry-facilities availafeia. Room avail able Mey 12th until August 17th. Call Dave at 472-1 1S4 or 472-9443. a (A 4 j Coed summer housing available at Chi Phi Fraternity, i Single and double occupancy ratea. Call Ws at 43'4 ; 3416 or 476-7719. 4 - ' j 3540 Huntington 1, Brick 4-plex, 2-CR., fireplace, i balcony, central air, appliances, semi-furnished, park- I mg, laundry, 467-5307 after 5. 3-bdrm. or 4-bdrm. Summer aubieasa. Fully-furnished Waterbeds! Botween campuses. Nearly nw, 477-1014. 2-bedroom unfurnished. East Campus 1230month plus utilities, availablt May 1. 467-23S2 attar 5:00 p.m. New 2-bedroom apsrtmtsnt. Lew uSilities. C'otm to s. 2212 "FT St. Great far aummaH 477-3430. campus. "1 data lm ray ci -.Arcrs Are you intentad lo v. f.j.n as a Caia F.ntry Operator in an of una on mi i ,.1 untt - s?Waare looking for Daie entry C - to w.t X 'i nd or 3rd shift during pek p'o Juc, t- only l you rava typing skill ot 55 wjmv , i j cr I s rre-j, wa will train you to opr. c a C T. We offer Mffdiutl e..rt" ,1, i! y erd Ufa Sn uranca, paid hM--s. r-J vs. u r. 5.3 wiih many otharaxeaiiort firv c s We w..l otar car pooling assistance to t . i cutlina a eac If In terested, apply in p"M-in-t CA ,CL V ' -iT : :.l ZZ Z C1 lli I i (,'! Lif'i" ' i, f r. 4 1J bi r'ai0Fiifl4Bri EQUAL L . . ,1T1 LOY' 1Q S'jr. "iLi '8 years of t-i or c. i t- current WSI.CFSU-jf a ICf Resume to: Barb Lambert 321 Glenhaven Dr . Lincoln, KE f.8555 by April 12, 1SS3 r if t hsv? L Eand Summer pes i ff. c Ur, --'! -d in er national firm W, -. vH 3t , , t3 1 -lainino imrvimrJcifLrw r , i . .,.!...., ... - i bookkeepin i "His requi.tfi. e ,r - , ji t i t 4 iT, "i n ' t 5581,0 r" ' r is r ,, 1 4 f 1 j i. 1 S uncom, t . "Summer Jr-.r-ft- r ton $5.00: a. - it 39 Suits 22, ju ., , , tf s mSw If D- ney' Summ' clM-Tt"d Call Mary i.. at 423-8J.6 or moie Informailon. HZZD CASH? Dirt Cheip buys ud rscords $ Ucs. J'h',lr;if, J lltKlS ro,,'nn,-' 2 bdrm. $1 65 plul i-4 cj. Miy 1st. Pool, near campua. 47)4&i0. Couldnt tet yoij graduate without a panonall So hara s a wish for a Happy eirthdy p ao y-S. You caw butt uMnyhma. O-Boomle KthyJ. (A Phi), C-ncatu!tiona on baing a:cied Mortar Bsard Nosaiiia Sophomore. Wa re p.c.d of you Lova, Your A-Phl Oiitaa .h!f Lh"i!w-6M !u v. ,,,',, Pt pnl h 'Ml'V think thay m stud." The t!rst lime It wms a water finhl But nat lima calls for MUD. WS LOVE OUR NAJiMFRf., the Pi Puis To the girl with Infectious imlle who Informed ma It wsa rsming en Saturday as I axtted Lova Library aruund J 3J. -Would tio ie meat youl Ouy In sweat pats (RVP) 6"y C. 8 Uia A (AOP). Thenka for being sjen'gonulna' fria.idsand cannall What wo'ild ( do witrtout yjut "P.O." WomntifLMH, Ttia ?ood wai gsod the company was great let'a do K again, at another Oota. The Men of AGS P., Know I will w.iit forever. You know that I lova you. T. AXC Seniors, Hop vour waok hs baen as special as you all are to ual Happy Senior Week wa lova youll AXO'a Bob end Qsve (Fiji's): on timeilil Grandmother a; cut It with a knife I nj to s soma I D. (I em older than ha kl!) Dave's ntw houta M'shsie's new house no s m back way off nirjhi goifir-c: test baila, noon light, tall boys and getting locked in. Do you mind If I tmokal Birdie King end Spikes do you mind If I amrka Bob, are you gatting drunk?l?t?l Sov's Town , FAcMONTH! 1. Viliflrjs inn 2. Spikt 3. Fluffy hot omelets 4. adjectives 5. Can w cover this? FORMAL?!?!?!?! Saur.dra and Michela Shelby, Happy Birthdayf Alp"". ;2hi Seniors, Have a nappy weak! And remember Enjoy tha last few days with your WONDERFUL sisiars , , . 