Peg 3 12 Friday, V.zrch 22, 1CC3 Daily Ncbrcskcn l) ) ( CLOVE CIGARf TTE3 Cliff's STioa i.hop 12ffl)"0"St. r f , Thanks lor everything I II mlit you. f - J t J In j in rf t t i i ( c( I C. y L' noi Love 0 r t i o f 1 o r - - - "i r David - Happy Birthday. I love yout And hava for 5 5 of your tt t ! Diana P S. ISIFT Df . . . A Braak Such at tha Study Break. Was tha Perfect B'H. Bafora Spring Break. Thanks for "" with usl Brant E. (Schramm (I) Glad Fodaisadag mm brorl Mycket Karlek, f roken Ericort Juriebufl, April Showers bring f lowr In May After your birthday You'll look good in gray your old man -live super fun CREAK. Looking forward to lots of gooo t:ms wrore unci To Guy In stalrwall last Friday Night 315; You watt great, lets do it a jam. u.n witn scrapad Dun Lova, Brothars of Ag Man p S Bring your fcnea psds next timal Mike Congratulations to tha VVinnrsl Hava Happy 21st. Wlah I could sa you on tha - Pt A' Taam Slopes. 2nd Place Aipr-a Tau Onwga 'A' Tesro Cin Beat La js Oig:na Alpha Ensilon John Barrihill spirit Contact Deita Tau Dalta Banner Contjl pite Uptnon AM Mot. ' . Careful with sarewdrlvar on (door) knor' s fiiovtMort Smva, Swprlswt Luv Ya and am behind youl You'ra so epo C'!i! I know you'll coma through. Always hint, Taml Mary, MAWY 2 tat iilRTHOAYM Hopa you hava another fc'aal yar! Pauia Gloria: Heppy 20th blrthdayl Hava a good break I'll mail you a pouicard if my arm'a not in a caail Lauria Jorry fl. Carolina L. Curt 0. Lorene W. Caw N. Congratulations on baing ei:c;cd to the ASUN Sanei. Your Ag Man Erothtrs t .. .. LOST; dod HoM blue limn .'ncKol. DpuMalKQar. with throe buttons. Ltst sr at A TO ruMs. March ISJit. pleas rail 474-2853 or i3-S';::' REWAflOII FOUfiO; sMi'a, wttfiH. 3id Fl. Rmtroom, East Cit pus Ur.ion. 4, 3-i-S4. Call to Idantify. t-Lw O . Frltfay, f v?" be t K-Mitn4&hvit ci2 C3 pm, to T'-'H t-j r--s F"'---i w, eowrt cn iy t-.4CTtoni a-,ti 4tj4-78i4, Kaitn 4i-i.'i-,"l. In I. a C J r. ) 1 it'H.j). i l . It 3. UMTIA ROOK STUOitS 477-1C'.J 4353 ti U' l"rl Swimmar Duda &at of Luck Naxt Vek Do great and Know I m blastll Hopa to aaa you naxt year Charing! TJ Thanks to an thjta wno pantclpatad. Wa had Lova, AOPI s Lana (AG") Heppy Birthday Sunday!) . . .) f II . Join America's largest cruise line operating on the Mississippi River and East Coast. Need hard working, reliable individuals. Positions available for stewardesses, e'eckhancs, and galley help. Greit opportunities to earn mone anytime during tne year. Enjoy traveling and seeing the country while living cn board ship. SOTTE&a EfmCYSslIKT AVA3LKSLE Call Now!! 203-345-4507 Jut.1 1 Congratulatlona on being salectad to tha Mortar Beard. Your Ag Man Brothars Sandra Hava a Happy 16th Birthday. Good Luck on Satur day's irttrvi w. Happy 21ut Birthday Susan Lova, Tha Llttla Sls's Gary (AGS), Hava a HAPPY BIRTHDAYIII Lova, Tha Llttla Sls's GOOD LUC5C QZn Spin tha whf lor big moneyl Lova, Your Kid 6 Jawala, Happy Birthday to tha bsst friend avart Padra Is going to be bettor than aushl, don't ya knowl Chris Chris C. and Mary M. (Phi Mus), Congratulations for being tapped into Mortar Board. Wa are ao