The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1985, Image 1

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d -
Wednesday, AprH3, 1C35
University cf Nobrcska-Lincoln
Vol. C4 NO. 132
7f ?.ihsn Another perfect day with partly cloudy
ski : i end a high of 71 (22C). Cloudy end .warm
tonigrrt with a io.v of 40 (4C). Partly cloudy end
cooler Thursday with a slight chenca of showers
Cc8 C7u.&obsrSt!ty t&tr&eSxii
Soiaiyier '05 job
grab dagPagen
A miracle Oil
iltyl StfGi...Page12
j'ii. Q j-U.
L &- O
7?K they get y mi a job?
Relax, sep Gerry Phansuf; director
cf UKL's terser Flsssfe and Place-
Djf Ana Lsrr c
EilteYs nates Ilia is fca tLSrd
csilcle in a caries feed ct fcclp
Lr?j ctndsada pre;; jiis to ester
tds jsb osr&ct. CJfcsr ftsztes
trill fca en eltcmaitfrca to t'is
c2a&$tfra weik wcild end a
ff3tsi3 "ta C: pc&sBBklgF
fssdsndl c&dsstt
ft's getting toward semester's end
- time Lr a lust attempt to pull
cut cf ei aesdemic nosedive. It's
hareVyeu say, frith a part-time job sad
carapus activities edird up year study
time. Still, you think you should try for
better grades. After mil, you'll be job
fronting soon.
meat Center. Coed grades can ser,o
toss help you ia the job market, Fha
neuf sd-d, tat average pados won't
hart. Ia fast, your activities and work
experience prchably will count more
than year grades when yea lock for a
"Ninety percent cf the companies
that interview here won't core about
G?A unless it's really bad," Fhaneaf
Employers used to consider grades
heavily in their dedsiens to hire, Pha
neuf said. In the last seven to 10 years,
however, they have begun to lock harder
at the "total packer" cf work expe
rience, campus activities and personal
ity, he said
. CeatSacsd ca T&& 7
Kerrey says proposals
would enlmncs education J
I$y Gen OcstrKp
Sefiter Stewarts ;
Funding for a state scholarship pro
ps! and & gsveracr-appeinted KU Board
cf Regents are two key measures now
before the Legislature that would en
fence the quality of Nebraska pest
secondsry education, Gov. Bob Kerrey'
sdd Tuesday.
Kerrey, speaking si the Nebraska
' Ststo Student Aseoctdien's ninth Leg
iddhe tsserbh the Hebrews Union,
said LE1I0 would increase some cf the
competition between Nebraska's higher
educational institutions.
LB190 would set aside $3.3 million
from $10 million in revenue frost a pro
posed Nebraska future fund. Kerrey"
esM money for the future fund would
'be generated by o increase in the
state's cigarette tax, assuming the fed--era!
government drops its 8-cent
cigarette tax nest fall a3 schedule!
'Hie bill would erode a more fce&Uhy
envirojsient under which cur institu
tkns will he-to compete rad will
have to perform in order to receive this
money," Kerrey edd.
Be said the tZ millioa is a feetion cf
the 1223 million that will be spent on
the state's higher education institu
tions. But thai money's djdleaneo
will be 4tar-reachin" Kerrey sdd.
Kerrey said that if people ere going
to elect the Board ' cf -Events, the
voters need to know what is required cf
a regent and how these requirements
have changed.
"The types cf skills we need on the
Board of Eegents m very diScult to
select through an elected process,"
Kerrey said. '"The skills required today,
re skills that require people to under
staad the personnel proes:s how do
you select good p eojie? ll'y do you put
& pry plm into f oct? IIov do you allo
cate resources so 63 to have money for
salaries which I argue, are first
dollar expenditures? How do you make
technological decisions? We've get-to
confront technology today and get that
technology incorporated into cur edu
cational system."
Kerrey sdd many people who have
those skills do not run for election.
"It's come to a point in time where
we're geing to have to select net only
what we're gofe to be, butwhere we're
gdnj to put cur flrst-ddler inveeti
ment," he sdd, "and I think it's gdnj
to be very dlSeult in make these kind
cf dedsicaj when we're eiectinj that
. 4
i r
"""""" ' t!w iiwrjs&aa
Greslcs on a stick?.
