The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1985, Page Page 7, Image 7
Tuesday, April 9, 1SE5 Daily Nobraskan Pago 7. ooa crisis m j ' AFRICA 7-. J I "k NetasSa it Gev. Dsn IZtGkdzj epesla ElessSsj la tSsa Yslter Sctt Es&cerias Cesfer. LiQLilr LHi-J cff E-Vesk, w&ldt ctisscs tinsel Cstsadsy. CodSarii'l Veu 1 After McGlntey's speech, reprcsen- , "tremendous amount of human know "The rci::a of miJ has been ac t&tives from Gensrd Motors, Rockwell ledga complied," hs s i!d, 'tat that which International, 8M, Olsson Associates of we icccsp J the?, v.3 cow take for Lincoln, Vshncr.t sad Intemorth met granted now it's m&intenoce we're with engineering students to ti&cass concerned with." , their company's latest engineering de He said private and nativs engines velopments. , ing Investors are seeded because of McGialey praised students for their today's constsnt'chssges end Improve dedication to engineering students end ments. . encouraged thea to accumulate a T JLjJL ncoin city -elections Lincoln vc'.cj can csst their hsihts in the city prizujy today but only one of 16 cidlies mill be eliminated for the peers! election on May 7. On the billot are candidates for the Lincoln Airport Authority, the Lincoln Board of Education and the Lincoln City Council. The city council race has the only competition, with seven can didates running for three seats. ; Council candidates include current council chairman Joe Hmpion and incumbents Bill Dailey and Louis Shackelford. Other council candidates include Coleen Seng, Paul Sicthr, Stan Doctor and Paul Essman. Six cf the council csndidcics will advance to tha c:r.crd ebcfbns. Candidates fr the drrrcrt authority include Harry J., i.arcid D. Candidates for the board of educa tion include Marian L Price for Dis trict 1, tees J. Carver and Sue Good- at 1:39 p.m.' Boilding, 15th and K streets; the Salva tion Army Community Center, 1645 N. 27th St.; the Maios Community Con- gad David J. livers from District 5. The polls will be open fecr.i 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. Some polling sites near the UNL campus include: the Indian Center, UOOf.!itaryBoad;NebraskaSpcrts Center, 1800 Court St.; the state Capitol INDEPENDENT SPECIALISTS IMC. TUESDAY (8 pm, Centennial Room Keynote Address by Julia C. Bloch, Adm., Bureau of Food for Peace, US Agency for International De- velopment Discussion to follow. t ,j f. w - WEDNESDAY (2;30 pm, City Union) jU Forum: Debeba Worku, Fermenant Represer.tativa, ? V , .Ethiopian Embassy. NY. V ' '' "-4 s Mr. Gborg Scharffenbcrgar, Coordinstor, African I, f Food Systems Initiativa. Mr. Hicnard Heroto, tconomut, Bureau or Atncsn . Affairs, U.S. Dept. of Ststo. "Your human knowlsdg a has to be preserved, while it accumulates, so that it csi b passed on," he sdd. E-Week continues today with an Energy Boad Rally beginning at 2 p.m. Psrticlptnts v411 meet at the state fair- grounds parking lot, Rear the north entrance, son from District 3, Norman L. Dcrity ter, 20th and U streets: and Grace Uni tea Metliociist tnurcn, 2tn and ll streets.-- For information on polling sites closer to your home or office, call the Lancaster County Election Commission office at 471-7311. ... iriPOET AT JT SEFAIE Laucrr.n. 0 J F02 VO!-T.7ACON, AUDI, DATGIW, CUSAEU, HONDA, TOYOTA 0LV '.'i tr e ' i i u - (Mil Mt n Ci i t V: . (I 1 i Z I u i i - n D n a .'ft :!I 5 f J in a s 0 bii ' ' fi . h n U H n n n i if-? 1 1 ii n l 3 Li '! n - Ei ?' n i IScy 10, 1 J i ' -ajT U .i' IJ0j rivrirtr.a f: - Mil j ' . ; ft -it 3 y :i SI If i l-i u ! ! n Li n I r; V" I j H T (pLfW7 An4 new fftf Irawpcli .wund Th muue Mini trie mMttion I then flourish M 10:00-12:00 noon 1:00-3:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00-12:00 noon 1:00-3:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 sm 9:00 prn-1 :C0 em APRIL 11 Thursday HE Union Career Planning & Placement with Gerry Phaneuf N Union U.S. Si Lstin Political Affairs with Susan Schroeder Susia Prengsr, Bill Avery St Ralph Vigil NE Union Juan Hernandei-Folk Singer $1:00 UNL STUDENT $1 .50 NON-UNL STUDENT APRIL 12 ' Friday HZ Union Cultural Identity with Ralph Grajeda, Kay Nickel,' Juan Hernandez & Marty Ramirez NE Union Featured Speaker: Rodolpho "Corky" Gonzalez NE Union Guest Speaker: Corky Gonzalez APRIL 13 Saturday Pioneers Park 8th Annual M.A.S.A. Fun Run $3 ENTRY SHiRT TO FIRST 75 RUNNERS NEC Bldg. Mexican Dance with tha "Cervantes" 11th Floor, 13th 8e "O" $4 PER PERSON $7 PER COUPLE APfilL 14 Sunday '9:00-12:00 noon 333 N 14 "Menudo" Breakfast at the Commonplace Across from the NE Union $1 UNL STUDENT $2 NON-UNL STUDENT A C A MMICANMI'IN fly p -.. ' '.--Sl 1- . .. ,. luesday f . V h- U4 Wednesday 1 :S w S !1 IvJ -',. At E tan h L, I ' April ' I; st'S l!:v) to ii - nil iiih I J .arw J Dcn'tMbOafTth t Annivcr: :ry Celebration. !l v Cotx on in, cur Pizza ad Hot Hcc-cs ac fc:h from the haadi, but the super by prices arc 7 ysa o; i. La: w chcec f:2:a far $4.43-Hc-es fea lX3H:'f ih:s-cs fc.-r. 95$-e!I purcisrrtit 'rcsaiptcriysr.'ices Km ;nz Grr,G ;::;y cvd t::c- ln c::t rar;:cci3 EXII CAV! F-.i.T.i btil scurfs vir.K5 3':! iy "fcrjr z?. 'kl:r.:Ls. Gift certifies h sr.ounrs ll.CO to $25. CO Gissd Faze ofihs Day. i i 1 M ';.V.CI SI j, 1 A , . , ,-3 ' lit w ... iti ; . - "T'.js. ::r yhc:rt -y if ssr :, Kr.tysy.?; :.. i ' f