proud of you. Lova, Your sisters Dave and Jay, Congratulationa on being tapped for Mortar Board. Your Delt Brothtm Tuition due? Window-shop for pirt-tlm '.' msnt nn tha Job Coord et tha Jab Lor: raters. Aid 112 Admlnieiraifon fcjiimg. Th-r are. many jobs avuiiabia. One ta jubt ri'it u,- you. Congratulatlona to tha new officers of Theia Chi Fra n.r.y. Carl H. Jiat D. Scolt H. Jeik C. Brad fl. Tom V. Larry A. Civld P. Tom G. Tim S. Gary K A great beginning for the "Year of tha OX." Axtoll Bancroft Chapman . Howalla Lindsay Odall . . . Doomed to Disappear? AM you exn carrv $1 00' "I Sri- SlrtV & f'-Vftf I': 'f t f1 & Ti. LX'.ed ii) tiit ty f-est c.. GlPTS.CSFTS.G'rtS CSi5f SimAa Shop 12SU"0"'it. Do you know of an ou?i'o-'-J!rg s?n'or tf-at derives ' recct 'iitn-jn' Thou n-j.fiinM!e hmttet U tr-e Chan cot'or'a Outatarirg Umiot Award It v.-H to an noenced 'Juring ?.Aa'b rnfor V.'esk. Ar.pi: nations In CAPCA? tastASJNCfoett Affrtra. (Js-: April 3rd). FACTS V""! ! Tfff f ' CHZCRLEAD;3 ' rt-"S.f -s--- less vU tJ ' 05!in Afiril Sih . Fir. April I , Waich for Ct. : SEMSOsl WEES! X5 Fams arid Fortuna can be yours!!! Be the Master of CironiOiiiei at tt,e . . . .J li..: cr.: r KADPAU, COfiECTSCUT CS433 n rirw r i fP H. 1 IE f r ii i.J) with flowers. 1 r S 1 ? . TYPING J1 .25pege including proofreading. 4C3-835 1 , 8 a.m. 8 p.m. 7 days a week. He died on the cross FOH YOU! 'J TYPEWRITERS RENTALSSALES SERVICE BLOOM'S 31'3 M. 13th 474-4130 Have great fingernails for Pdre Island or for any whera you might bs going on Spring Break. Prices are lower than Salons. Call 476-3660. Pregnant? Birthright is B confidential helping hand. 433-2tK9. SOtCLESS T02ACCO Richly flavored, full Fermnted loose leaf. HiS ROYAL HIGHNESS east mm PLAZA OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARDS The Innocents Society, the Chancellof a ssnior honorary, Is now accepting applications for their 1SS5 Outstanding Senior Awards. Applications are availa ble in both CAP offices and the AS'JN office and are due April 2. Winners will be honored at Ivy Day. OUTSTANDING FRESHMAN SCHOLARSHIPS The Innocents Society, the Chancellor's senior honorary, is now accepting applications for their 1S35 prst i ii,iv. SP'fwMf . i.A ; icetions now va'it&.a t'. i.,e CAr of..c i.. 3 f. . Union. UPC Special Evsms. , HeyUNL Think you're funny? Provn it at the LITE C25rS CAMPUS CQUZDY COrniZCTIOfl April 11'thl Gat your fiiencis togetfiw or do your own comadv act! P'izrs to the vinn.-s! Appiy now at the CAP oilica 200 NS Union. UPC Spscial Events. f f f ? 'V"" "vJ'"5ir , - TYPIST, reasonable rates, call 466-3430 Outstanding Freshman Scholarship Awards. Two $500 tions are available in both CAP offices and me A SUN office and are due April 2. Winners will be honored at Ivy Day. I A. F A I 1 M TYPING BY LAYME. FAST, EXPERT SERVICE. DISSERTATION EXPERIENCE. 