'cauna we want them to be vary special for youii Your Sister I L.D.'S TYPINQ SERVICE Term paoers. resumes, law briefs 423- 716 tor QUALITY mmm -a--- -aw C 0 C3 'tf r ::) la: i 322CCTJTH 0X2 SHSST, MJCIIT, av 0 TilfclU X il -t V Vl1 Ma- , .f'. - Vf typiwa $1 25p;5lncludlngoroolrading,453-K51,6a,m. a p.m. 7oyaawk. TYFTWniTCfJ PENTAL8 SAli 5-!ifV!CE PLOOM 3 3. N 13th 474-4135 Prinnt7 Birthright Is a confidential helping hand. 4t3-2. v3. EXPERT TYPIST, raatonabia rstoa, call 4CS-3430 ai,f s p.m. Receive Impartial pro'e!onal opinion of vour lllrtr arv aiieds. t. j tivic eha-g. and photH!ony and SAh2 for roon and raturn o m".-r'n to' Vvrlfari' tivaa, P.O. box eu3, Lincoln, US. esm gostah i::3TnucTio::3 Private kissina, N"Tnn? or advanced ZACfH STUDIO 4-3-2,-vi Co r'' ' "jr a'a to- ' 1 f - V . i. "Amu i a a My c j-wis" $U-5 for 4 nourt 3 tm.nri A light v -im Call 477-i-jJ for cmp;v;:a brochure Smc'a 8 Prnnant7 Ajlnption is a caring aMnrnm.'ve. For eonHdanlial Intormaiion call Nebraska Children's Home. 4&J-7873. fHlt frit-ONANCY TESTING WOFiCEMITH Editing, proofraacipg, service for atl petsonal, bus iness neaJi. 4i.t-67.'3. S8Y0!VINa r.uss Frldav evenlnos. Tram with vldao and lump with a-iuare parachirtea. $sJ0, group discount available. 4X3-0232, tesva mi,.. LINCOLN Cf OrtT PARACHUTE CLU3 vorD anmnc vohd pnocsc3:na civics We've rented an extra computer to serve you baiter duri.ig tnc spring rush. TYPING BY LAYNE, FAST, EXPERT SERVICE. 73STA;DAF.D PACE. 435-6346 Supar High Quality Video Spring Spucinl Graduations, $25.85. Minimum 20 students weddings, regular $225. Special $173. Money Back Guarantee 402-453-2430. I I i : FRfeSH CIGARS Clitf's Smoke Shop 125"0" St. Cliff's Smoke 5hno Is moving, watch for announce ment. IMPORTED CIGARETTES Clitf's Smoke Shop 1200 "O" St, it.. FOUND: Keys on keychain at The Night Before, Cham has KAO and "Heidi" scratched on back. 474-6375. FOUfi 1 45, put MD. Off-Shore shorts outside Taco Inn Frldav purchased at Olympic Village. Call 474-1140 to identify. . - Siff 8i)H- .1 L GF.AT.nes "--y 4 .1! S 5 G Pi- XT IT JC; r rATVfr-lMAKf OKAY , VHATB OH CAVvJftnnj -( INVITE VOU TO J GMT IT JJE C A. T- Great? or Las Filling? let everyone r,ar you at the Tantas Great Lees Ftl'mg Corv'P;ii:in on aprM llthll It's all a part 01 the LI I E ei;.trl COMLDY COnNECTIONIII UPC Special tenta. URANTIA ECOX STUDIES 477-1043 435-3 . . - ROCKER FELLED For the ultimata in ri!el music, call 4S4-6814 Cliff's Srrtok Shop is moving, watth for announce ment. if you hava the "Right Stuff" to be a eommla ionsi cf':r, t;!sf6ia e'udnn'a can a't.ind Summnr Lealarshio Trlnf(f ' N;j Or,UC.T!ON. Ffh f ,72 an j cempo' for a J ytar scholarship. Go to Hin 1 10 M 4Nl.it3.,orail4715C2. El!"'fjie studsnts with I-jvo years remaining .t UML an a wnd aumrr?r asajoa to qualify lor that can hrtxl to an OMir-sr Comrriiaslon, Earn 6 credit hours. CO to Rai 114 MAN HWji or csll 471-fi:,2. i-i I k- i I j- ...... I I V,'onid you Uka to te a part of UPC Trl Culture antorta.iimiii fi!ival? Sinatra, dnnesrs, lis sync, all acts v.e!come. fcrmnsioied by UXC tilask $.;.ciul Fven's It j-ou wouij like U. participle, contact Vaughn Anthony H 472-2:14. , The In'a and Out's of Family Practice, G'iss.l apeaker will be Dr. Ftoi ert E ws. director of Family Practice at the VHi;'C. yved.wsaay, April 10, 6 30 p.m., Union. &e involved In choosing atudont reprtsentct'.on on Universl'y wide Commitaa. Intormutlon ami In the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. LUllne for application, Thurs day, Ap II 11th. SENATOR 20RIMSKY STATE