Thursday, April 4, Daily Ncbrxsksn Fi 1 1- o Pajp 10 t Rittsf cf feet, Tn ces Into Stutllcr.dJ vM tha a pnltlc vlc.v tUc Us thsit sts-ix fl a a aen a h ' m - ... j Diooccr.cj la .raft's mix S3 nat Rctaliy TIss hmrlcus J aspect yea cave to bs cor-sclsus cf stc,? cf Caterers Ccsty.H V '-4 when rer Ma. Twain ed,: dzila Ikiiz wiata, Ee e&id Ms gtutknU generally llk "fcltrk Tw3ia'j csetei rijrasis wo his Twain, tr.J c.tsn caress curpriia t Infectte fcuasr e tecr ess tha darker cldo cf his liter wcrks. feca his peRetettoj lr,r;I:t Into the "Twin's wsrU wen dependent cn tables end fc'IIca cf fcsssa citura. his own life," Stu&lMdd laid. 'Tom This tbility to sr.&ke pecpla laui tnd Buck were bssed cn places ha (although thty might blush fit the same knew and aaventures he had ts a ttasju..." Sa&ud Chrr.rr.i, htirr.crlat, scd:l He srid his later work and msxked thinner, s;.i;i:t, tr.i r.c:i cfsll Aracri- misanthropy was caused by his csn provided estertslcRt tr.i more. Intense personal prcblezns, including Chances are yo'j have a copy cf cn cf his bankruptcy, the death cf his wife his novels, but chance ere, too, that and favorite daughter and the epilepsy your insight into U; s man end hl3 works cf his youngest daughter. stops v.Uh '"i'ha Advci.turcs of Tcm This sida cf Twain l3 especially evi dent in one of his later works, 'The Mysterious Stranger." Twain s output cf work was i FPATA 0(jR 9P0N5ER. TsriSa is definitely worth discover ing cr rediscoverinj. Some things, Uks fi nse Kallcy's Const, for instance, erejuat as ill and perhaps his moat entertaining interesting the csecitd time you tzz work v:a3 his earlier short stcries. As a .at ' HI B 'T ; i VP) A I ' . 51 ISP .. . . s . i i Cnr.k MJh L i FCIKS, TO G DrKIfl 7 Lfxl , J : 1 Tho Wost Ccxzft Hottest J ii t jLT III Rhythm & !uos Candl LljjlD jomqhT-SATURDAY flji J08$ HR$cf A RAHQriAL VM by iciiYScHZf faugh V ( ; : i am smm it h (r.r HAS r 1 tffi: VA OP COniC TIDING! V Fj yI t ' t i r -'rfr?ft f..rvrt toe I m f I t r I t ' ...... i v. ..y i it- it ij,i i ( fi JT LB5T H stioao OCT sons csceNT :-.: jr E.-i ant V V 6 i V r X V RECORDS .TAPES 237 So. 73th - COMPACT DISCS J 220 Ha. 10th (( uality. it's as importaiit in diamoeds as m anything else yon own. I - - I V, J There's more to a diamond thm meets the eye. And to understand the differences between diimonds is to under stand the 4C's Cut, Color, Clsrity and Carat-weight. It's these 4C's that determine the value of a diamond. The differences between diamonds are subtle indeed. But to people of discrim inating taste, it's quality that makes all the difference. Your jeweler is the expert where diamonds are concerned. And he can show you high-quality diamonds in all sizes. They simply look better and will enhance your jewelry, no matter what the design. Quality. It's unmistakable. And it's as important in dia monds as in anything else you own. i -s s. m, e rr r 12S9H.SL Soa.-!. 8S1fea, ZM 1t:3aSia J KanA-S:CNa y' bur guide to diamond value. : ! l i.Nrf v,v. ,.u p v V kH- M) V?C !i' vi :-..-Jrrr rrrg -- --.Ji.-ZZI...,,jj, Ga-iting tten? is hd? in hjn. So when ths ccoxicn fe - V" T( spscio!. os'ebfQii in style. Vl;h a dorfc cffccur-drlven , I 0l CodillQC from Admirol UmojsSrte. " f A limousine odds glamour to cny celetfcn from XL''j - spnVfbrrrtGbtosunvnervec SsT I For iservoHorts. cell AdmfraJ Umouslne. Antv In style. " ftrf-rszJtcK 'I " i f'f&' -s-H-HH- - LI M I Chauf?3uKiven CocSJIoo far am special occasion. 1 i X OUSINE Chauf?3uKiven CocSJIoo tor aiy special occoaon. 475-5445 Vo and MasrefCard cccescS. VfcJ 4 w1 w