Eliasy JcSjssaa, a ceab cr cf Pi Be& PM israrS, dtsM the top cf percla ia fesril ettta
Plil Gsrtssa Rslta festers fecisss, 1425 E St, Tessdsy. Th FUL end PI PMa ere
tsljg tsma eltthi3 ca te pais for a total cf ICO bsssrs week to rdbs iscasy for ths
Vslie Ilsp-a AleccSlm CctsaselSs end Eefsmi Center, S410 O Ct. Tfeey fcepe to raiss
t2rZ& t!a-s to.a:tl5n3 end Elsaa. '
T1 i j
r.:- ';r r::i . .nee hdl f::d it's nd,
f i i;'j tzr.l Ls e cddsdi t!,at d::::Yt lock
Tl3 1: E::t Union edd .da h"i dzk
? :oi:n tdd"3 rd gy ch'r3 r:
K'.e tv"3 b rd.r:r:"ta, Ari tv.e t.i ?
f. .re 13 i trji to dd::i I.:::' c:i'," ;ry
ttidcn J f.c -i t -th cr ?" .3.
Lid C '"irudon Lr f-3 crl d.e
td :o t ....c tS t: e c.':: h ., el the Z -d, Vdcn D
K77, ::d r-il I.' :.d 3 f.rl T:d
vdonad:: 1 r.C :..u :d" ."iT" tdd.e
i c. ' . : . j. f.r II i c:ld:la to Ce Let
l-d. r e tdddv v:5 tidy r:dd cn H:d
Pee-! e fleckd to uea it leaasi it in &3
Eat D:n Yc'.t- f;oi sonlee rar:':: cirk?
the cderis's h.yi:;, ?d i the hd'd - v .r.'t
the cdy reaoon for the eddrda's cjieerrs,
'The r. : " n r 3 w: .d j-f J, tut the nnieos
dr-rn't erode c.adlty Led," he edi
Y;r: ho tirnj f::d rr.iea d'red:r rt
Lired.ds Li .n i::;.eidJ Id:dtd lad,
sdi lv d, Id:rd he t:J V,z ddl"dd Vt wed to
l-e crd::,:d n L-ituL? frd fades,"
To L.vid thd Id d, Yo .r. v.ho jt sr-r.e cfhia
Lrirdrr;;1 :e; :zUS.lzryS. dn,
td J to c. -.e 1? ' g:: 1, cc.ddent ra..';:s
arJ pr":u ill f .d c::cL"y. r.tcs cr-i no
: -or tf;::--Y.v-j "iiitt:d;r.::3t,,-ia
y. irtod..,.' n tv.e nr,v in c:e. d :n
ed,h::dl,h:inc.froi!r reneoL t
the e:d edd.ia trd cd,:r U!IL Led s:rd;:.
Ih;T::v;r, r!::'oJ:hrxte:i, ho is the current
Ketrad;a Bt Udon food snice msasser, tJi
the er.t cdd::.i csn't rdy cn a cf ;de aucdnee
Ide tthcr fa-i e nleea co.
"We have to da? in the cash customer,"
Cdy aloat Id? cf the cdly n:X
c:.'d:ds patrons to residence hall dvdd.
Jv:.r. d-n rdi. Co cad crLtcdi -.1 menders
try to r.dsvre "cl.ilian cu dr.:rs" v,ho don't
h ve ta edata urdtrairy eddedi 1 ee ? co!
1 a-':. T"t t:rau--3 a'i udsorolty Lei erdeas
recwve sv-...:s u.ys centra re: J,
L ? r d :? d :r : 3 cm 1 3 3 in tie iter.
Thus, rd'.Is dldj::nees are r:.:;:r.dvh Lr
thc-.tfdidrl ar;re:ud;-,d:dl
Id '. j erdi ca dr. n v.h? n.y tde th:d
tulr. -o cd:-d.e3 d.i;-, 3 r:ro foar ":ri t3
csjcicnt w3 g..di-ho3, Jt.Ti'jw0n sau
Another diTefe.3ic: the enormous dessert
selection. Johnston, who was assistant Led ser
vice msnagcr for sheet three years, sdd City
Camps desserts are prepared at Abel Hall Led
service, then catered to the ether residence hdl
csfetsrias. Cn East Campus, lrevcr, the cafeteria
makes its cwn desserts.
Jdj;d.:n, who ado is s didltian, rdd her
etrs e.'.iedicrd brknr.d ti e"r:i1:ne3
v.ith cdl:u3 Loi Eunices m he mdhr naaoi
f ;r Ctst Cpus' lljx foci cdity. Johnston ari
hir da.! iientdy mMn students' tries
i they U ets cello 23 Led and L-o v the
wads tsid Ltzta d htircdl.e students.
The id::J 3 pe;d--y cf 3 e::t
cdd:di b pt'y rtr-orr'd.e Lr a C"-c:;.t sur-d.!:rCd::"t:-d.:
etui v.d" thxe from Gty
CsE&nned ca Pc 3
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