75SSTAKOAKO PAGE. 435-59-50. VERTIS G SALES TYPING Computer Type Edfja of Carr'pus 1fc30 Que St. 476-TYPE s i 1 1 The Daily Nebraskan is accepting applications for summer andor fall Advertising Representative positions. Applicants must be UNL students. Advertising Representatives are responsible for servicing retail accounts in a geographic sales territory. Advertising or marketing backgrounds preferred. Applications available at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Application deadline is Friday, April 5 at 4:00 p.m. ty ti Daily n Room 34 Nebraska Union UNL does riot discriminate in the academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. t t pr ip pr r f"'1"- f f fW fT fT f"T ff fT v V vVfV'V'V'v'V'vV'V'V'VV AHEA Members don't forget your Bake Sale items for April 1st. Whst hopns whw ' SPRING BhAK IS OVER? UNL gats psyched For the VIOEO DANCE April 4 Union Sponsored by SAA and UPC Video Committee Hey UNL, Remind your parents to order your SAA Survival Package. SAA Pick up your Greok Weak Talsnt Show application at the Greek Affairs office today. Due April 2nd. Try it and is if you liica it NO OBLIGATION! Taka four military sc -ance courses tins M.y and earn 6 credit hours. Qualified altidsffls wno successfully complete these courses mey choose to ea'n an Offic er's Commission. Go to Rm. 113 M A N tslcfg. or call 471-S562. ,-. Earn $672, compete for a 2-year scholarship, and ' earn college crecit by completing Summer Leader ship Training. Exprince the military WITHOUT OBLIGATING YOURSELF and see If you have the ' "Ri'iht Stuff' to h an officer. Go to Rm 110 M & N Brag, or ceil 471-5562. INDIA ASSOCIATION Presents SHARON LOWEN INDIAN CLASSICAL DANCE OOiSSI MARCH 28, FRIDAY. 6 P.M. NEBRASKA UNION TICKETS, CALL 478-7301 or435-S01 cTjir A 1 tti'aiitir i Tuffs rriijsls t5Toe ArsfiYrA r' ' :R 'cl'slsis' l0isAlil0V A: 4l4sIlIL.t! 5lD8ialUM PJE fFlulllMlAlFf! W A fl IllMlJSl' IfjlTa iM t T E .1 SI Ifimf'- Tf'iT t Ttc f "r oTiMAlTTirs : ?lfflfl ilti CROSSWORD PUZZLE i Tmirc pair 3 i fi 1 iwi rwi in.. . I I M r , I ' " -.- f ! .... te Wf iurlhW Wis-.-3S..t u I r,-. ' ' wnjwvjof muttAcer r;;z::zi J ' l,,,.,f I f 1. V-.!..' .'J O ! pi .)f- i V i f )IM onM 13 Caavas cover, forfeit 13 "Eiiigaia Variations" coffipesgr ISKanifirisa - 11 RiS.i3m discovsrr 13 Eelsdviiy 13 D;v2sr.:nis ' 13 DccilJty O Rirsd by scr.Tittr 3 '::i"3, to . ... Virgil - " SSTkemscfthls ' C2 Deciifial system units ClClla.e.g. 1 Sicilian volcano 2 Celt 3 Snatch 4 Ration .. 5 lltsts . 0 Fields for Ffctis 7 PriBdpal 8 Kswspapsr pec: wcfdw!th hearteiortoed 13 Needle cast 11 Scn:tMi3 12 Lawmaker re electrics! resistance lIGobsfors 21 Fish es 22 Council of - i 23 Fiess8d,-lna wav 23 Leve, hi Milano 27 Baptism and bsrmitmii 23 HacMssd 23 Toward sheltei 30MFcrdcar 21 Fight . S2Liksabre.t Si Asqlck ES S7 tmsm hockey film S3 "A friend issfrisad bst": II. B. 41 Ftmiis 43 Plot's msla prssjiss 41 Compass point 43 English entefsdoist Huh 43 Vendition 3 Pliysiolcsist Pavlov ii Invisible vapor nRivsrln Turkey CSUpca -nccsyplsca - . 4fc- J(,-rf O'fiilca . i9 m na ;,t3 '. Frier 41 Havlr'T vrtzs 42AnN.U.., 43 Spread cut 4? Hiatus 43 Justfair 43 Ls?-cf- gravitticn rcs a n:T,d Si? Asa Arbor's river OWLltMsiled '1 ' 3. 1 . i, .1,1,1 i ..iiiii- . -m- i J ( i jS ? p : ,4 s3 11 U a r-j r -; i M '1 I'nr s -. , i hi ft .linns lu. lIIilllLXl i i ! I j-j- jj J I I LrJ--Ji ;7Wj- ;J-- -i-ULLjU JJL i