StN. ZOO JOilNSON DIRECTOa OF AG CHUCK SCHfiQEDER answering queMxn abcot It. .. Wednesdny, April 10, 7:00 p.m. East Union Sponsor: FACTS Alpha Lambda Deita-Phl Eta Sigma initiation Wed nesday, April 10 at 7:00 p.m., City Union. Guest speaker and refreshments. Make-up Initiation and ctf'car elections, Thurs., April 11 at 7:00 p.m.. City Union. mil FOJALES All returning female students interested in Sorority Rush Weok 19 )5 need to register In the Panhellenic Office 332 Nebraska Union, 472-2563. it Come to the Crib April 11 7:30 p.m. for the LITE BEER CAMPUS COMEDY CONNECTION Free Admission UPC Special Events it UNL POM PON ORIENTATION MEETING Come to the Sob Oevaney Sports Center on Monday, April 15th, W.5. at 3:30 p.m. for the orientation meeting for tha 1835-83 Basketball Pom Pon Squad. Any questions call Nancy Williams, 472-2235. ALPHA ZETA Initiate-Active Mixer -6:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 10 at East Campus Union. Initiate test will follow. Dress semi-formal. r if f r. .--.' V- V --Jt. I MI if I'M i I i I THURSDAY, sattjr a Apnin J3 SUNDAY ..?RE-PERFnD,,... 3:Pm riT Purchase r; Sit.. ..... SUHMFFUFALL ADVERTISING 8ALE3J05S Tha OXX1 NCSftAMUM ' now accapiina r.jt'ica tiona for aummar andOf (all Advertising Ftopm-en:a tive pOBltiona. Applicants must be UNL sturtanta. Application avsilaola at the CAILY hZitJt&gi, Ficm 34, Nabraska Union. Application duaaune axitmlad to FriCay, April 12, 4:00 p.m. UNL dose not ciicriminate In the academic, admia alona or employment programa and aoldea by all (or. ti reguialiona pertaining to same. Need aocr-all .usywrs. New slow-pitch team forming, interes'sd? Call 49 .-9637. (City C s A) TKSCLCSY rcn LUMCrt April 11, Thurd,y, 12-1 p.m. Dr. John Yost. UNL "fW'Q-ou t'.hical Ciwwirse in Pu&fic Policy D -:utj.on" Nebraska Union Ys'LCOiwEI UNL It s not too Is tat SAA Find a NU Dote answer sheets will be available at a cooih In tha Union, Wad., April 10th. ' .iiii i GIFTS, GIFTS. GIFTS Ciivi'9 5 nrka Shop 121H"0SL Mai's Volleyball Club There will be a mandatory mealing on Thursday, April 11th, at 7:C0 p.m. In tha City Union. New members weicome. Pre-CaM Cib Meeting April 11, 7:C0 p.m., Unioo. Detroit Coilaya admissions, Dfitai Hygiene admissions. Nw mem bers welcomal FLAG CORPS AUDITIONS CORNHUSKER MARCHING BAND Attend ONE training session: April 13. 17. or 16. 6:30-9.00 p.m. Men's P E. Eidg. Auditions: April 19, 6:3-9:00 p.m. and April 20. 9:00 a.m.-12 CO p.m. M H Bldg. No experience necessary LITE BSER COMEDY CONNECTION Fr T-shirts, trae cape, free funlll Thursday, April 1 1 , in tha Crib at 7:20. Come to the booth in tha Union and ranil'er for a chsrtce to win it trip to Chicago. New York, or Los Angolas. A Special Events production. ix FREE U. Only 2 days left to join our exciting committee! Sign up at our booth in the Union today and tomorrow, 10-3. Workshcp to be held April 18, 6 8 p.m. ATTENTION! Marching Band Members BUI and your Rank Leaders would Isxe to sea you at tha Banquet Friday, Get your tickets from Rose today only. Do something to crow about. Be a marshal at , CornstockXV Ca!l 472-1780 SDA and Restaurant Mgr's Attend our April 10th (Wtd.) Mooting. Room 206 RLH 5-6:30 p.m. We will be electing new officers! tComs hungry there will be free pizza!) TKETA XI LITTLE SISTEftS Softball game Thursday. Meet at the house 5:30. VIDEO COMMITTEE MEETING TONIGHT. Dance Wrap-Up and plans for videotaping later this week. Don't miss it! 4:30 UPC office ix AMS Meeting at 6:00 in the Union. fJl 1 evening cf t" ' 3m) In V j; i ,F 6 ? I i: f'3 f-