The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1985, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Friday, March 22, 1035
A community fonan titled "Mad
juena Update" will be Wednesday from
7:CD to 9 p.m. at Lincoln East High
School Auditorium. The free presram ti
open to the public and is sponsored by
the Lincoln Council ca Alcoholism and
Diri Sehecl-Cemmurjfv Ir
I Program.
Sunday through March 20 has been
designated by the State Civil Defense
Office as Tornado Awareness Week.
The ststcwlda tornado warning exer
cise vil! bo Thursday between 2 and
2:00 p.m. A tornado watch will be car
ried statewide over radio end TV sta
tions at approximately 2:05 p.m. At
approximately 2:20 p.m., a wsrnlnitwill
be given Kid the civil defense sirens
v;1Il sound atateviida. At that time,
UNL'a internal tomsdo alarm system
also will t-e tested. F2caus3 some uni
versity building do net have alarms, it
will be necessoy for people In those
b:i''dl"j to depend cn the external
Only about 5 percent cf college stu
dents sp;rc;j of casual sex, Crockett
said. "And they're making all the head
lines." Another recent study by sociologist
Leonard Cardan cf Wright State Univer
sity in Ohio also makes the Forum fig
ures seem hish. Csrgan's report showed
that about 0 percent cf never-married
adults had between none ard three sex
partners; 20 percent had four to 10; 10
percent had ll to 20; and less than 10
percent had 21 cr more.
Hoi-He stands by Us report.
'"I don't know how you could get a
better national sample," Nobile said In
a telephone Interview. He said he col
lected SS3 questionnaires from young
people in Lcs Angeles, Houston, Min
neapolis, New York City, up-state New
York, North Carolina, Cambridge, Mass.
and Omaha.
Respondents were asked to mark
how old they were at their first sexual
intercourse, their number of sex partners
to date, the number of partners they
want in their lifetime, the number cf
partners they expect in their lifetime
eid whether they expected to be faith
ful in msrriaga
Mobile said his survey shows that
any reported trend toward more com
mitment in relationships Is "media
hype" snd a "reflection cf sex thera
pists and middle-aged magazine edi
tors Vwki) Juiw SjfcOwdl CiO'ii ti;rc
Crockett said he knows cf no formal
study cf sexual behavior at UNL. But
surveys of marriage and the family
classes in i80 and 1S85 may indicate
more sexual permissiveness, especially
aniens women.
In KZ 3 percent cf 21 men and Co
1 i percent cf 3 women idi premarital
sex is CJ.Lr erg; ged coupes. In lw5,
72 p:ra;;t cf 13 men ar.d ZZ p.reoat if
42 woi:;afaal
Kir.:! percent cf the men tr.d 61
fsraeat cf the v.:::.zi h ItZ ) i z:z
h ce: :;l:.". L'thprnera uz U to.
Cne hur. !:z 1 percent cf the r.ei tzi 74
te:x"ic CL3::nne'ari'c;:d Li ll'.j
percvit cl t:;s wer.en In I OX'd izi
c:t:M i;he f '.3 "nit ee'.ieii
kdy a'cctbatte." ifce n&nbrrs
deJl-iuin i: J to
ra-a a J 2 'zzz i cf t'.e v.tcil
1. 11 ;i m'7 net ta K4.r:. .'.e cf
ths ertle I. L r. i-t t:J;, t-lrea
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tlarms. All university personnel are
requested to go to designated shelter
areas during the tornado' weminj period.
An "All Clear" will be given cn the"
radio. Building maintenance reporters
will be monitoring the buildings to
aseist everyone hi finding shelter areas.
A claes fer certification In the use of
the Per.nett Martin Library's TR3-B0
microcomputer hes been scheduled for
Tucsdi uLitx 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the
library's room, 14th and N
The das3 Is f.?o and open to the
public. Class size is limited, however.
To enrcll fer the class, contact Refer
enccInformaticn Service at the library,
A r.atieneJ cn the "Polit
ics cf V.Vit!r.3 rr.atfucticn" will be at
UNL today and Saturday.
The meeti?;? wiil focus cn the cur
rent dete teachers on how
and wh?.t to ittch students about writ
ing whether it's possible to teach writ
lnj, and what student usage cf talking
Daily Nsbrsskan
and writing is acceptable.
The Updownt.own.ers is inviting the
public to its first birthday celebration
cn Thursday from 5 to 7:20 p.m. at
Golds' Gaileria Atrium, 1033 O St.
The party will include live music, a
cash bar, complimentary cake and hors
Updowntowners looks forward to an
enthusiastic crowd to share in the first
successful year of promoting downtown
Thirty four young Japanese men soon
will finish their studies in a 12-week
animal science production course at
UNL. The students in the Japanese
Agricultural Tidrins Program will
receive certifies of completion at a
closing ceremony March 23 at 7:0-0 p.m.
at the Nebraska Center far Continent
Educatlen, Z";A an He-ldro streets".
The public is Invittd.
At the end cf its second decade, the
Jspense Agricultural Training Proram
) lit? i
- 9 f
i i
- 1 1 4 t 8 i i ,' i
continues to c.Ter Japanese youths a
two-year experience in specialized agri
cultural and cultural trainln.1.
Keprcsentativcs from every aspect cf
Nebraska's food Industry will gather
March 29 for a unique planning session
designed to promote better coopera
tion and outline g;;a!3 for future improve
ment. The conference from 0 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at the Villager Motel in Lincoln is
sponsored by the Nebraska Bankers
Association and coordinated by the
UNL Food Processing Center.
The UNL India Association Is having
a unique dance program for the first
time in the citycf Lincoln and UNL
Th e program is a two-hour recital cf the
classical Eastern Indian Dance form of
Odissi. The Odissl dance form is one of
the four major classifications cf Indian
dances. The program Is scheduled cn
March 2i), at 6 p.m., at the Nebraska
Union Caliroom. Admission to the pro
gam will be tickets of 13 for non
students, and (2 for students with I.D.
i i sir
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The Student Nuclesr Weapen3 Frees e
Campaign will sponsor m open discus
sion with a panel cf sperAers Li the
Nebraska Union main lobby April 2, at
2:30 p.m. Among the speakers vill be
UNL professors Leo Sartcri (former
senior advisers to the Salt II detec
tion) and Ivan Volgyes (former Soviet
citizen opposing the freeae resolution).
State Freeze coordinator Brian Coyne
also will answer questions.
New members are encouraged to
attend the Nebraska Native American
Student Congress which meets every
Monday from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Culture
Center, 1012 N. ICth St. Phone 472-1 4S3
for more information.
A fashion and culture show will be
featured at the first International Night
on April 5. The event, sponsored by the
International Student Organization,
starts at 7 p.m. in the Nebraska Union
Ballroom and Centennial Hccm.
Tickets are $3 and go on sale April 1
at an Information booth in the union.