Monday, April 8, 1035 Daily Nebrcskcn About four hours sicr Nicholson ws.1 murdered, tha r resident, bres3c ferilsts Viith purarlsts, wu esked Etcut Soviet viditta of anas-ccntrcl -f:;.?.cr.f.s his adhi- stK.tisn ha fccssie&tsl Ha spoke .;.. 4 but eqi'diy sincere Vatatauartf cf ivl:at the t$tment2.regzire. Ha epeke cffc&g 'Vs fa csa by deed prcT3 v.2ixt cur intentions era." The SsvUistra in ths CSlhycsrcfamurfcr rs.ti.ij-end tha prc-jisni is & cus uni crstindfc: Ifwa csnjust prove cur In KC2 a Frsnch cHecr cpsnlfeg under the IS 17 tyeesiest thst covered Nie&sbca's activities killed when his csr run cl the reed by East Cerasa forces, British oSccrs operat ing urju-sr the tgrsciacsts have been involved in suspicious "accidents." Six ds73 after Nicholson shot the ("cy he wis buried in Arliren Nnticnsl Ccmetsty, within sight cf the cfHee where Secretary cf State Shultz met with Soviet Ambassador Bebrynin those two men discussed baring discus- commendable. Mensuiad ggainst the sions to prevent such "tlmim" It ' task, it is unsatisfactory. ! wc3 "murder" one iky, tn "episode" lids - conclusion is compelled by the next at a Stele Department &fr things done tad kit undone, from the in in p'essure becuuea tha Soviets fsilure to use the 7c:c.i cf enforced have rsreed to cccpersto wi:h us. defrsit fjei.U the PcILh ie.'ne's Will the murder interx:;t, on, to the current s-uindL- if J nc:r.r:r.t;ri!y, the talks hcrolyve fet erry c.i the chfae cf c -Tri. ' the Evicts to tc? to c7.:.v U.S. Th. d:!s cf policy tor-J 5-J -i ! taipsyerj to subsidise, v.I-h erei'U, ds;nonst::tcd the d:::o to v'..i:h a tne &m cf hi;trcsr.::ev to t! s co: i.o.lotwcir.iehino? r;.i. CA in: I I l30tV. . A . I I V.J f r i l. J L-j"i.'LJ' u -J U4 U L4 U U i ,g!i''M3re3a' Wa tew' Vj Any combination cf the 3 (oV.odng items: r i r. contreriprooess,"ltLt:or:..aI:':eit3 ti:r. cf errss control to tie n..i cf i respcndCTcntonurdsr,!:,tarrp:.:r c:,-.t:rr::oo in U.S.-C;t-iet relations t jeopardise that "prc;e L'istodsrts may cose; ... a CUU:) deree: during this tii:.isir;li:n that tho cortr .1 !.::; th:-.:.t ::i;j cJlvv their v.Lh:s to J 1 "1 3 Afi r? r Vyltn r 3 c!Tan nadaam ccifpca Epn 7pm r.:ai . gat Fliui cfiipa end crasa. Lriutcdi Ct-.tcs ccncli If V m Unsigned editorials represent cSlcisd policy cf the spring If 35 Dsi'y Nebra shan. Policy is set by the Daily Neira skan Editorial Eosrd. Editorials da not necessarily reflect, the views cf the university, its em- ployceo, the students er the NU Bosrd of Regents. The Daily Nefcrsskan's publishers are the regents, who established the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily producticn cf the p?per. ' According, to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editosial content of the newspaper lies solely in vqu wsr,i "lost" l r.c::i o f :i, i. p cesrseJ t;.e last chances to erabc J!y in catloa correct death ts' dm "Hr-re j thinking about the Soviet throtl. Thto fcra est tern even a Soviet epclcjy. Has . severe judgment is justified h spits cf the president as'cd for one? If not, why the fact actually, because cf the fact net? If he has asked, what price will he that-this administration is wiser naka ths Soviets psy fcr refitting for than its recent predecessors and prcb ccpounding coldblooded murder with E ably wiser than its successors will in, csientatioas disdain for the murder It is the wisest the nation haa had in a culcer's commander in chief? generation. Measured that way, it is 12:3, Wfishlngian Post Writers Croup . 311 M. Coiner vSouth 4Gi & U'A'eil Coupon rxplmt 4-14-tiS ri f"l i '"i pi r"? ri f "1 AT 1- f s -da tit? if"' tfs-J'''",u1iaS''" "" d (a) 7 s 1 I 4 ' Dssdlina extended to April 12, 4pm Tl.e O'iiy t' t:r?''"'" is now accepting applicatioriS for summer andor fail Advertising Representative positions. Applicants must fea UUL students. Applications tvailable at the Drily ffehrgsktiL .. Room 34, Nabrsska Union. .UK Li doe not disciiminate in the academic, admissions or employment program and abides by aU federal regulations pertaininj to same. 7 '1 . t1 s b .-as r w " 9 ' L' .1 fTThe reol wodd b o compe "'t!ye ptacs. Compor.cS who fsto Qroduotes Jyi't Kpa expf. ones, bus : da bok for eJ'jee: on-ol bot. cends c'ict c?r;t vc"jca ?. G.-ad-uc::s wts nova thoss bact grounds often Sksvc- tfe edge over the competition in th i; v O J c ?or sir ,f sc r i .f Lot cr.v;: ' 5 c:o I: -! t3 C:-.-:f a"'-;:! I": a--o. " "A pc-: ;d c-r: ' cce con : iii ic crJ lai! pec tlces. 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